Status: Written and finished :)

What a Night


The sight outside was one I would never forget. There was people everywhere. It looked like it was the middle of the day in Times Square not one o’clock in the morning. Many people were still wearing their pajamas and even some people look like they were at the club celebrating the end of the week. No one looked like they were ready to leave their homes and lives in New York. Everyone had some level of fear in their eyes. Josh grabbed my my hand so we wouldn’t get separated in the crowd and started off to the bridge.

I could hear the bombs, missiles and gunfire going off in the distance. The screeches, yells and screams of the men and even the monster where just as defining in my ears as the artillery. I hoped that they would kill the monster before it could take out the whole city. New York has been my home for five years and I wasn’t ready to leave it yet. I wanted to be able to come back to my home.

Four blocks from the bridge the screams grew louder. I started to get more fearful and gripped Josh’s hand harder.

“Josh, I’m scared.” I call out to him as I stumble over some rubble.

“I know, baby. I’m scared, too, but I want to get us out of here so I can know that you're safe and sound.”

We keep pushing on and I never thought this was going to be how tonight was going to go. As we get three blocks to the bridge the screams are so loud we can’t ignore them anymore. Then I see a sight I wish I never saw.
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I know this is a short one but it's how I split it up in my paper. Please tell me what you think of it!!!