Status: Written and finished :)

What a Night


“JOSH! Look over there!” I screech. Just about two blocks from us there was the monster but the thing was this one was only half the size of the one we saw on the news. It must have been a baby. I gave Josh a terrified look and started to run towards the bridge. I drug him along as my only thought was to get as far away from this thing as fast as possible.

People were pushing and scrambling around the bridge. I took one step on it and heaved a slight sigh of relief. We are almost off this stupid island. We were close to freedom but then the bridge collapsed. I still don’t know how it broke or why. All I know is my hope was dashed and dread filled my being. What are we going to do now. I looked over to Josh and he had tears streaming down his face.

I feel like giving up. It seems like our only plan was ruined.

“Maybe we should go back to another bridge. There is the Manhattan Bridge only a couple of blocks from here or we have the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel. I say we go towards Manhattan Bridge because it’s the closest. It’s also the opposite way of the smaller monster. The only problem is it is also the way that the huge monster is.” I say with a shaky voice.

“Manhattan Bridge sounds like the best course of action.” With that said we take off north as fast as our feet can go.

The closer we got to the bridge the more people we saw. Everyone looked like they didn’t have any hope left. The looks on the their faces I hope to never see again. The pain, the sorrow, it will haunt me forever. I look over to see Josh's face looking exactly the same. The only difference was he had a determined look that no one else shared. I hoped that I shared the same look but inside I was feeling helpless. There wasn’t much that we could do. We could walk for miles trying to find a way out or get killed in the process. Everything was starting to look like there was no use going on. I didn’t want that to show on my face though. Josh doesn’t need to know that I think that there is no hope.

We make it close to the bridge and there are people crowding the entrance. Everyone was pushing and shoving. The closer to the bridge the more rowdy the people were. Frankly it was getting scarier. People were starting fights and shooting other people. Cars on the bridge were overturned and some were smoking from what must have been a fire. The whole bridge was clogged with cars and people. Their panic fueled craziness and people were screaming. I always heard of people freaking out in a panic and causing more harm than good in a haste to save their lives but I never thought people would kill other people to save themselves.

I looked at Josh and gave a small shake of my head and walked right past the street that would have taken us to the bridge.
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