Status: Written and finished :)

What a Night


“What are you doing? That’s our way out Alexis! Let’s go and push our way through! We are so close to being safe. Come on don’t be stupid! Let’s go!” He shouted at me. He was starting to cause a scene but no one looked our way they were all too concerned on saving themselves than a couple yelling at eachother.

“Josh listen,” I said my voice surprisingly steady for so much fear that was coursing through my veins,

“Do you hear those gunshots? Do you honestly believe that we are going to be able to push our way through that? You might because you're tall and muscular and no one would want to tussle with you but look at me! I’m too short and I’m not skinny enough to push through small places! I would rather take my chances on this island then go on that bridge. I have a gut feeling that nothing good will come from that bridge. I’m sorry Josh but it’s not happening. I’ll find my own way off this island if you want to take your chances then go but I’m not going.” The look on his face was one of disbelief. I said no to the only way off this island that was close enough to do any good. He looked conflicted and I hoped that he would stay with me but I had to give him the choice to leave me.

“Fine you stubborn woman! Now what are we going to do?! How are we going to get off this island? Any more bright ideas?” His voice was condescending in such a way that it made me livid but I knew then that it wasn’t the time or the place to start a fight.

“No, I don’t have another ‘bright idea’ but I do know I’m not going on that bridge and that’s final Josh.” I portrayed my-taking-none-of-your-crap voice and gave him a stern look that showed how annoyed with him I was.

I took a step back to try to think of something and got ran into by some panicked people that were running away from the bridge.

“I’m sorry!” they yelled over their shoulder and I had a feeling that they could have helped us in our problem with getting off the island.

“Hey! Wait!” the runners looked back at me and stopped. I ran up to them

“What are you doing? Where are you going? The nearest bridge is about 51 blocks from here.” I questioned them.

“We know. We are going to the helicopters,” the short blonde girl told me. She looked exhausted. She had green eyes that were dull and had bags under them. Her skin was dirty and had splotches of dirt all over her. Her clothes looked ripped and frayed. Her companion was a tall male. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He looked in the same shape as the girl.

“Helicopters?” Josh decided to come up to us and question them also.

“Yea they are in Central Park taking people out of the city before they decide to bomb the place up.” The man said with a boston accent. I gave a quick look at Josh that showed my complete and utter fear. His face showed the same as what I was feeling.

“But there are people on the island still. They surely won’t do that until everyone is safe,” but as I said it I knew that was exactly what they were going to do.

“Yes they are and if we don’t make it in time we will be stuck here. I heard all the bridges either look like that one or are gone,” the blonde said with conviction.

“Well let’s go!” I shout as I start running. Once again my hope was restored with simple words. With a plan that sounded like it would give us everything. But I at the time I didn’t know how much that plan was going to fail.
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Please tell me what you think!!! :D