Cold and Dark

Chapter 5

Before Jack knew it, hew was back in the woods where the entrance to Pitch's lair was. He looked down into the dark hole for a moment before taking a deep breath and jumping, and he soon felt solid ground beneath his feeth. As he started walking farther into the lair, Pitch's voice suddenly echoed inside his head. "It's about time you came back. What took you so long, hm?" His tall form melted out of the wall next to Jack, but the boy just stood there. He wasn't scared of the tall figure like he used to be. "Well, after I went to seek out the location of the fear, I... Went to see the Guardians."

At this news, Pitch chuckled. "Did you now? And how did that go? They must have been disappointed to see you like this." The Nightmare King gestured to Jack. Jack sighed softly and nodded. "Yeah, they were. It was to be expected, so I wasn't all that surprised, really." he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Yes, well, it's a shame they can't accept you either way it seems, is it?" Pitch drawled, hands behind his back. "I don't see why it matters if they accept me now, though." Jack said.
Either way it didn't seem like the Guardians would really ever accept him fully. Either way, Jack didn't win. So that's why it had seemed so easy to join Pitch, because it didn't matter what Jack did - he always seemed to end up doing the wrong thing. "But I don't really need them anyway, and they don't need me, I just know it..." he murmured, and that made Pitch smirk, because he could feel the doubt inside of Jack. "That's the spirit, Jack." he whispered, and Jack's eyes flickered up to Pitch's face, the hint of a smile on his face.

"I have an idea..." Jack said suddenly. "I think... While the Guardians are as weak as they are... We should attack them..." The winter spirit didn't know why he had suddenly had this unquenchable urge to fight them, but he did. And maybe it would help the Guardians realize they had been wrong to shun Jack go so easily, what it had done to him. Pitch nodded and smirked. "That's... a splendid idea." The Nightmare King chuckled darkly, steepling his hands in front of his face. "But Jack, understand that you are still new to this, so you don't need to just barge in there and attack without a plan."

Jack gave a cold laugh. "Oh please." He rolled his eyes. "I can handle them, with or without a plan." Pitch frowned deeply at this. "And I say you cannot be rash." he growled. The boy was far too cocky for his own good, if Pitch was being honest with himself. "But as long as I'm with you, I don't think I have to worry about getting killed at the very least." Pitch nodded slowly. "Yes, but you still have to think before you act, Jack." Jack shrugged, leaning on his staff. "Fine, fine.Whatever, Boss Man." He waved his had dismissively.

"So, come up with a plan of attack, Jack." Pitch tilted his head at Jack as he watched the wheels turn in the boy's head. "Alright then." Jack said simply. "What do you have in mind, Jack?" Pitch asked after a few minutes and Jack smirked. "I figure I'm stronger now that I've joined your side, so my powers must be stronger." He shrugged. "And I shall simply round up my Nightmares and surround the Guardians, and you can use your powers to freeze them or something like that."

"Well... I was planning to do that anyway." Jack grumbled and Pitch laughed softly. "We shall attack tomorrow night, how does that sound?" Pitch asked and Jack leaned against his staff, shrugging. "Fine by me." he replied. "Good." Pitch said softly. "Tomorrow night it is then."