4 Feet 1 Edge

Weed, Pill, and Freedom

(Alarm clock goes off, Skinner is in bed waking up to the blinding sun in her eyes)
Fuck, can I wake up once without that shit buzzing in my ear? I got up, frustrated, pushing the covers off my bare body. I started walking to the bathroom. My little brother, Roy, scrambled to get to the bathroom before me. I pushed the little rat away and slammed the door shut.
"That's not fair Skinner! I never get the shower first and you always take the warm water!" He howled.
"Sucks to be you now don't it." I said with no sympathy.
I always gave him a hard time. It was good to make him tough.. If that was really what I was doing. I did feel bad for one thing I do ,do to him. I was walked around naked, and I know that must be horrific to see your older sister doing. But fuck, I hate clothes, And the only ones I do wear are out of style and tattered up. I turned the nossle on and began my bathe.
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not finished