Status: I apologize if my update speed is rather...erratic, but I don't always have access to a computer.



What…where am I? Ouch. Ah, my head hurts…what happened? I’m…outside? It’s so dark. I’m…freezing…is anyone else around? Maybe if I yell…what!? Why can’t I make a sound!? How am I supposed to get help? Is there anything out here even? How did I get here?
…Who am I?
Ugh, these questions aren’t going to answer themselves. Besides, I need to get out of this cold. Get up…I need to find out where I am. Maybe someone knows me. It’s so dark, though…I need to walk around. Trees? I must be in some forest. It is pretty dense, but there must be someone nearby…I just need to move forward…until I get somewhere…
…Hmmm…It’s been quite a while…am I truly alone here? Maybe I-
GAHH! What was that!? That presence…where…? It’s like it appeared out of nowhere…and it doesn’t feel right…
This feeling…it’s like I’m sensing things I can’t see…this is weird, what am I? Oh, there are two people ahead…that much is clear now…could they help me? Maybe I should find them…
“You think she’s finally dead by now?”
“Well she wasn’t breathing very well when I last checked on her, and that was two weeks ago.”
“Yeah, but she still lasted that long. And those damn animals can’t get to her while she’s still breathing.”
“Humph. Indeed, she is quite peculiar. Imagine if we all had her ability.”
“I’d get rid of those pests in the lower part of town, ha hah!”
Wait a minute…”her ability”!? They must be talking about me, this ability certainly isn’t natural. But, why? Why do they want me dead?
Oh, it doesn’t matter now. I need to hide. If they truly are talking about me, then they’ll kill me if I’m caught. Where though? It is dark, but the ground is probably too risky…hmmm…that tree? If I climb that tree I can get up there before they get here, and even if they look up I won’t be seen. Yes, that’s my best bet.
Ouch! Ah, it’s so hard to see these branches, I hope I don’t hit my head on one…
“Hey, did you hear that?”
No! Did they hear me?
“Tch, I’m sure it’s just one of them cats running around. You sure get jumpy out here in the dark.”
“…Yeah…you’re right…”
…Are they gone? I can’t feel them anymore…Now would be a good time to run. Ouch, this tree…Ok…Running in the same direction those two came from is my best bet, they must’ve come from somewhere, and I have no other lead. Even if I’m not safe there, it’s better than being lost out here.
Hmmm…wait, what is that? Buildings? Perhaps I’ve made it to wherever those other two were from. But, now what? If everyone there is like those two, I’m probably not welcome here.
Oh, the gate, I think. Hmm…it feels like wood…there’s probably a way to sneak in. I’ll walk around it, maybe I’ll find something. I wish I could see better, though…
Wait, what’s this? Ah, there’s a hole in the fence! I can get in through here. …Ok, this goes on longer than I had expected…Hmm…it’s lit up more in here…I expected to be in an ally, but I think I’m inside a building. Should I turn on some lights? What if there’s someone sleeping though, and I wake them up? No, that would be a bad idea. I’ll just try to find a door.
Ugh, I keep sensing things…which would be fine if I could tell what they were-
OUCH! Aghhh…what? I hit something…I hope I didn’t wake anyone up.
Oh, I hit a table. Wait, what? The lights came on!?
Crap! I need to get out of here, before this lady calls someone, or someone else hears her! Door, where’s the door!? WHERE’S THE D- oh. Please, nobody be on the other side…!
Good, no one’s outside, and I don’t see any other houses with their lights on.
…But that could change. I should keep moving. Let’s go right down this street.
Oh, I don’t hear her anymore. It seems she didn’t follow me, and nobody else gave chase. But how do I know this? I’m not even facing the right direction, no less within sight of them! This doesn’t make any sense. Oh well, moving forward is the only thing I can do right now.
Wait, these buildings, they’re different. Even in this darkness, that’s obvious. Or perhaps I’m sensing them. I don’t even know anymore, this whole thing is giving me a headache…
“Oh my gosh, are you ok!?”
Huh? Now what?
“Child, you look like death! Did those guards get to you?”
This woman, where did she come from? Guards…what guards? What did she say? I look like death? Oh, my arms…they’re all scratched up…and my clothes are all torn, and dirty…
That woman is coming closer…she looks so frightened…I think she’s saying something…
Oh, that’s interesting, the streetlights are going out. I wonder why? Everything…everything’s spinning…and, getting darker…and…