Status: I apologize if my update speed is rather...erratic, but I don't always have access to a computer.



“Listen to me, she’s dangerous!”
Ouch…what? What’s going on?
“This child hardly seems the type to work with Rothan.”
“That is EXACTLY what we thought when he first got here. Do you remember? ‘Oh, this boy will surly save us’! See how well that turned out for us.”
“So that boy fell into Rothan’s lies, too, but this girl seems different.”
“…Actually, looking at her, she seems the same, in a sense…almost familiar…”
“Aha! Hunter agrees!”
“…However, she also seems different. I can’t explain it, but I trust her. She seems more…not really stronger, but more able to withstand Rothan.”
“Hunter, not you too! She is a spy, I tell you! Don’t forget what happened last time we trusted someone!”
These three, are they arguing about me? I don’t sense anyone else in the room…just the girl who found me before, and two guys…Huh, wait, where am I now!?
“H-hey, she’s awake!”
“Good, now she can leave!”
“Aaron, not now!”
Aaron…and Hunter. Aaron is sitting to my left, by that desk, so Hunter must be the one behind him, by the door. I don’t really like him…he seems very dark and mysterious…I’ll try to avoid him. And this girl sitting beside me, to my right…what’s her name? I wish I could ask her, she’s the one defending me. Oh, what are they talking about, anyway? I’m not a spy for this Rothan, am I? He seems horrible. But then Hunter, he seems to think that I’m not. But the way they are arguing…they don’t know who I am…
“I’m sorry, I know this must be all so much to take in.”
Oh, that girl, she’s speaking to me.
“My name is Maya. On the other side of you is Aaron, and over there is Hunter.”
Well, I had that figured out already, but thanks.
“What’s your name, and where did you come from?”
“When can you leave?”
I’m liking Aaron less and less, and judging by Maya’s face, so is she.
“Maya, it’s a legitimate question!”
“Well right now, the last thing this girl needs is you, so either leave or stop talking.”
Why is she looking at me like that now? Oh, right, I’m supposed to be answering questions. Hmm…what’s my name? Where did I come from? Well, at this point, she probably knows better than I do. Even if I knew those answers though, how would I tell her? I can’t even tell her that I don’t know!
“Well? Speak, girl!”
“Hush! I’m sure she’s just confused, she doesn’t know where she is. She doesn’t know what to say.”
Why is Hunter looking at me like that?
“Honestly Aaron, do you have any respect for-“
Aaagh…my head…ouch…
“Are you ok!?”
All those people…outside…they’re afraid…
“Something’s not right…”
How do I know this? Why does it give me a headache? But…why did they all become afraid suddenly…?
“Hunter!? Where are you going!?”
“I say we leave, if we’re all clustered together like this, we’ll be more likely to be caught.”
“But, what about-“
“She’ll be fine as long as she’s here by alone, they won’t suspect anything from a hurt girl resting by herself. Her best bet is us leaving.”
The pain is fading away…What!? They’re leaving me!? Well…they said it was best for me…who’s “they”? Whatever, I’m not staying here. Something’s going on, something that caused everyone outside to react.
Hmm, those people outside this door probably wouldn’t let me past…that window over there seems good though. Great, nobody’s close by, they won’t notice me leaving.
Oh man, all these people are so panic stricken, it’s making my mind really cloudy and impossible to sense anything…It’s getting worse over there…I’ll go over there and hope that nothing- GAH!
“Sh. You shouldn’t have come out here.”
Wha- Hunter!? Why’d he pull me down like that!? And why’s he looking at me like that?
“Hmm…perhaps you are who I think you are…though I won’t know for certain until later…but, that girl was blind without her ability, and you obviously can’t see the obvious.”
What? Did he just insult me? I’m not sure.
“…Don’t give me that look. Instead, look around you, you might find something useful.”
Look around? All I see is a crowd of people, all looking frightened…but at what?
“You’re looking too broad. Look closer than just the crowd itself.”
I don’t like this man, but I don’t think he’s going to let me leave. Let’s see…agh, my mind is so fogged up, it’s hard to even think, no less examine things closely…
“You’re going to have to do better than that, if you want to survive.”
“Look up there, where all these people are looking.”
All these people…oh, they’re all looking in the same direction. Ok, and up there…there are three men. Oh, wait, my mind is clearing…it seems the one on the far right is causing all this fear…but why? It seems to me that the man in the middle holds all the power. If there were to be fear, shouldn’t it be towards the one controlling everything?
“Yes, one would think that the man in charge would be the source of fear. And he was, for a long time. He goes by the name of Rothan. His lies have power, they can manipulate the ones he has use for into being under his command. There have been those who tried to stop him, though, but they were never seen again. However, one day a boy came to our village. He was a swordsman, this boy, and quite talented. Everyone thought he could save us, that he could kill Rothan. We were all wrong…Rothan invited him to his home before we could explain the situation, and the boy fell into Rothan’s control, just like all the others. He’s killed many people for Rothan. It got to the point that our only hope became our biggest fear.”
Oh no…this story…that boy…Rothan…all this…this is horrible!
“That boy’s name is Aiden. He holds sympathy for nothing, so you will have to keep a low profile until you do better at blending into the crowd.”
Wait, what? All these people are practically standing on him, why do I have to keep a low profile?
“Ok, you’ve seen enough for today. For now you must return to Aaron’s house.”
Wait a second. I don’t even like Aaron, and I can hardly say I trust you, why should I return?
“Stop fighting me, you’ll cause a commotion, and the last thing you need is Aiden’s attention drawn to you. Look, I know Aaron isn’t a pleasant person to be around, but until you have your memories back, you need all the help you can get, and Aaron won’t trust you if he finds out you left.”
Ok…that makes sense, but…how could he have known I lost my memories?