Status: I apologize if my update speed is rather...erratic, but I don't always have access to a computer.



'Hunter, if this is you reading, then there is no need to give this to Anna, myself. If this is Anna, however, then my fears have become true. If you must read this, then you cannot remember anything. The only good news I have to give you, is that you are lucky to be breathing, and it is lucky that this letter did not get destroyed by Rothan. But, I’m sure what you’re truly looking for is answers. I am limited on time unfortunately, so I will tell you only what you need to survive.
For starters, yes, I am indeed your past self. Your name is Anna, and you came here without realizing what dangers this place held. Anna, you must stay with Hunter. He may not be the most likable person, but as of now it is too dangerous. Even the other villagers will turn against you if they found out who are. This may not seem that important to you, considering you yourself don’t know who you are, but trust me, stay hidden. Also, whatever you do, stay away from Aiden. Under no circumstances are you to confront him.
Now I will explain how you got in this situation, and maybe you’ll understand better as to why you must stay clear of Rothan and Aiden. When you first came here, you were tricked by Rothan into thinking that he would be able to help you. Things were fine at first, but that didn’t last long. He is evil Anna, he was born with the ability to influence people with what he says. Don’t worry though, that itself does not affect you. You were also born with a unique ability, I’m sure you’ve already found that out. For some reason, because of it, Rothan has no effect on you. I think it has to do with the ability to read emotions that I’ve started to develop… Oh, speaking of which, those headaches are caused when multiple people suddenly change emotions. Sorry.
I’m sorry, but I’ve run out of time. Anna, you are where you are because Rothan tried to kill you. You knew too much. I’ve written this letter in the event that I lost my memories, so that you would get this one message. Rothan must be stopped, Anna! Rothan and Aiden must be killed!'
Ouch, my head…
“There! She’s there!”
“Grab her! She can NOT escape!”
Wh…what is…
“My lord, we’ve found her!”
“Good. Kill her.”
“Should we bring her to Aiden?”
“No! Aiden is not ready, seeing her might cause him to…change his mind. No, you must do this job, and do NOT make a mistake, understand?”
“Yes sir!”
What? What is this?
“Well Anna, look where you are now. You could’ve been with us, with Aiden, but you chose to rebel. Even the villagers don’t like you.”
“Haha! Say goodbye!”
“Anna!? What’s wrong!?”
What!? Oh… I’m back here…and not dead… That, it was a memory, wasn’t it? Was that the last thing I was awake for, before awaking once again in that forest?
…Yes, I’m sure of it. I wrote this letter in a panic, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to escape those two men. More of Rothan’s thugs, I’m sure. I must’ve somehow gotten the letter to Hunter before I was caught. I was caught, Rothan gave the order, and I was killed…supposedly. Though, how I survived, I can’t remember. But it doesn’t matter, Rothan must be stopped.
“Did you remember something?”
Yes, though the letter did leave some unanswered questions. But that’s fine, at least now I know what happened.
“Good, I can tell that you at least know what you’re doing now… Did the letter say anything about why you couldn’t speak?”
About why I couldn’t speak? Well, no, it didn’t even mention it. Why wouldn’t I have mentioned that? Perhaps I was born with that, too. Anyway, Hunter doesn’t seem to know either, so it must’ve happened before I came here.
“I see…”
So, Rothan tried to kill me… He didn’t want me alive because I couldn’t be controlled by him. I was a danger to him. Am I still one, though? I must be, though I’m not sure why. Everyone knows his ability, why is it a problem if I do as well? Even if I can’t be controlled by him, that in itself shouldn’t be a problem for him, he just can’t use me. There’s no reason to kill me…
“Anna, look, I’m sure you’re still confused about many things, but it will be for the best if you stay here for now. I will explain certain things, but only when necessary.”
Only when necessary? Will he even explain anything to me? Or will he just leave me in the dark, in secrecy?
Did I even gain anything from this?