Status: I apologize if my update speed is rather...erratic, but I don't always have access to a computer.



This is where Rothan lives, I think… Yes, this is right. I’ve never been here before, but I can remember it from when I followed Hunter. It’s not hard to forget, it’s clearly the nicest place in this village. That isn’t saying much, though…it’s big, and it doesn’t look like it’s about to collapse, but the stone walls are worn down pretty bad and roof doesn’t look very stable.
It’s really late now, I doubt anyone is still awake. But…the front door probably isn’t the greatest idea. How am I going to get in though? What do I do once I get in? I don’t even know what I’m looking for.
Oh, well, there’s an open window over there, to the right a ways. Might as well use that. I don’t sense anyone in the immediate room here…I should be safe. Ok…I’m inside, where should I go? Perhaps I should search for some library. Or a room that looks suspicious somehow… Well, I guess this ability I have will come in handy.
I can’t sense anyone right now, that’s good. Hmm…I’ll go this way to the left, down this hall. Jeez, this place does seem familiar, I must’ve been here before. Too bad I can’t really remember where the different rooms are. That would’ve helped. But, I suppose you can’t have everything…
Hm? What’s this? This door is locked, but…no one is inside. It says, ‘Keep out’. Who even puts ‘keep out’ on doors? Well, the only logical thing to do is to break in. I guess they won’t just leave a key lying around though, I’ll just have to keep looking and come back later. Maybe there’s something in Rothan’s room… But, he’s probably sleeping now, that’s not a good idea…
Hey, there are people ahead, better stay behind this corner.
“This is completely your fault, do you know what Rothan is going to do to us when he finds out you’ve lost the keys?”
“Shh! Rothan doesn’t have to know, we just need to find them before he finds out that I dropped them!”
“Yeah, well you better hurry up, Rothan will start wondering where we are soon.”
Crap, I think they’re going to turn the corner…wait, there’s a room beside me, maybe there’s somewhere to hide in it. Hmm…I don’t see anything, but this place look like nobody’s been in here in ages, I think I’m safe. Yes, they’ve passed. Hey, what’s this? There’s something in this chest. It’s not locked.
Oh, this looks interesting. What is it? What a strange pattern…it seems familiar though, same with this symbol. What…a dagger?
“Hey, Anna, I want you to have this. Now you can defend yourself when I’m not around.”
…What? Another memory? That voice sounded familiar…I mean, even more than normal, like…I’ve heard him recently…
Well, either way, this is definitely mine. More proof that I’ve been here before. I’ll just take this…they must not have messed with the belt, it still fits around me. Anyway…wait, what’s this? Keys? That’s weird, this is a strange place to put keys…these aren’t the one those other two were looking for, are they? Wait, what if one of these keys goes to that locked door? Only one way to find out.
Ok, nobody’s around, I need to hurry. There’s the door. Come on…come on…please, let one of these be correct… Yes! Ok ok, anything important? No…no…oh, another chest. What’s…letter? Wait, one of these is written in my language!
“Hey! Who’s in there? Answer!”
Oh no, I think that person is talking about this room. I need to run.
“Hey, get back here!”
Sorry, I’ve got places to be and letters to read. Goodbye.
Huh, they aren’t making a very good effort to chase me…are they even running after me at all? Well, I’ve reached the window I came through, they won’t catch me now. Hopefully I won’t have to come back here, Rothan is surely to here about this, and he’ll most likely secure this place better. I could very easily get caught if I were to come back.
Well, anyway, no sense in staying here, I’m just asking to be found. I need to get home. Well…it’s not home. At least, it doesn’t feel like home, and I’ve only been there for a short while. It is the only safe place for me to stay, however, and I need to return to it.
Ok, I’m here…Oh man, I hope Hunter hasn’t returned yet, he’s been gone a long time. Geez, how will he take this? What if he takes these letters away? Or my dagger? I should go through my window. Please don’t be locked…please… Oh, it’s not, good. I hope Hunter isn’t here. Well, I need to hide these things…uh… I’ll just put them under the bed, it should work for now anyway.
“Well, you’re up late.”
Gah! Oh no…
“I startled you? Ah, it doesn’t matter, Anna, you left again, didn’t you!?”
Ehh…maybe… Ouch, that’s my shoulder, let go!
“What will it take to get you to understand that you could get killed? You may have been lucky this time, but next time you might not be. Anna, are you listening?”
All right I get it, if I go to that place again I might die, sheesh.
“I get the feeling that you don’t truly understand.”
I understand, I just don’t know if I’ll listen to you.
“…Well, in any case, you should still get some sleep.”
Oh, he left. He’s probably right though, I should get some sleep…but, I want to read those letters… Hmm… Well, I suppose they can wait until tomorrow. I’m sure Hunter will leave again, he always does. When he does, I’ll read them. Maybe I’ll find out something important. Well, they were in a locked room, they must be important! Still, no sense getting excited about them. Off to bed.