The Mess That Feels so Right

Beware! Cougar!


"Just come for a while!" Mike's voice came through my phone. "We've got an entire song put together now. It's exciting!"

"I'm glad you're making progress, but I really shouldn't." I sighed. "I've really got to apply for jobs. I'm not gonna have the money to stay in Chicago if I don't start something like, yesterday."

"But Olive," Mike fake-whined. "We all want to see your face!"

"You'll have to go without this beauty for a day," I said. "Besides, I'm sure the princess doesn't want to see me. And I wouldn't want to ruin her day." I knew I was being snarky, but why not? This stranger had been nothing but rude to me for flirting with her boyfriend, despite the fact that she didn't even pay attention to him until I did. "Really, I would want to do that. But I can't today."

"Well, Eve isn't here. William had her stay home so you could come. I guess you're taking turns, since you can't play nice."

"You keep making the offer more and more tempting, Mike," I teased. "But I've got to be part of the real world eventually."

"Okay, I'll make a deal. We're only here till 3 - that's barely 2 hours. You come hang out with us, since the spot's open, and then we'll all go get food, and then I'll help you fill out job applications. Or something. Or just hang out while you do them."

"You are hell-bent on getting me to that studio, aren't you?" I teased, but I was already putting on my shoes.


"Driving backwards, wasting time.
Young love is ruthless, so learn to fly.
You taught me things I can’t forget.
Positions that I don’t regret.
I can’t walk away, and I can’t shake the taste.

Do you want to tie me up?
Do you want to tie me down?
Go ahead and do it now.

So far, so good, let it roll, let it ride, ride.
So far, so good, let us fall, let us fight, fight.
It’s no fun on the sidelines.
It’s no fun on the sidelines.
(no, no)

Don’t write a word, 'cause I won’t reply."

"So, what do you think?" William asked me. He leaned down to pick up his phone, which he'd brought out to show me the completed song, Beware! Cougar!

I pursed my lips, a small grin forming. Mike The other guys were still in the soundproof room, working on the next song; I was totally free to say whatever I wanted. "I didn't expect you to be... into that sort of thing,"

William's response was a confused, "What?"

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Being tied up," I teased. "Kinky stuff."

"Anytime, anywhere, babe," William responded with a wink. Did he seriously just wink at me? What?

I cocked an eyebrow. "So, right now? In the studio?"

"Tempting... but I'd prefer it without an audience."

The last statement brought me back to earth - everyone was in the same room now. Recording was done. And Mike's subtly pissed look made me realize he'd heard most of that conversation.

I grinned at him. "I loved the song, Mike! You could have told me your band was actually good."

"Like you expected anything less."

"Okay, you caught me," I faked a sigh. "Can I go apply for jobs now? I just had to use a lot of precious job-hunting time here."

Mike groaned, "Since I already agreed to this torture." The sentence was punctuated with a small, somewhat forced laugh.


We'd barely made it into my apartment before Mike started. "What the fuck was that?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me get my shoes off before I go through an interrogation," I laughed.

"I'm not fucking around, Olivia. You need to watch your step, alright?"

"It was just some harmless flirting, Mikey. You know that." I pouted at him. "Why aren't you letting me have any fun?"

"This isn't high school anymore," Mike shook his head. "I know you aren't really Eve's biggest fan, but she's actually in a relationship with William, in case you didn't fucking notice."

"Then watch how she acts with your friend. Gabe. And tell me what I'm doing is so bad." I couldn't believe Mike was acting like this. I hadn't seen him mad in a long time. Maybe ever.

He ran his hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. "That isn't what's important. Jesus. You should be the bigger fucking person. But you're both just being childish."

"Childish?" I scoffed. "I don't even know why you're so mad about this, Mike. I don't know if it's anything you should be worried about." My sudden anger at my friend turned into a cold calmness. "I actually think I'll be good looking for jobs on my own today," I pursed my lips, "Alright?"

"Whatever," He sighed. "Let me know when you're done being 15 again." Without another word, he was gone.
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