Status: Slow updates... Comment and request an update but I'll try to do it weekly... TRY


Chapter 1

I woke up on a train, there was a suitcase on the seat next to me and a mug of coffee in front of me. I'd fallen asleep on my way to University, I was kind of excited to go there now, I couldn't wait to settle down into a home. I was nervous too, I had no idea what to expect or what I was doing. When the train stopped a guy came over and stood by me.

I looked up at him and he smiled awkwardly looking down and pointing at the seat. "Do you mind if I.. uh... sit there?" He blushed and I put my suitcase on the floor between my legs. "Thanks," He mumbled.
"No problem," I smiled warmly at him.
"I'm Dan." He offered his hand for me to shake, which I did.
"I'm Joshua," I blushed. Couldn't have been given a better name by the creepy voice, evidently.
"Where are you heading?" Dan asked. Now that I think about it he's quite attractive. Messy blonde hair with streaks of brown flashing through at the roots, he was about the same height as me and extremely muscley, His hair fell across his forehead and highlighted the shape of his face. His eyes were a pretty, deep colour, it was stunning. His lips were slightly parted as I analysed his face, his cheeks were well defined too, and his chin.

"Uhm... Josh? Earth to Josh." He clicked in my face and I jumped.
"S-sorry, Birmingham University!" I practically yelled causing him to giggle. I blushed bright red and headbutted the window. "Idiot," I mumbled to myself.
"Me too! What are you studying?"
"Well... I want to go into nursing," I mumbled. Because that's not embarrassing at all.
"Oh, that's pretty neat, at least I know where to go if I end up setting fire to myself or something..." He laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'll patch you up," I winked. Why did I do that!? Am I on drugs!? Stop Joshua James! Stop it!

"So how old are you?" Dan asked, brushing his hair out of his face.
"I'm nineteen, I took a gap year with my friend Max last year, it was pretty cool but I'm ready to work hard now!" I grinned. "He's meant to be coming here too actually, his parents are dropping him off though," I giggled.
"Oh that's pretty cool, I'm only eighteen," he blushed.


The rest of that train ride was filled with banter, as we arrived at Birmingham New Street, Dan took my hand and pulled me off the train and out of the station quickly. I was thankful because I truly had no idea where to go from here. I guess I have a tour guide of sorts now, at least I'm not going to be completely lost and end up in the wrong place.

"So, do you want to grab lunch and head over to the main building with me?" Dan smiled sheepishly at me. I nodded quickly in response letting him lead the way to get food.
"How do you know your way around here? This place is full of wankers!" I whined as someone barged into my shoulder. After saying that I felt a jolt of pain shoot through my shoulder and whimpered pitifully.
"I'd keep your voice down unless your aim is to get stabbed," Dan winked. I blushed at that, I couldn't help it. He's slightly hot? Well I don't know, but I'd definitely bang him.

Dan led the way into a quiet sandwich shop in an even quieter part of Birmingham. "How the fuck did you find this place!? Seriously!?" My eyes widened as he took a seat and laughed.
"One of my friends owns it, it's one of the quietest places to eat," Dan giggled and handed me a menu.
"I'm so glad I met you," I laughed. "Ooh! Chicken nuggets!" I smiled.
"Wow, that's not childish at all!" The blonde winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Chicken nuggets are heaven so there." I grinned.

We ordered food and drinks from a waitress and sat talking to each other. "So what kind of things are you into?" I asked.
"Hm, well I've been playing drums since I was young so I guess that's something I love, I like gossip girl a lot... uh... getting drunk and having sex. The last two are pretty good when you mix them together too, that was you don't remember the people who are bad in bed," He grinned. I laughed and nodded as though I agreed.

Pfft, Like I would know, this sexy body is the sexy body of a virgin.

"What about you?" He continued grinning at me.
"Uhm, I don't know... I like music a lot but I don't play anything... I love football and that's about it," I chuckled nervously.
"What about sex? Everybody loves sex!" Dan protested. I blushed and ducked my head down in shame.
"Not everyone is a whore like you Daniel." Someone from behind me said, Dan squealed in excitement and leapt from his seat into the persons arms.
"CHRISSY!" He laughed as the other guy dropped him to the floor. "I'm not a whore, I'm just appreciative of the human body's ability to reproduce!" He nodded once in confirmation of his point.
"But you're not going to be doing any reproducing with the kind of sex you're having. Not unless you can get pregnant," the other guy teased.

I watched the exchange and saw Dan blushing and avoiding eye contact. "Shut up," he mumbled. Okay, so now I'm confused.

What the fuck does all this mean?