Status: this is a finished story, i will update as many times as i can. Enjoy, leave some feedback **cheers**

The Trouble With Lust Is...

Chapter two.

I yawned, my body ached. Last night was the best party I’ve had in a long time. I grabbed a bottle of orange juice, and began drinking from the bottle.

“Hey, use a cup.” My mother walked into the kitchen. The sound of her heels clacking on the marble floor made me wince. I hated hangovers.

“What’s the point?” I closed the bottle, and shoved it back into the fridge.

“The point, Trevor, is that we are civilized people. And, as civilized people, we drink from cups. Not from the bottle. So please, refrain from acting like a savage.” She patted me on my shoulder, and took a seat by the counter. A bundle of papers sat in front of her.

“Where’s dad?” I asked as I grabbed an apple, and bit into it.

“With Mr. Flores, they’ve been outside for hours. Your father is hell bent on expanding this condo. For some reason it’s not big enough for him.” She rummaged through a file, and picked out a stack of papers.

“With that Mexican dude?” I tossed the apple away, and began looking in the cabinets for some food.

“Excuse yourself. Don’t be rude. His name is Mr. Flores. But, yes that ‘Mexican dude’. Anyway, I heard his daughter made Valedictorian. He’s so proud of her. What’s her name?” she asked looking at me.

I should’ve pretended to not know who she was talking about, but that girl was beyond annoying. Always thinking she was too good for anyway. “Sandreya.” I replied rolling my eyes.

“I take it you dislike her.” My mother was so clueless sometimes.

“Dislike?” I scoffed. “More like loathe, have a deep, deep hatred.” I poured a handful of fruity cereal into my palm, and shoved them into my mouth.

“Don’t be so brazen. I’ve met her a few times. She’s a real sweetheart. In fact, according to your father, she’s attending the same college as you. Taking the same internship as you, too. What are the odds of that?”

I dropped my hands, annoyed. “What do you mean she’s going to the same college as me, the same internship?”

My mother smoothed her long blonde hair away from her neck. “Yes, she received a scholarship; your father helped her with that. He’s even helping pay for a time spent in New York City. Mr. Flores came to him with a proposal last year. He’s been working with your father in exchange for helping to support her with her college. Isn’t that wonderful?”

I wanted to break out in dance. Laugh my ass off. Prissy Miss-I-think-I’m-better-than-everyone is a damn charity case, courtesy of my dad’s money. I wonder she would feel if she knew I owned her.

I finished off my morning packing some of my clothes, showering, and getting ready. I felt the need to do some serious mental damage. I grabbed my car keys, and headed to the mall. All I could think about was Sandreya, and how angry she’d be when I tell her about her situation. I could just see how furious her hazel eyes will get. How she might just about explode.

Bad enough she had the audacity to come to my party, but then to give me this look of disgust as she helped her friend leave the party. As if it was my fault she got drunk, as if I held the beer to her face and made her drink it. In all honesty, she came to me a little too headstrong, and ended up being too drunk that she couldn’t even give me a decent blow job.

I always thought Ella was sexy, but because she hung around that super bitch I never had a chance to smash. But, thank god I guess. She was too sloppy for me anyway. Her breath smelled like Whiskey, and after throwing up all over my bed, she looked disastrous. Her makeup running down her cheeks reminded me why I hated when chicks drank.

For Sandreya to grill me; as if I actually did something to Ella, made me hate her even more. She did look good in that short Coral tank dress. Her legs were the kind of tan you only get from being of Hispanic descent. Although, she was pretty short, she always gave this annoying air of superiority. But, then again most people only saw her as this timid little nerd, I’ve always known better.

Always a grade higher than mine, a step above me, I hated her. Hated how she knew everything. Hated how smug she became when she beat me at almost everything academically. I always guessed she had no life, so all she did was study. I reached a parking spot, and made my way inside the mall.

I’d usually hang at the mall with some of my friends, but I had an ulterior motive. A strong citric smell made my nose tickle as I reached The Beauty Bar. Sandreya’s back was to me as I walked inside. Restocking some bars of soap, she began smelling one. Her long brown always in a braid or ponytail laid flat on her back. She didn’t have the body I’d consider sexy, but if I were drunk and horny, I wouldn’t turn her away.

“Hey vato.” I joked. I knew she knew my voice, her shoulders rolled as she turned around. Sandreya’s lipped puckered.

“Go play in traffic.” She quipped. The uniformed apron hung loosely off her body. She didn’t have huge hips, but she looked like she could bare a few children.

“Ouch. That hurt.” I walked toward her. “So, I’ve learned some very interesting news today. Would you like to hear it?” I played with the soaps she stacked, and watch the irritation flow.

“I’m not in the mood for your little games Trevor. Go spend some of daddy’s money, and leave us working people alone.” She slapped my hand away and rearranged the soaps.

“As interesting as this little job of yours is, I just came by to share some knowledge with you. I know that big head of yours can use some more.” I moved toward her, but she began moving away. Her eyes widened as I came as close as I’d ever been to her. Besides the many smells surrounding me, she smelled different. Almost sweet. Her lips were full, and she licked them.

It made me think terrible thoughts, things I should never think of when thinking about Sandreya Flores. “So, would you like to hear what I have to say?”

Her breath caught and she tried to speak. “W-what do you want?”

I tugged on her hair lightly, and smiled. “Actually, It's better that i keep it to myself. I’ll let you die over the possibilities. Maybe then I wouldn’t ever have to see you again, and that will be the highlight of my life.”

She flicked my hand away, and moved furthest away as she could. She looked at me, and scoffed. “Why don’t you go look under a rock and try and find how fucks I give. Now, as entertaining as this waste of my time was, I actually have to work.”

Before I could interrupt her train of thought, Ella appeared from behind the register, and smiled at me. I didn’t want to deal with her. She was far too dramatic for me. “Well, next time then.” I winked at her, and walked off.

I could hear Ella ask her what I wanted. Maybe I should’ve told her, but really how awesome would it be to see her face later on when she found out.
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:) I think I'm getting the hang of this editing stuff.