Touched by an Angel, Though I Fall Out of Grace


Brittany's POV
I was sitting in my sixth hour class, World History, minding my own business when I heard my name. I looked up and noticed a few of the gossip-sluts. They were whispering and pointing in my direction.

"Yeah, I heard she slept with her friend Damon at the end of eighth grade and she was so horrible at it that he became gay." Candace said.

"I know right? I mean she's this gothic girl who's probably a disappointment to her parents." Jessica added.

I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore what they were saying. But then the next thing they said pissed me off. "I also heard that her dad died last year. He probably killed himself on purpose because living with a girl like that would make anybody suicidal."

I stood and yelled, "That's it! You can talk shit about me all you want to, but you're not gonna sit there and talk about my father."

Candace looked at me and stood up. "And just what are you going to do about it?"

I walked over to her and said, "This is what I'm gonna do about it, bitch." I took my fist and punched her in the face. She stumbled backwards while holding a hand up to her face. Jessica got out of her seat and hurried over to Candace.

"Ms. Tillman please help Ms. Walters to the nurse. And Ms. Davis, principal's office, now." Mr. Mitchell said. I shrugged my shoulders, picked up my bag and headed out of the room. When I walked in the secretary gave me a look and then sent me on in. I sat in the a seat across from the principal and he was looking at me.

"Ms. Davis, I was told that you used assertive language and punched another student in the face." Mr. Bradley said. "Is this correct?"

"Yes sir, it is." I said.

Mr. Bradley sighed and folder his hands on his desk. "Why?"

"Because she was talking about me and then she started talking shit about my dad."

"I see. I hate to say this, but I believe she deserved it," Mr. Bradley said with a chuckle.

"So, I'm not getting in trouble?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you after school detention and I'll notify your mother."

"Yeah, alright" I said and then the bell rang.

"Go on to your seventh period class." Mr. Bradley instructed and I got up and left the office then headed to Creative Arts. When I walked in I saw Damon already in the room with a canvas in front of him and a paintbrush in his hand.

I walked over to him and sat at the table. I pulled out my sketchpad and got to work. I was drawing a couple lying together. The girl had blood stains on her dress and the guy was clutching her to him with a knife in his hands. When I was done with that, I began sketching a picture of Ares. When the bell rang, I gathered up my things and waited for Damon.

"I'll see you later," I told him.

He gave me a questioning look and asked, "What?"

"I have detention after school."

"What did you do?"

"I punched Candace Walters in the face for talking shit about my dad."

"Okay, I'll see you later." Damon said then he kissed the top of my head. I waved to him and then headed to Mr. Booker's room. I sat in a seat near the back and waited for the teacher. So, while I waited, I pulled out my MP3 player and hit the shuffle button. "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park came through the speakers. I began drumming my fingers to the beat and then noticed the teacher walked in. I put my headphones around my neck just as he started roll call.

Gerard's POV
I was in my sixth period Government class, not paying attention to a word the teacher was saying. I was reading my Batman comic instead, which was hidden by my textbook. My head snapped up when I heard my name called by the teacher.

"Gerard, what is the purpose of the legislative branch in our government?" she asked.

"To, uh... you know what? You're the teacher so do your job and teach us what the purpose of the legislative branch is," I told her.

She looked taken aback for just a second before she said, "Mr. Way, principal's office. Now!"

I shut my textbook and picked up my backpack and walked out the door. I was walking down the hallway while humming to "Skylines and Turnstiles". When I got to the office, I just walked in to see the principal. I sat in the seat I was used to sitting in and stared at Mr. Bradley.

"Gerard, I already know the answer, but do you know why you were sent here... again?"

"For telling a teacher to do her job," I said simply.

"Yes, well you know what this means."

"I sure do, after school detention."

"You are a senior this year, correct?"

"Yes sir. After this year, I'm not coming back."

Mr. Bradley chuckled and said, "Just try and make this year count. You're dismissed."

I nodded at him curtly and then walked to my locker. I had ten minutes before my last hour class, so I stopped my locker to put away my Government textbook before the bell rang. I grabbed a few extra sketching pencils and then made my way to Creative Arts. I was sitting at our usual table when the rest of the guys walked in.

"I can't drive you guys home today," I told them.

"Why not?" Frank asked.

"I got after school detention."

"What did you do this time?" Mikey wanted to know.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Nothing really. I just told my teacher to do her job instead of asking us questions. She's the teacher, so she needs to actually teach us something."

"This is your third detention this week, mom's not gonna be happy." Mikey said.

"Oh well," I said as Sikowitz walked in.

"Get busy! You lot have an assignment due tomorrow."

I picked up my pencil and began drawing. After class was over I walked out to the parking lot with the guys and handed Mikey my car keys. "Be careful with my car." I warned.

"I will be," he said as I began to walk back inside the school. I took a drink from the water fountain then made my way to Mr. Booker's classroom. He was in the middle of taking roll and stopped when I walked in the room. I gave him a nod of my head then went and took a seat at the back of the classroom.

"Alright, you're all in here because you are bad children in your own bad way who need to be taught a lesson. You will be forced to sit here in silence and if I hear any talking I will find some work for you to do." Mr. Booker said.

I looked to my left and my heart stopped for a minute. There she was, sitting next to me. She was more beautiful than I remembered. She had her headphones in and she was leaning back with her eyes closed. I leaned over and tapped on her shoulder; she removed her headphones and looked over and me.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"Umm, hi," I said, becoming nervous. "I'm Gerard Way."

She smiled. "I'm Brittany Davis."

I smiled back at her and said, "Well, it's nice to meet you."

Glancing warily at the teacher, she said, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Ms. Davis and Mr. Way, I specifically said no talking and since you decided to disobey, I believe that the gymnasium could use a little cleaning."

I noticed Brittany rolled her eyes and stood up. I stood up as well and together we walked out of the classroom, heading to the gym. When we got there she sat on the bleachers and pulled out a sketchpad and began drawing. I sat next to her and asked, "Can I have a look?"

She stared at me for a while before handing me the booklet. I was looking through it and when I got to the last picture, I glanced up and said, "These are good."

Brittany pushed some of her hair out of her face then said, "Thanks."

The one I was looking at right now was of a dog lying on the ground with the word 'Ares' at the top. "Is this your dog?" I asked and she nodded.

It was quiet for a while and I realized that I was still holding her sketchbook. I handed it back to her and she nodded her thanks. She then looked at me and said, "Tell me something about yourself, Mr. Way."

"I was born on April 9th, 1986 [A/N: I know he was born in 1977. This is for story purposes only]. My middle name is Arthur, I'm Scottish-Italian, Mikey Way is my younger brother. I like the colors red and black. I enjoy reading comics, drawing, and hanging out with my friends, which we're all in a band together and have already recorded a full album."

"That's really cool. What are you guys called?"

"My Chemical Romance."

"I like it; it's catchy."

"Thanks, Mikey came up with it. What about you? Tell me about yourself."

"My middle name is Nicole and I was born on September 15th, 1987. I'm sort of half British, on my mom's side. My favorite colors are also red and black. I enjoy reading, drawing, and hanging out with my best friend. And as you already know, I have a puppy, he's a Miniature Pinscher and I named him Ares because I'm currently obsessed with Greek mythology."

"Interesting," I said.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said as she opened her sketchpad and began drawing. I watched her a while before getting out my own book. I began drawing a girl who looked a little bit like Brittany who was standing at the alter with a guy that sort of resembled me. Out of the corner of my eye, I seen her check her watch and then she stood up and threw her bag over her shoulder. "I've been here long enough. Are you gonna leave too?"

"Sure, why not?" I said, putting my stuff in my bag before standing up. We had just walked out of the front doors when I asked, "You mind if I walk you home?"

She shook her head, "I don't mind."

I smiled at her answer and we kept walking. She stopped when we came across a normal looking white house. "This is my stop, so I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later I guess." I said and then I watched her turn and walk up the driveway. I smiled and then walked quickly to my own home before a murderer or something approached me. When I walked through the front door, I headed to my bedroom which was downstairs in the basement. I was only there for fifteen minutes when Mikey walked in.

"How was detention?" he wondered.

"Not too bad... Brittany was there."

"Really?" he said. "Did you talk to her?"

I nodded, "Yeah, and I walked her home."

"Good, now maybe you can ask her out."

"Yeah, maybe," I echoed, smiling at the thought.

"You're twitterpated," he mumbled before leaving. I picked up one of my many comic books and leaned against my headboard to settle in for the night.

Brittany's POV
After Gerard walked me home, I had let Ares out of his pen and I was now playing fetch with him. I kept absentmindedly throwing him his red rubber ball, until my cell phone rang.

I glanced at the LED screen and it read 'Unknown Caller'. I answered it and at first all I heard was breathing on the other end of the phone. "Hello?" I said. Nothing, so I tried again.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"Break up with your boyfriend unless you want to get hurt." was the last think I heard before the line went dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH MY GOD... it's been a little over two years, if you were reading this story, I am so so so so so so very sorry about my lack of posting. When I had internet at home, I kinda broke the wireless router connection thing and we just didn't get another one and I've recently moved into a dorm with free WiFi (YES!) and I should be back to posting more chapters until the end. There might be breaks in between when I update because of class and homework, but I promise I will try and get every single chapter of this fanfic up and running. I love you guys, and hopefully you enjoy the rest of the story.