Status: First story! All comments and advice is welcomed :)

Let 'Em In

Flying, gliding, sailing.

That’s what I was, back on the ice after taking an elbow to my neck during a faceoff in Berlin. I was only in Berlin because of this fucking lockout that doesn’t seem like it will end anytime soon. I don’t get how these people can keep us from doing the one thing we all love most, playing hockey. I mean, that’s what we’re all here for right? To play the game we love, personally I couldn’t care less about the pay, I live to play this sport and I’ve been blessed to make it this far, the NHL, the end-all-be-all, every hockey players dream. So here I am, in Ottawa working out when I should be in Philly playing with my team. Not here, not Ottawa, not Berlin, but in Philadelphia. Wearing my orange sweater, with the number 28 on it, not fucking working out.
When I finished the pivoting drill, the trainer skated up to me and told me that the lockout should be ending soon, that it seemed like they were getting closer to reaching an agreement. BEST NEWS I’VE HEARD IN MONTHS. He told me that we should be able to head back home within the next few weeks and that we could finish bringing me back to full strength on home ice; Home… where she is. She was the one who has invaded my thoughts constantly, and I don’t even know what her name is. What bugs me about her is the fact that I’ve only seen her twice; I don’t know her name because I’m too much of a coward to go up and talk to a beautiful woman. What scares me is the fact that I’m nervous to go talk to her; I’ve never had a problem with talking to women…ever, but as soon as I see her, I get tongue tied and shaky. No woman has ever affected me as she has, and I don’t have the balls to find out why that is.
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Okay, so this is really short... It was just to be as an opener to set things up, a filler if you will. Please comment and let me know what you think, and what I can change to make it better :)