Status: First story! All comments and advice is welcomed :)

Let 'Em In

Trust me

We got so lost in our conversation that we didn’t realize how much time had passed, walking in at 7:20 it was now nearly 10; I had to get to the rink to train some more and I had no idea if she had classes today or not. Walking out I knew I had to do something, Riley got my attention like no one ever has, she intrigued me and I wasn’t about to let her go without at least getting her number. I turned to her as the door closed behind us and was nervous beyond belief, I haven’t been nervous since the Quarterfinals… I took a deep breath and said “Riley, for once I don’t want to go to work, I wanna see you again so can I get your number so we can keep in touch?” Wow, I don’t think I could have been more awkward if I tried to. Why am I acting like a freaking middle schooler?! We swapped phones, and then headed our separate ways.
When I finished my off ice workout, I decided to wait to shower until I got home, by now I already had a plan to see Riley again, but I’d wait until after my shower to text her, knowing exactly what I was gonna write. Pulling up to my apartment building, I was exhausted I didn’t think that I would have seen her so soon but I am so happy that I did who knows how long I would have had to wait. The ride up in the elevator seemed so quick, probably because I was thinking about her again, I don’t know what she did to captivate my thoughts but I’d be damned if I said that I didn’t like it. My shower went from warm to relax my muscles to cold, freezing cold, to calm a certain part of me down, I’m a guy what can I say? I didn’t realize it until now, but I haven’t slept with anyone since I’d seen her that first day on my run. I stepped out and dried off, wrapping the towel around my waist before going to grab my phone. To Riley Sanders: It was nice to finally put a name to a face; so what do I have to do to see you again? ;) I locked my phone and decided to clean up a bit, living by myself made me realize how lazy and dirty I really am. I started in my room, picking up the clothes strewn across the floor and made the bed, and then went to the kitchen to do the dishes. I plugged my phone into the stereo, because honestly who cleans the house in silence, and listened to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, as it blended into the next song I was notified that I had a new text. From Riley Sanders: I don’t know, what are you thinking? I knew my response immediately, do you trust me?
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Hey guys! Okay so I've had all 4 of these chapters written before posting the story. I'm currently suffering from major writers block... I know what I want to do in the next chapter so if you guys wanna help me out a bit once I finish chapter 5 that would be awesome! Comment/Subscribe/Recommend :) -Allie