An Unexpected Twist

Month 3 (Mathieu)

I helped Tarin out of the car when we arrived at the doctor’s office. We were here for our first ultrasound. I was pretty excited. The baby was still too undeveloped to tell gender, but I didn’t care. I was looking forward to seeing my son that was growing inside my girlfriend.

Most - possibly all - the members of my team knew that I was a soon to be father. I swear the men in a hockey locker room gossip like women in a nail salon. The good or bad thing - depending on how you look at it - about this is that we were having a playoff baby. Assuming that we make the playoffs, and stay in the playoffs until the third round, our baby would be born while we were in the playoffs, which could be seen as good luck or a distraction.

When we got into the office we sat down and waited for Tarin’s name to be called. We waited for what seemed like a painfully long time, but that’s always how it is at the doctor’s. After about 20 minutes of sitting with other pregnant moms - some more than others - and new moms with their screaming babies, they finally called me and Tarin.

“Congratulations.” Said Dr. Parente, the doctor that would now be handling all of Tarin’s prenatal care. “Your baby is developing normally, and I don’t see any red flags.” She moved the transducer around on Tarin’s belly that was covered with bluish jelly. Suddenly I noticed something I thought was weird.

“What’s that second white circle in the hollow circle?” I asked, not really knowing what I was looking at. The doctor looked confused for a moment then she turned to the monitor and tried to see what I saw. Her face lit up a few seconds later.

“Tarin, you are carrying twins!” Said Dr. Parente. “The hollow circle is the placenta, and the white dots are two tiny babies!” Twins? As in two babies? So we’re not just having one unexpected child, but two unexpected children? Wow. I looked over at Tarin. Her expression was of a scared realization.

“My pants shirts aren’t fitting, and my pants are really tight.” She said very monotone.

“Yes, the two babies explains that. You’ll be getting bigger, faster.” Said the doctor with an apologetic look. Tarin looked like she was drowning in her own thoughts. She looked excited, scared, sad, happy, and angry all at the same time, if that was even possible.

“Twins!” Shouted Tarin full of disbelief when we got into my car. She sighed. She had obviously been holding back in the doctor’s. “This is huge my life was just starting out, then oh! Plot twist! You’re pregnant at 23! Oh and its twins!”

“Hey hey hey.” I said trying to calm her down. “First, we’ll just have more to love, and second, you being stressed out is bad for our baby.” I got her to laugh, which means I calmed her down about the twins, for now.