An Unexpected Twist

Month 8 (Tarin)

Month 8

So my water broke right when my mother arrived at my house. She and Amy stayed with me through the mild contractions but my mother drove me right to the hospital when they started getting worse and closer together, while Amy went to get Mathieu.

The ride to the hospital was the longest car ride ever. I read a ton online about giving birth and stuff, but nothing can prepare you for how a contraction actually feels or for how long they last. They felt like a knife sticking into my stomach between my hips, and it lasted for about a minute before it stopped.

When we arrived at the hospital, we checked into a room and a nurse came and saw us. She told me someone would be in now and then and that when they determined that it was time for the baby to come Dr. Parente would come in and that I should call a nurse if I was in too much pain or felt the urge to push.

I walked around for a while trying to work through the pain, and breathing through each contraction. Finally, Mathieu came running in with Amy. He grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“How are you doing.” he asked. I gave him a nod.

“Doing fine.” I said. He stood next to me and talked to me about random things to help take my mind off my pain. We did this for a little less than an hour, when a nurse finally came in. By that time my contractions were about coming only two minutes apart, and the pain was pretty excruciating, and I was ready for an epidural.

I had to roll over on my side and my skin was numbed before the big needle was inserted. Mathieu held my hand while they gave me the shot. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally. Surprisingly, the shot didn’t really hurt. I rolled back over afterwards, and I felt a lot better.

Then, in 20 minutes it happened. I felt the urge to push. I pressed the call button and in came two nurses and Dr. Parente. The next part involved a lot of pushing and lasted about ten minutes, but after those ten long minutes, Dr Parente was putting one screaming tiny baby in my arms, but as soon as she was in my arms, she was being taken away. She was premature and needed to spend about a week or two in special care, and I also had another baby coming. She came out in about three minutes. Again, I held her for a minute then she was taken away for the neonatal ward.

I let out a sigh of relief. My pregnancy was finally over, but this was really just the beginning of my new life. Mathieu came and sat next to me on the hospital bed. He looked scared out if his mind. This was definitely not his territory. He put his arm around me as we waited to be told we could see our children. We were told that the doctors needed about an hour for a full examination and sponge bath. Then Mat and I would be allowed to hold the girls, and I could breastfeed them.

While we waited we decided that this was the perfect time to fill out the birth certificates. When we had finished that, Amy and John burst through the door. “Happy Birthday!” Called Amy as she sat down next to Mat and me. I explained why the girls weren’t there, but she stopped listening when she saw the birth certificates. She jumped up and grabbed them. “Hayden Darcelle Perreault and Leith Elaine Perreault!” She squealed.