Status: Hiya, I am new to all of this so please bare with me. Please feel free to leave a comment :) any feedback will be very grateful x


Fresh beginings

Kirsty arrived back at her appartment about an hour later.
The appartment she shared with 21 year old Hawaiian girl, KiKi. When Kirsty was planning her big move, she had a look for cheap appartments to rent and this one came up. It was okay. Didn't really feel like 'home' to her though as it had KiKi's stamp on it but she wasn't planning on staying there long. She just needed to get herself a job and get back on her feet. She liked Hawaii, but there was something missing. She was alone. The only person she knew was KiKi. And the little old Hawaiian woman who worked in the local store. She needed to meet people. Deciding that tomorrow was going to be a new day, a fresh start, she turned the shower on and got undressed.
It wasn't long before it was late. KiKi had just arrived home from work. She was a housekeeper. "I. Am. Zonked!" She sighed whilst falling on to the sofa. "Hard day eh?" Kirsty smiled as she looked up from her book. "Ohh yeah. If your planning on having kids in the future go and have them for a day. They'll soon put you off." KiKi said, sitting up and taking off her shoes. "That bad?" Kirsty laughed. "Bad!? They're a nightmare! They Broke some vase that was on the table. Then there Mom came in yelling at me cos of it. She's was pissed anyways cos they didn't catch the guy they was after but there was no need to take it out on me! Grrrrrrr!" Kiki explained. "Anyways, she's got a job going down at the office if your interested. She said go and see her in the morning, around 10. Just get a cab to drop you off at the bail bonds on Queen emma street." She continued. "Really? Thanks KiKi." Kirsty smiled. "No probs! Anyways I'm off to bed, I'm zonked! Good luck
tomorrow hunni. Night." KiKi smiled before heading off to bed. Kirsty sat up a while longer with a slight good but nervous feeling inside. This is what she wanted. A fresh start and all that. But was she starting to regret it?