Dark, Disturbing and Weird

He's there...

It has been about 5 years since I had lost him, his name was Elijah. I was completely and utterly in love with him and there hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I don’t miss him every second. The accident took place on a sunny but very dull summer day; Elijah had gone to the store to get supplies to make us dinner for our 2 year anniversary. He left on his motorbike after giving me a kiss and drove off. Usually he was very safe and secure about driving the motorbike and the accident wasn’t his fault, well at least I hope not. What the paramedics had told me that day was that he was waiting for a light to change when an on coming logging truck came towards him not seeing him, there was no reaction time. Elijah tried to get away but got hit too hard and carried off to the hospital. I got the call about 20 minutes later; I rushed to the hospital and spent my last waking moments with the love of my life. Since that day I hadn’t been able to look at another guy in that way. I just miss him so much…

That takes us to this day; I had just finished my afternoon tea and book when I got a phone call from an unknown number. I usually try and keep myself occupied now a days, makes me forget even if it is for only a second. I got up, answered my phone and waited for a reply. “I can bring him back” The mysterious voice says. Before I can reply he continues “But in return I would have to take the life of someone very close to you”. The line went silent for a few minutes, I took a few breathes and replied “who are you? Who can you bring back?” The voice on the other end almost immediately replied “Elijah” My heart stopped. I didn’t know what to do! Tears slowly started pouring out of my eyes in a river of happiness and sorrow. My heart ached for him and I told myself countless times that I would do anything to get him back. “That’s impossible…” I spoke through tears “YOU CANT DO THAT!” I screamed into the phone. I was getting angry. If this was some kind of joke is was NOT funny. My family doesn’t even mention Elijah let alone some complete stranger! Like the nerve of some people! “Calm down… I can prove it Madison, I can prove it. If I can prove it to you would you let me do it? Would you let Elijah come back and be with the love of his life again?” I was full on sobbing by the time he had finished. I didn’t say anything; I just hung up the phone and threw it. I was so done with the prank calls and the immature people ruining me right when I become happy again. But was I really happy? Was it just fake happiness caused by these meds that my psychiatrist gave me? I didn’t know anymore, I was too upset to care. I decided I would just go to bed, I mean what else could I do? I had to face facts, I was broken and something could repair me. I think it may be time for me to end my life… Then I fell asleep.

3 hours went by after that phone call; I had passed out in my bed feeling like complete shit. Then I woke up, just randomly woke up. It was 5 in the morning, I didn’t have work the next day so I was just going to lay in bed but I never wake up this early… Not even for work. RING! RING! I jump so high out of bed and race towards the phone in a tired and drowsy state kind of hoping for that voice to be on the other side, and to my surprise “hello Madison” I could feel the tears prick my eyes. “What do you want…? Please stop tormenting me please…” I said and wiped my tears. “Please don’t cry, I didn’t want to upset you, do you really think Elijah would want to see you cry like this?” He said with sympathy in his voice. I got angry “Elijah is dead you sick bastard! Stop toying with my emotions!” A sinister chuckle came across his voice, I could feel him smirking. “Oh really now? Look out your front window…” I froze, I wanted to believe he wasn’t kidding, I wanted him to be telling the truth but I couldn’t believe it. With the phone still held to my ear I walked slowly to the window and drew the curtains. My eyes searched the driveway till I saw a familiar looking figure in the driveway with his back to me. With tears streaming down my face I slowly opened the door and approached him. It was Elijah…

With so many emotions going through my mind and so many questions I want to ask… none of it was said, I threw the phone and wrapped my arms around Elijah as tight as I could while crying my eyes out. As a few small tears hit the top of my head I hear his whisper “I told you I would come back…” then he kissed the top of my head. I was so zoned into the fact that Elijah was back that I didn’t realize there was a hooded figure about 10 feet away from us. He cleared his throat and I jumped, turned around and started shaking. Elijah held me tight and stroked my arms calmly. “he’s a friend Madi, He’s a friend…” he whispered and looked up at the figure. “Glad to see you two together again” The figure said while removing his hood, He had a very chizz led face, and a slight golden ring around the top of his head. He was very beautiful; I slowly calmed down and wiped my tears while cuddling closer to Elijah’s chest. “Thank you so much for bringing him back… So much. I don’t know what I would have done without him” I said and wiped my tears, I felt Elijah grip my arms tight. I think they knew what I would have done. “This is only temporary Madison, Not everyone has a second chance like this even though Elijah’s life was cut short. That doesn’t mean he gets special treatment; it just means he gets a second chance because he is well liked. On earth and in heaven.” The man said and smiled. I breathed deeply and looked up at him. “Temporary?” I said with a shaky sigh as he nodded and added. “Unless… I am able to take the life of someone who is really close to you” He frowned I could tell that it wasn’t his idea. He was an angel he really was. “What about my family? Would they have known that Elijah got in an accident and passed?” I asked curiously. “No they wont, they will know he had an accident but he wouldn’t have passed, someone else would have” I frowned; I didn’t like the idea of him taking my Elijah away again. “So I have to decide now?” He shook his head. “I will give you 24 hours with Elijah and you can decide when I come back, if you haven’t decided I will have to take him away from you again” I clutched Elijah’s hand tighter. He smiled softly “You have 24 hours Madison, decide the best you can” And he disappeared and I blacked out.

I woke up in my bed, Elijah passed out beside me looking as cute as ever. I rolled over and looked at him; I smiled wide and attacked him with the biggest hug ever. He chuckled and hugged back tight. “Morning princess, I missed you” He smiled and planted little kisses all over my collar bone. I giggled and replied “You have no idea how much I missed you” He smiled and held me as tight as he could. We had stayed like that for a few hours, just cuddling and not caring as the time passed. First by seconds, then by minutes… Soon hours. When we finally had gotten up I didn’t realize we had been laying there all day, it was already 4 o’clock. Only 8 hours left until the angel will be back and I will have to make my decision. I buried my face in his chest and inhaled deeply, he smelled intoxicating and I never wanted to let him go at all. He got up, carried me with him to the kitchen and started making us dinner as I just sat there watching him work so patiently. “8 hours…” I mumbled, playing with the ends of my hair. He sighed and nodded “we should go to the beach… Watch the sunset and eat our dinner together, maybe go for a swim” I smiled a little and nodded. Everything was quiet from then on, we got everything together in a basket and started walking down to the beach closest to my house. The hours were going by so quickly, I couldn’t have enough of him; it just wasn’t possible in the short amount of time that we had together. So we sat on the beach, talked. I told him about my struggles from when he left, we laughed, cried, kissed… Sharing more of our old fondest memories as the sun was going down. I sighed as the angel was walking towards us.

Elijah had a tight grip around my waist as he got closer and closer. He was soon standing right in front of me; he knelt down and snapped his fingers. Elijah was gone in a second, I stumbled backward feeling heart break and sorrow all over again, rush over me in waves and waves of over whelming power. I pleaded “make it stop, bring him back… please” He ignored me and kept looking at me blankly. “Your decision Madison, I need your decision” I started crying, harder and harder. I couldn’t figure out what to do, if I just had Elijah with me I would be able to figure it out. “Your decision” He repeated, I calmed down and nodded. “I want to be with Elijah, I really do… but I couldn’t take anyone that was close to me so I choose to go myself, let Elijah live. I should have been the one dead instead” He looked at me puzzled, raise and eye brow and saw how much compassion I had for everyone I cared about. He slowly raised his hand and held it on my shoulder. “No my child, you will live. It is rare to have such a caring person on a planet full of uncompassionate pricks. In return you will have your love, and I will take no one from you again. But I will be watching you, making sure you’re okay. Because. I have your guardian angel.” He kissed my forehead and there was a flash of light. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed. Alarm clock ringing like crazy, I rolled over, hit the snooze and out of the corner of my eye… Saw Elijah. He wasn’t going any where.