The Dream

The Dream

It was 10:48 P.M. I have to go to sleep... I have school tomorrow. I grabbed a glass of water and made my way through the cold air to the comfort of my room. I switched the television, it's always been my nightlight. I took sips of the water as I flipped through the channels until I found on I liked. I took one last drink of the refreshing water and lay my head on the pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep...


The images flooded my head... I was in a forest-like area. I recognized a Catholic church a few yards away. I've been going to this church ever since I've lived with my aunt and uncle. Ever since the accident... You may be wondering why I'm so obsessed with the idea of explaining things. Two years ago, my parents died in a motorcycle accident. I had dreams about them for months. I sometimes still do. It was like they were visiting me, they talked to me as if they knew they died. They said things like, "we're sorry we can't tell you much." and "we love you." Things happened in those dreams that were... No words could describe the illusions of my mind. They were somewhat beautiful... I've never found a way to tell the tale.
They were here, my parents... I haven't had a dream about them in a while, maybe something important is happening. They didn't talk, just smiled. I walked into the church and saw many of the church members. I saw my ex boyfriend, Ash. I wasn't surprised to have dreamed about him, we broke up a long time ago but the end affected me. I wasn't depressed about it, but I was worried. Ash was seeming strange a lot then and maybe he still is. He always had this look in his eyes of something, demented... I hope things have changed since he moved (the reason for our end), or maybe I'm just delusional.
He was looking straight at me, with that same sinister look in his eyes. But this time, it was worse. He was pale white and grinning at me like he was about to do something. I heard a huge crashing sound and jumped. Holy crap! Was that thunder?! I've never heard thunder as loud and collapsing as that. Well than again, this is my dream. I felt a strong breeze in the church's air and heard heavy rain pour on the roof. I ran to the entrance and looked out the church's doors to see nothing but sheets of gray falling onto the asphalt. I quickly slammed the door as I realized puddles of water was pouring into the church. It was flooding!
"Everybody! It's starting to flood!" I screamed as I ran into the sanctuary to find the room extremely dark except that there were lit candles all over the place.
"You're coming with me!" Ash held a grip on my arm as he spoke that sentence with a demonic growl at the end. I kicked and screamed, but everybody still talked and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
"No! Let me go!" I felt paralyzed. He dragged me outside the entrance and I was soaked within a second of being out here.
The screaming, kicking, and even biting his arm didn't make him flinch. I took my attention off Ash for a second and saw that he was taking me to the back woods. Once we entered the area, the rain stopped. All of a sudden? There wasn't even rain drops falling off the leaves. Everything looked, dry... I looked back and saw the rain still pouring on the church. It didn't affect the forest? The air was humid and foggy. Ash dropped me on the ground. I jumped up to face him but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked above me and saw that the trees must of been hundreds of feet tall. Everything around me looked like white mist. I looked all around me to make sure Ash wasn't around.
"He has become what has entered him." I heard a clear whisper in my head. It sounded feminine but I couldn't make it out to be familiar. Is this about Ash? Shadows appeared, racing from tree to tree. Some looked demonic, some looked like animals. I than felt a strange, uncomfortable feeling. You know that feeling when you get chills down your spine? I had that all over me. I ran towards the church, out of the woods. I was hit by the hard rain as I exited the woods. All the cars were gone except my parent's. I tried banging on the door, but no one was inside and it was locked. I ran to the church's entrance. Those doors were locked as well. I heard muffled whispers in my head.
I have to leave this place, now! I knew I was dreaming, but I've never been able to wake myself. I ran as fast as I could. I was a few yards away from the road, but as soon as I entered the ditch, I was lifted off the ground. Ash was holding a tight grip on my throat with one hand, he had a knife in the other. He smiled that sinister grin once more before slamming the knife into my chest. I screamed and felt a sharp puncture with blood tickling down my shirt.


I woke with a jump and panted as I touched the patch of skin that Ash stabbed in the dream. I immediately turned my head to the left towards my window. I saw my parents. The whisper entered my head once more. "They didn't die in a car accident, Ash killed them. Ash didn't just move, he went to an asylum. No one knew he did it, and the guilt has finally gotten to him..."
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This is my first one-shot in a long time. I worked hard on it for days to finally get it right and I'm still not sure about it. I also had to work with a max of word count so that was a hassle. Feedback is appreciated! <3