Status: It's my first time posting my work online. Comments are welcome.

One Day At A Time


I take it one day at a time because life is a beautiful struggle, and I never lose hope that someday I'll wake up and it'll all go away, like a fleeting dream you beg your mind to
remember. I take it one day at a time because as always everything moves to fast around me. I can't take it all. Not at the same time, I ask myself, why do I drag out everything
that hurts? Why do I almost beg to feel everyday individually? I choose to because living out a muddled life of too much feeling is worse. I never asked for this. I never asked to
bleed in public for everyone to judge the carnage. I never asked to lose everything I had to life. I am young and stupid. I am there, but does that make me something? I want to
be saved, but that doesn't make me weak. Everyone needs to be saved once in a while. I take it one day at a time because I have hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like stated this is my first time, sorry for mistakes. I'm trying to decide weather or not I should turn this into a series of paragraphs with statements of consciousnesses that eventually tell a story. Comment your thought on that. I'm not really sure what this is too be honest. I promise I'm not like suicidal or anything, I just get really emotionally deep sometimes. Anyhow, feed back is appreciated. :)