
My One and Only

He was here. He was there. He was everywhere. Every security camera, every alley, even the tiniest little shops were aware of his presence. A wink in Washington, a nudge in New York, a bit of blood spilled in South Carolina. He always left a tiny trace that led to nowhere but a dead end. He had many names, but not many friends. I wanted to change that.

I’d always admired the way he could rip a man’s heart from his chest and his head from his neck without a twinge of guilt. Then, of course, there were his brilliant traps. The poor bastards caught in his web would spend hours, days, weeks in a cell while he made their lives a living hell before finally slicing their throats. Those who laid eyes upon him, even a glance, were always taken from their lives at the first chance my magnificent murderer had. His face was plastered on every city. He was even used as a threat for bad children who refused to acknowledge the needs of their parents.

“Watch out or he’ll get you!”

As if their behavior would make a difference. It doesn’t matter to him, he’s slaughtered everyone equally. Husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, daughters, brothers, siblings, aunts, uncles, men, women, children, he’s done it all! That’s how I wanted to be. I wanted to do it all. I wanted to watch someone take their last breaths as I slowly ripped their insides out. I wanted to tear and wreck and beat and bloody. I wanted to hear screams and stifle them. I wanted to be an animal. Him and I, we could be animals together. I would find him.

Of the monitors I’d been watching, I saw one move. It was fairly close by, I knew it well. It was a small cafe, two blocks away, and there he was. Standing and smiling at the camera before he began. The girl at the counter was the first as he sliced her throat. There was panic and confusion before they realized who it was. He was there. They would all perish. No survivors. I had no time for cars, they’d make me late. I had decided to run to my killer and face him head on. I’d ask for an alliance. He would have to take me. We were both tortured, twisted souls, with only desire for carnage. I would be careful. I would promise him I’d be careful. One block away, I knew I wouldn't have much more time. I ran much faster than I believed my legs would allow, passing confused civilians. They would soon be mine. As I burst through the door, he was finishing his last victim. My neighbor’s child, a boy of eight. He had watched his parents die. He finished the boy off quickly and came at me. I dodged his knife and showed I had no phone, no weapons, or means of otherwise harming him.

“May we talk?”

He nodded.

“My name is Logan Barrett. As you can see, I am but a humble man compared to your might. My only wish is to join you. Together, we can terrorize not only this country, but others as well. We can have the world in the palms of our hands, if only you’d consider allowing me to join you. I would like you to be my mentor from now until we’re both old and grey. Please, consider my offer.” I spoke. He seemed as though he was contemplating it. Good, I thought. He shall accept. My hard work has payed off.

“Rule number one:” He said, his voice like gravel. “Don’t reveal your identity.”

He walked towards me and winked at the camera one final time before slitting my throat.