Status: In progress! Will update often.

No Other Place

On Our Way

Guitar, check. Song book, check. Clothes, check. Purse and wallet, check. Toiletries, check.
I check off all the items as I load them into my old Chevy pickup truck. The crisp morning air of September nipping at my features, causing them to turn to a rosy pink; I continue checking again and again on all of my things.
“Today’s the day, bitch!” my best friend, Zach, all but yells as he comes around the corner of the truck, causing me to drop my list out of fright.
“God damn it, Zach! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I say, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Are you all packed? Ready to go for three months straight?”
He looks at me, then behind him, then back to me. “Caleb should be here any minute with my stuff. Any word from Abby? Or Savanna?” he asks hopefully.
“Yeah, Savanna and Abby rode together, and Abby had to go set everything up, so they’re there. Just gotta wait on Caleb…” I say, and just as I finish, Caleb’s car comes into view. He parks beside my truck and gets out, duffle bag and a backpack in tow.
“S’ bout damn time.” I say matter-of-factly, and go help Zach and Caleb with the rest of their things.
“Sorry, I had to wait for the dogsitter to show up… She took for fucking EVER.” He exclaims, as he heaves up two bags. We finish loading everything into my truck and get in. I turn the keys in the ignition and the truck roars to life. I put it into drive, and we are now on our way.
We are going on tour, to Battle of the Bands.
“What are all the details again? Oh my god, I already forgot.” Savanna asks, as I set the official rules and details onto the table.
“I’ll read them out loud, so… FAGGOTS GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!” Savanna calls to Zach and Caleb as she takes the rules into her hands.
Zach walks in, Caleb right behind. “What?” they ask in creepy unison.
“Sit. I’m reading the rules for this shit.
Okay. The bands on this tour are as follows: Asking Alexandria, Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Blood On the Dance Floor, BrokeNCYDE, Evanescence, Hollywood Undead, Massacre of the Damned, Playground X, Monday Lament, Snow White’s Poison Bite, Mascara Massacre, Falling in Reverse, Black Veil Brides, Just Kidding (actual name, not a joke.), and Bring Me The Horizon.
The rules are as follows: No fighting with other bands. We are here in a competition and any bands in disputes will be disqualified. No sabotaging other band’s sets. You may watch other bands, but no yelling at the band or insulting them. Be respectful to the bands, crews, and everyone on the tour. When we all depart from one date, your bus must check in before leaving, and if you fail to show up or check in, you get a penalty. 3 penalties mean your band is disqualified. If a member or band fails to show up, the crew fails to help with set up, or the merch table isn’t prepared, then you get a penalty/disqualified. Each band will play a set at each location, like a tour, but you will be judged. The show will be televised. One band will be eliminated after each show, as by judge’s decision. We hope you enjoy your time on The Battle of the Bands 2013!” Savanna reads off to us, erupting a cheer when our favorite band was named. Nearly everyone was pissed when BOTDF was named, besides me, I like them.
“I like how they make sure to clarify that our name isn’t a joke, that we really are Just Kidding.” Caleb mumbles. Suddenly a knock at the door makes us all jump in surprise. I get up and answer it.
“Ashley! You finally showed up!” I exclaim, and wrap my arms around my best friend and our merch girl. I grab her bags and take them to the back room. She comes in behind me with more things. I run out and grab the rules and hand them to her. “Here. Read these.”
“Guys, I’m gonna go check us in. We leave in 10 minutes.” Abby calls to us as she leaves. I pick out a bunk, crawl in it, and drift to sleep.
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