Status: In progress! Will update often.

No Other Place

The First Show

“Thank you, Orlando! That was Just Kidding! Judges, your critique, please?”
We had just finished our last song of the night, and now we’re waiting upon the well-lit stage, to be judged…
“I thought it was perfect, for a band that’s newer to the industry. It was astounding.”
“I personally was shocked. It was good! But, I suggest more practice, some parts weren’t so good, but I enjoyed it.”
“Everything they said, I agree with. It was good, some parts were sloppy, I liked it. Thank you for your time. You may go backstage to await final judgment.”
We thanked them and went backstage. We were the second to last band to play. The very last is Mascara Massacre. We go to the room with the rest of the bands and sit down together.
“That was intense. Good job, guys!” Abby says, coming up behind us, hugging each of us. We all nodded in agreement, too lost in either nervousness or watching the other band on the television.
Let me tell you something about Mascara Massacre…
THEY SUCK. I say this lightly, seeing as I think my band personally sucks.
Caleb was taking the comments the judges gave us to heart, still. He knows which parts they said were sloppy. His voice cracked, and he messed up a word. I know why he’d do that, usually he’s perfect. It’s because of his nerves. He is generally shy, and it was a stretch playing local or small shows. On national television would make anyone crack under pressure!
“Caleb, stop worrying. You did amazing.” Savanna says, finally pulling herself from Mascara Massacre’s set. He nodded and quickly muttered his thanks. I decided to see how Ashley was holding up at the merch table, so I get my phone out and text her.
Ashley, how you doing? We’re about to go out to be judged, as soon as the last band finishes.
She replied almost immediately.
Good. Sold all five pairs of booty shorts, a snapback, and nearly all 100 of our bracelets; you guys must be doing something right, to get this many fans this quickly!
I sent her a text back, smiling.
That’s good. Well, I better get ready for judgment lol. Have fun!
I put away my phone, and continue watching the show.
The judges finished critiquing Mascara Massacre, and we can just leave it at half the band was in tears.
“Alright, bands, to the stage!” The speaker called us. All of us, almost at the same time, headed onto the stage. We were close to the door, so we were the second out, after Falling In Reverse. Asking Alexandria was behind us. We all got in our designated spots. We waited in the deafening silence.
“Alright, the three bands that are on the chopping block are as follows: Mascara Massacre, Blood On The Dance Floor, and Breaking Benjamin.
All three bands stepped forward. Blood On The Dance Floor looked pissed and shocked. Breaking Benjamin kept straight faces. Mascara Massacre cried harder than before.
“BOTDF and Breaking Benjamin, you guys have more potential than you put out tonight, so do better. You guys are good, so just try slightly harder. Neither of you are eliminated, so step back with the other bands. Mascara Massacre, prepare to leave. Now.” The lead judge announced.
They all ran off the stage, sobbing. That was not unexpected…
All the other bands followed behind after a few minutes, when the show ended, and most went to our buses. All of a sudden, a hand touched my shoulder.
“Hey, party on the Hollywood Undead bus. Everyone’s invited.” And then they ran back. I looked back and they were stopping mostly everyone. They looked familiar, but it was too dark to really tell.
As soon as we were back on the bus, and high-fiving the hell out of each other, I let everyone know about the party.
“I’ll go. I can’t refuse a party.” Savanna said, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Meh. I’ll stay in. I got work to do on the inventory and making sure I packed everything right.” Ashley mutters, leaving the room.
After everyone giving excuses or agreeing, the people going were me, Zach, Savanna, and Abby. We all got ready and headed out.
“God, I hope we don’t have to deal with BOTDF to much… Those guys just… I don’t even know.” Zach mused. Zach never really liked BOTDF so much… Asking Alexandria is a different story. He’ll jump at a chance to have Danny talk to him.
We found the HU bus, which wasn’t too hard to find, considering the smell of booze, loud music, and the massive crowd. Oh great, I don’t do so well with crowds in closed spaces, like a fucking bus…
We made our way into the crowd, and holy freakin’ crap, Ben fucking Bruce came up to Zach and invited him to hang with him. The look on his face was priceless! Savanna just made her way into the crowd as some girls from Monday’s Lament was motioning for her. So that basically left me and Abby standing awkwardly.
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Thanks for reading!