Status: In progress! Will update often.

No Other Place

The Party

“ALRIGHT, EVERYONE SIT THE HELL DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Someone yelled as they turned off the music and turned on the lights. Nearly everyone froze, expecting it to be the cops or something. It was just Johnny 3 Tears. “Now, we wanna thank you guys for eating our food, breathing our air, and drinking our beer at this party. We want to congratulate you all on making it this far! And we got the roster for who placed where! Now, who wants to hear it?!” Everyone yelled for him to read it.
“Alright! Here we go, the exact order.
1. Bring Me The Horizon
2. BrokeNCYDE
3. Asking Alexandria
4. Just Kidding, and I mean the band, I ain’t joking.
5. Black Veil Brides
6. Falling In Reverse
7. Hollywood Undead
8. Monday’s Lament
9. Avenged Sevenfold
10. Evanescence
11. Massacre of the Damned
12. Playground X
13. Snow White’s Poison Bite
14. Breaking Benjamin
15. Blood On The Dance Floor
16. Mascara Massacre.”
As soon as he finished reading and stepping down from the table he was standing on, the party was back in full swing. I felt a little crowded, so I stepped outside for fresh air, Abby came behind me.
“I’m going back… I’m tired. Good night.” Abby said, walking off. I was about to follow her, seeing as how I was tired myself, I heard a voice behind me.
“You’re from Just Kidding, right? Cool band name.”
I turned around, and standing there was Ronnie Radke, of Falling In Reverse.
“Yeah. And you’re Ronnie Radke. Hi.” I say, not sure what exactly to say… I feel so awkward meeting new people, let alone famous people!
“That’s right. And I figured that I’d give you a congrats on scoring so far up, for a more unheard of band. Be careful, you wouldn’t wanna get in any bigger bands way.” He tells me, giggling while walking away, lighting a cigarette.
Wow, what a douchebag! What does that even mean? Oh well. Just as well get back in on the party.
I go in and look around for a familiar face. I see Savanna taking shots and Zach drunk off his ass with Asking Alexandria.
Oh well, just as well go home and sleep. I didn’t want to have a hangover anyway…