Status: idek with this

The Jesus Kid

she was loyal

She wasn't supposed to have gone. Not that night, no. But her best friend's boyfriend - you know Mary Sullivan with the hair? Yeah that's her - was being a complete ass and so obviously, they had to go. Mary was a complete mess though. She walked up to the Jones' in her pajamas (she lived right across the street), and eyes almost swollen shut. Alesana took one look at her and grabbed her car keys.

"What did he do this time?"

Mary sniffled once, twice, and in a rush of word vomit explained. It wasn't his fault, Alesana. It hardly ever was, Alesana thought. It was those dumb jock friends of his. They made him do these really stupid things and I know, Alesana, I know that you hate him but oh my gosh if only you could get to know him without his friends you'd understand. Alesana's perfect mouth turned down into a perfect frown but she said nothing.

"Can you come with me to go meet him, please?"

And while Alesana's first instinct was to say no, she knew she was going to be spending the rest of her night driving a crying Mary through heavens knew where; looking for the asshole who owned the girl's heart. So like a good girl, she smiled and stepped out. "Fine, where is he?"

Mary's wiry arms enveloped her best friend in a bone crunching hug.

"I love you, you know that?"

Alesana rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
'ello. okay so i haven't written anything in yonks. this story is weird and going to be pretty crappy writing-wise but it's basically a thing to help me get back on the writing horse. it's not going to have a lot of the Christian bible stuff (i wasn't very attentive during sunday school, sorry) but it's going to have a lot of the issues that i faced and am still facing as a stumbling Christian. alcohol, boyfriends, friends, etc etc you know the drill. righto, long author's note is long. thanks for the comments and the love. i didn't think any one was going to read this. till laters xx