Sequel: Fire and Ice
Status: Completed. Please continue on to the sequel. Thank you!

Summer and Frost

Destroy Everything


Within seconds, my feet were on solid, dusty ground. Volstagg, Fandral, and Sif all stared in wonder at the barren landscape, but it reminded me so much of my home in the Arizona desert that I was already looking around for signs of civilization. Hogun appeared to be doing the same.

I was the first to spot the towering sign in the center of the small town. I pointed and started to run before the others even realized what I was doing. Hogun and Sif were the first to follow my lead, Volstagg and Fandral following close behind.

We reached the small town in minutes. Puente Antiguo was a tiny New Mexican town that looked as if it were deposited in the middle of nowhere. For miles there was nothing but desert, and then suddenly, signs of life appeared. A small gas station and buildings that looked as if they were frozen in time cropped up from the red dusty earth.

I strode through the streets with purpose, searching for the one person who would be able to mend this madness. Thor would surely stand out in a crowd, so I looked in windows, ignoring the stares from passers by. I recalled the last time I had been on Earth with Asgardian clothing. I was young, seventeen years old, in a golden gown. It had ripped as soon as I landed, my best dress. I remembered the way people stared, as if I had just emerged from a Renaissance faire. Undoubtedly that was what people thought of me now.

I stopped in front of a building when I saw a familiar blonde head. My hands pounded on the glass, and when he turned and saw us, the young woman standing next to him turned as well. Her mouth dropped open as the coffee mug in her hand went crashing to the ground.

“Nina!” Thor boomed, and I found myself smiling at the warmth in his voice. He had always been like a brother to me. It was more than surreal seeing him standing not even ten feet away from me after all those years.

I let myself in, and Thor scooped me up into a hug, spinning me around before setting me down and kissing my forehead. “The years have been kind to you, dear Nina. You are more lovely than ever.”

The brunette standing next to Thor shot me a look that could only be described as jealousy. It was clear she was attracted to the God of Thunder, and the way his body seemed to pivot in her direction told me he had feelings for her as well. Thor was never secretive about his feelings.

He watched as the others filed into the room, his smile slipping away. “You should not have come, my friends.”

“Whatever do you mean, Thor?” Fandral asked, confusion apparent on his fine features. “We have come to take you home.”

“My father is dead because of me. I am exiled.”

“I don’t know what Loki told you,” I began, taking his hands in mine, “but your father is still alive. And Loki…” I could not hold back the tears that brimmed in my eyes.

“He has not fared well in your absence, Nina,” Thor said, his hand squeezing my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

“Thor, there was nothing I could have done. I defied Odin’s wishes, and he sent me away for knowing Loki’s secret.”

“What secret?” Sif asked.

“Loki is not your brother by blood. Odin took him from the Jotunheim after the Great War. He is Laufey’s son, and was taken to eventually create a permanent peace between the Jotuns and the Asgardians. I discovered Loki’s true parentage the night I left Asgard. He threatened to kill me if I revealed him. So I went to Midgard, having been banished from Loki’s affections and Odin’s good wishes. I was summoned back to Asgard when you were banished, most likely to keep you from being able to find help in me.”

Thor was taken aback, and then he did something that made my chest swell with pride for the once rash god. “It matters not that he is not my blood brother. We were raised together. We played together, and we shared the same bread. He is the only brother I have or ever shall have. And as angry as Loki may be, I do not believe that he would ever hurt you. He has always loved you.”



I stood in the depths of the weapons vault, memories washing over me. I remembered the night that Nina discovered my true parentage. She truly feared me then, with good reason. Now she would realize what it meant to betray me.

“Destroy everything. Ensure that Thor and Nina do not return to Asgard.”

The Destroyer left its cage at the end of the weapons vault, disappearing, undoubtedly to the Bifrost and Midgard from there.

I felt a small pang of something, but ignored it. I would soon be king undisputed, and no one would stand in my way, especially not that silly girl and my oaf of a brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I know that this was short, but I am working on the next chapter and I have the next couple of days off from work, so I will be updating pretty frequently.