Status: In Progress, yo

Leave Out All The Rest

I Know I'm Not That Perfect, But You Stay Awhile Baby Then You Will See

Stepping out of my red truck, I took in a shaky deep breath. I slammed the car door behind me and stepped forward. I was at my first huge party, and I was terrified. For an outfit, I had decided on skinny jeans, and a simple black tank top, lace covering up my whole back. The house was huge, and after seeing it, I was having second thoughts on even going in. After a mental argument with myself though, my feet were moving closer and closer to the house. The door was left open, so I didn’t really have to worry about who I would have to face.

Upon walking in, some people were grinding against each other, making out, drinking or just standing around, talking to one another. I searched through the drunken teenagers for my best friend Bay, who had invited me to this in the first place. Not finding her, I sighed.

“Can I get you something to drink?” A voice from behind me asked. Turning around, I saw a blonde guy, who looked my age. His blue eyes scanned over me, making me uncomfortable. I looked around the room once more. He smiled, and asked “Looking for someone? Good luck. This place is really crowded.” I smiled back, thinking he might not be that bad.

“Yeah, I can kind of tell. And sure, I’ll take a drink.” I replied, with a small smile. One drink wouldn’t hurt.

“Okay, stay here. I’ll be right back.”

I stood there waiting for the guy I spoke to, to get back. I scanned the room, and saw nobody I knew. Bay had said that there would be kids from school here, but I saw none. When he returned, he had the same smile. “Here ya go. So, what’s your name?”

“Jasey. And yours?”

“Bryce. It’s nice to meet you.” He offered with a smile, holding out his hand for me to shake. I shook it and nodded, giving the room a once-over, again. Bryce and I kind of just stood there, not really saying anything. “Well, I’ll be right back, I have to use the restroom.” He said with a kind smile, breaking the silence. In response, I just nodded my head.

The music that had been playing was Blink-182 and I was actually impressed. While waiting, a guy with some-what spiky black hair approached me.

“Hey. You looked alone, so I thought I’d come join you. My name’s Jaime, what about you?”

I had looked up into his dark brown eyes. They looked so comforting and kind, I couldn’t help but smile widely.

“Thanks. I was actually looking for a friend but I have no clue where she is. And in a house full of drunken teens, I’d rather not look for her. But it’s always nice to have company. My name is Jasey, by the way.” I realized I had been rambling, which wasn’t something I usually did, unless I was nervous. Yet I had no reason to be nervous around this guy, he made me feel so comfortable, safe.

“Jasey… I like it.” The way he said it, I liked it. It made me smile. When Bryce had returned, he looked shocked.

“Hey, do you wanna go talk upstairs? It’s kinda getting loud down here.” Bryce asked me, not really waiting for a response and grabbing my wrist that hadn’t been holding the drink. Shocked, I looked back at Jaime. “Talk to you later Jaime!” I called out, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ at the end. For some reason I felt the need to apologize to him. I hadn’t really wanted to leave him in the first place.

At the top of the stairway, there were 4-5 bedrooms, and he dragged me to the nearest one. He opened the door, and the room was empty. The white walls had been empty other than a few photographs and a painting on one wall. He sat down on the bed, bringing him with me. We just sat there in silence, before he leaned in, bringing his face closer to mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and I scrunched my nose in disgust. Bryce’s face got even close before he sloppily kissed me.

“Bryce, stop we just met.” I told him, pushing his chest to get him away from me.

He ignored me though and grabbed my wrists, putting them up above me. He went to kiss me again, then my jaw line and then my neck. I tried pushing my legs up to get him off me but he wouldn’t budge. He just put his weight down on my legs, which stopped them from moving. I was squirming underneath him in an attempt to get him off me, but it wasn’t working.

He took my shirt off, leaving me only in my bra. I felt tears prick at my eyes. I didn’t want this. “Stop Bryce! No means no!” I cried, trying once again to get him off me, unsuccessfully. He kissed down my chest, which only made me cry more. “Help!” I called out, but the music was loud and I knew nobody could hear me. This only made him mad.

“Shut up you dumb bitch, before someone hears you.” He told me, slapping me. I gasped and just sat there crying. Just as he was about to unbutton my skinny jeans, someone came in and pulled him off me. Through blurred vision, I couldn’t see who it was. I blinked once to get the tears away, and saw who had done it. It was Jaime.

I cried out, but neither had been paying attention to me. Bryce stood up to Jaime, and his fist collided with Jaime’s jaw. “No!” I got up to interfere, but Jaime gave me warning a look, that told me not to. Jaime pushed Bryce’s chest, and his fist collided with Bryce’s cheek. I sat there on the bed crying, and before I knew it, Jaime was on the bed next to me, pulling me into his arms. I immediately leaned into him, and just cried into his shoulder. He was rocking us back and forth and I could hear him singing to me in a low voice, but I was too shocked and scared to do anything.
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New story, not gay couple sowwie. Feedback is nice ;) <333 xxoo