Status: Hiatus.



“If I didn’t look so fabulous, I’d be jealous.” Lydia said straightening out her tulle skirt. “You look hot.”
The two girls made their way up to the doors. The night air was chilly against Rowan’s back and stomach. She was regretting letting Lydia pick out this top. They moved the plastic strips that hung free in the doorway out of their way. People were grinding against each other, jumping up and down, and going crazy for the most part.

“She’s wearing a bra and panties… so is he,” she watched a couple stagger around.


“Wow,” Lydia breathed, almost sounding shocked at the crowd before her. “Hot guys everywhere. Now who to start with…” she strutted away into the crowd, turning heads as she snaked her arms around a guys neck, claiming her prey.

“Oh thanks, Lydia.” Rowan mumbled. The bass pumped through her body, sending vibrating chills through her bones. She spotted Allison standing around with Matt. Odd, she thought. Allison constantly checked her phone before excusing herself from Matt. Rowan watched as Allison found Scott; the two bean what looked like a heated conversation. Rowan felt a tug at her hand. Lydia smiled pulling her towards the group she’d been dancing with.

“Dance, come on!” she giggled. Her laugh was shrill and fake, as she tried impressing the muscular guy behind her. Rowan just swayed casually at first, but soon closed her eyes feeling the beat flow through the air. Stray curls from her braids clung to her neck in sheets of sweat. The room was hot, full of people in close proximity. Rowan swung her arms around her, her head resting against one shoulder as her feet shuffled beneath her. She knew no one cared how she looked dancing, and although she hated to dance, she couldn’t help but move to the pumping of the bass. It felt like a release from all that had been going on around Beacon Hills.

Someone brushed up against her back; a warm pair of hands rested on her hipbones. She felt the hot breath scrape across her earlobe. “I thought you had a date,” he whispered. The tip of his nose grazed her cheek. She couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at her lips.

“They blew me off.” She felt him smile into the curvature of her shoulder.

Isaac’s hands moved up the sides of her abdomen, flowing along the smooth exposed skin that covered her rib cage. She continued to move with the music. He could feel boldness taking over his actions as he pulled her body flush against his chest. Her small hands engulfed his, fingers briefly intertwining as the two embraced under the heavy atmosphere, their bodies moving rhythmically against one another.

She felt his chest against her back, the closeness hypnotizing her. Her head lolled onto his shoulder, Isaac automatically leaning in to the bared skin of her neck. He ran his nose along her jawline, feeling a vibration from her throat. If it were a moan, he couldn’t hear with all the distractive noise around them, but he liked it. He inhaled her scent as their bodies moved carefully against each other. She smelt of burning firewood in the middle of a cold night; a warm, spicy scent that burned at his nostrils. It was laced with an amber scented lotion she often wore; a sweet, autumn scent that he could find anywhere.

Rowan felt her stomach flutter at the contact they were making. This wasn’t like her at all but the music, the atmosphere, and Isaac rendered her helpless. She fell submissive to the freedom of the situation, enjoying the warmth and presence he presented. Automatically, her arm stretched above her head, her hand entwining in the curls at the nape of his neck. Isaac’s head rotated until he could press his lips lightly against the sensitive skin of her wrist. Her fingers contorted in his hair, as they pressed closer into each other. His hands pulled at her hips, anchoring them together in movement.

Isaac could feel the fast, steady beating of her heart; it drove a part of him completely mad. He slid his hands just to the sides of her swaying hips. Her fingers grazed over his again.

Completely entranced, Isaac lowered his lips to her neck. His bottom lip caressed the skin below her ear. Feeling her continue the movements against him he dragged his lips softly across her pulsing jugular. Her hips constrained to the feeling giving Isaac the satisfaction he craved, until he felt her pull away from him.

Rowan slid from his arms, only turning to face him and to reach her hands towards his wrists. Her small hands ran up his arms, flowing from his biceps, onto his chest, and then back over the ridge of his shoulders. Ever so lightly he felt her nails scrape against his shirt as she laced her arms around his neck. He instantaneously pulled her closer by her waist to him. One hand rested on the small of her back, while the other was planted at the base of her shoulder blade. He could feel the pounding of her heart as his wrist lay against her ribs. The conversation their eyes held, prompted Rowan to lower her arms, the warm skin of her palms dwindling down his toned arms.

Isaac slid his hand up her back until his fingers were passing over her neck. He watched her eyes flutter shut as she moved against his body. Her hands gripped loosely at the edges of his shirt; Isaac’s palm moved to cradle her cheek. Although the atmosphere around them was consumed of sweat and body heat, his hand burned wildly against her face. The gentle stroke of his thumb across her cheekbone was enough to prompt her eyes open. Slowly their bodies began to dwindle to a halt, as they remained standing there.

Their bodies were pulled against one another as Isaac continued cradling her face. On his other hand, his fingers stroked the bare skin of her back carefully. Her head was tilted up, taking in his perfect features. She did like him; werewolf and all. Though her instincts warned her and screamed at her, she relaxed in his presence.

He held her closely to him, his courage rising up once again, as began leaning down toward her, but this time he stopped, only resting their foreheads together. Rowan’s chin bucked upward, their noses grazing. He could feel her heart beating from their closeness. A small grin graced his lips. Part of him enjoyed making her squirm; enjoyed making her heart rate spike in anticipation or nerves, which he wasn’t sure, but he enjoyed either. His senses were flooded with her. His wolf side enjoyed this toying game of fast heartbeats and close breathing; it enjoyed the upper hand over its quarry. However, both sides of him were unaware of the bravery brewing in the small girl he held brashly in front of him.

Rowan, gaining a surge of fearlessness, led her hand to grasp the side of his neck. Her fingers crawled against the back of his neckline, while the solid warmth of her palm rested below his jaw. Her thumb strayed to the indention of his cheek. Isaac watched, more intrigued with her behavior. He wound his hands around her waist in response holding her tightly to him. Shocking him, she pulled his head down to her, raising her chin in time for their mouths to meet.

Astonishment ran hot through Isaac’s veins before vanishing into covetousness. The kiss was tender and warm. Their mouths folded into each other. Rowan’s hand slid from his neck, dropping to his chest as their lips moved ever so gently against the other’s.

Isaac!,” he heard Erica hiss from somewhere in the crowd. “we need to do this now.” He felt an obligation to his pack, but also to himself in this moment he shared with entangled lips. Both of his hands cupped the sides of her as he deepened the kiss quickly before pulling away. He saw the dizziness in her eyes as she looked back to him. “Isaac!” He turned his head back to the direction of Erica’s voice. “Jackson’s moving!” He found the girl in his arms bringing him back to the current situation.

“Something’s happening,” Rowan stated, knowing more than likely it was useless to question.

“Go home, Rowan.” He urged, maintaining his hold on her. She pursed her tingling lips together wanting to fight his request. His thumb brushed over her slightly swollen lip, pride swelling from somewhere in him. He wanted to meet her lips once more, but Erica’s urgent voice wouldn’t let him.

And just like that, his arms faded from her waist and he disappeared into the crowd, leaving Rowan standing alone.

She dodged the heavy swaying bodies as they swarmed into her protective area. It had seemed they’d moved around her and Isaac as they’d danced there. She thought back to his words. She needed to find Lydia and leave.

“Lydia!” she yelled. “Lydia we need to go!” She yelled for her friend.

The crowd seemed to have expanded within the time that she’d been there. Bodies were being shoved from every direction. The smell of sweat and occasionally the whiff of body odor made her cringe. She needed air, but she needed to find Lydia first. “Lydia!” she shouted again. The flashing lights and glow sticks were beginning to leave her dizzy.

A boy running straight for the exit caught her eye. “Stiles?” she said aloud, before positively identifying the boy. She ran after him, dodging people as she did. “Stiles!” she yelled after him. He busted out of the door and into the street. Only a stride before she reached the door she felt a sharp pain across her abdomen as someone ran into her forcefully. The unknown figure smashed a cloth over her mouth. Instinctively she wanted to gasp for air, but common sense told her not to. She felt the person fight to straighten her arm, a mangled breath escaping between her lips as a stinging sensation took over her arm. The breath she inhaled left her dizzy and light headed causing her body to slacken. She thought she saw a flash of bright red hair, but the haze over her mind was preventing any clear images.

The person kept a hand clamped down on the rag that covered her mouth, while the other was busied with the object in her arm. Rowan fought hard not to breathe, but the small amount she’d already inhaled was affecting her greatly. The sharp pain left the crook of her arm and she was brought closer to the door. The person pushed Rowan carelessly through the exit door.

Stiles jumped at the commotion.

“Rowan?” He asked stepping over a charcoal like line. “Rowan you look terrible! I mean, you actually look kind of hot… really hot, but—hey hey!” He scrambled across the line lifting her up as she began falling off the ramp. Her skin was pale and her eyes floated aimlessly in her head. “Derek! Something’s wrong with her.” Her head lolled to the side, and everything in her vision swam. Stiles lowered her to the asphalt as Erica and Isaac joined the scene.

“Rowan, what happened?” Isaac yelled trying to get to her, but the dusty line prevented him from doing so.

“Sweet! It’s working!” Stiles cheered.

“Break the line!” Isaac growled at the cheerful boy. Stiles stopped watching a faint yellow glare coat his irises. Isaac glanced back to Rowan who was laying on the ground. Her head moved a little to one side, but her eyes remained shut.

“Nope. Not gonna happen until you retract your fangs—“

“Stiles break the line! Scott’s in trouble!” Derek then yelled.

“What do you –“

“Stiles break it now, he’s dying!” The look in Derek’s eye was completely bewildered. A sound of a wolf howling echoed between buildings. Stiles looked down, obviously proud of the line. Hesitantly, he moved his hands quickly over the dust, which proceeded to fly away in different directions. The moment he could pass, Derek sped off at the trail of Scott’s scent.

“We need to get out of here!” Erica urged.

“Come on Row,” Isaac went to where Rowan was. Her eyes fluttered open as he scooped her up into his arms. Her carried her bridal style to her car. “Erica, you’ll have to drive.” The blonde reluctantly got into the driver seat, while Isaac slid into the back with the tiny brunette on his lap. Her braid was loose and short strands of hair framed her face. He brushed them out of the way carefully.

“What’s wrong with her?” Erica asked watching them in the rear view mirror. Isaac cradled her head unaware of what was happening. He placed a small kiss on the side of her head, hoping that she would be alright.

“I don’t know.”


“I didn’t believe him when he told me, so I thought I’d test the theory.” Victoria Argent grinned after kicking Scott off the dolly ,”And you’ve given me the perfect opportunity.” She held a small syringe in her hand, filled with a dark red substance. “This,” she gestured to the vile. “is so much better than wolf’s bane-- well, if it works, then it will be.” She added. Her heels clicked loudly in the small room as she closed in on the suffering boy. “It’ll only hurt for a second.” She cooed. “Before you experience the worst pain of your life.” She bent down, ready to administer the red liquid just as Derek raided the room with vicious snarls.

The two fought tooth and nail, Derek eventually sinking his teeth deep into the tissue of her shoulder. The woman cried out, using all of her strength to throw him off balance. She then turned and ran out of the shed. Derek kicked the syringe across the floor unsure of what the actual ingredient was. He leaned down grabbing a hold of Scott and dragging him to Deaton. He cast his eyes briefly to the syringe, deciding it may be best to take the object after all.


“What are you two doing here?” Derek demanded with Scott hoisted against his side. Erica rolled her eyes to where Rowan was. Isaac had her propped against him in one of the chairs.

“Fainting spell, probably brought on by an anxiety attack.” Deaton’s calm voice announced. “Scott?” the vet helped Derek lay him out on the metal table.

“I don’t know how much he breathed: vaporized wolf’s bane.” Derek’s eyes lingered on the vet furthering that he needed to discuss something.

“Why don’t you two get her home, she’ll sleep the rest of the night, but she’ll be fine in the morning.” He smiled reassuringly. Derek watched as Isaac picked her up cautiously with one hand tucked under the bend in her legs, and the other cradled around her shoulder blades. It was obvious the new werewolf had some attachment to her, and Derek could only guess.

When the two left and Derek heard the car leave the parking lot, he turned his attention back to the vet. “What else?”

“My guess chloroform. She had a small injection wound on her arm.”


“Not likely. It was probably designed to appear so, with her being at an underground party, but there’s no trace of anything around the puncture.” Deaton nodded. “I don’t think they administered any drugs or medication, there would be no use for the chloroform they doused her with.” The vet explained. Derek mulled over what the vet relayed.

“So they took something instead.” Derek spoke the words the vet already knew. “Blood.”

“The question is, why? For what purpose?”

Derek reached into his pocket, retrieving the dark vile and resting it on the cold metal table. “I think I have an idea.”
♠ ♠ ♠
AH, 3B is on!
Earthshine has successfully obtained over 100 subscribers, yay!!! I can't thank you guys enough, even the readers who didn't hang around past the first chapter. Your thoughts and comments mean everything to me or any other author that's out there. Please understand that fanfictions are written purely for the enjoyment and entertainment of writing. Feedback is great motivation to any author on Mibba, not just myself. So a huge thanks to all of you who've left thoughts, opinions, and suggestions. You are wonderful. <3 I'd really like to know what you guys think so far... good or bad. Also, what did you think of Season 3B premier?!


Thanks to:
Cinco de Jenna