Status: Hiatus.



Rowan sat patiently on the hood of her car, contemplating possible outcomes of their “date”. No, she thought to herself, it’s just a saying, not a real date. Never had she been like this. Then again she never lived the teen life of exploring relationships and friendship. She’d spent her teen years thus far, which really had only been about three years, in hospitals, therapy sessions (mental and physical), and homeschool sessions. It was only on a bargain that her guardian/god mother would allow her to return to school—to Beacon Hills.

“You know, I hadn’t pegged you for a Prius kind of girl.” She turned around meeting the grin that had wound up in her mind all day.

“Didn’t peg you for a sports guy,” she lied smirking. It was obvious by his toned arms and stance he was athletic, but he didn’t need to know she’d been observing him. Isaac placed a hand on his chest.

“Ouch,” he whined. She smiled.

“Did you drive?” A look of embarrassment crossed his face.

“No. My dad has the car, I just walked today.” He kicked a few rocks laying on the ground near his feet. Rowan gently hopped of the hood of her car, traveling to the passenger side. She opened the door before ushering him towards it.

“Shall I make an official invitation?” she teased? Isaac rolled his eyes, throwing his lacrosse gear and backpack into the trunk.

“Hey new girl!” A voice called from a few parking spots down. Rowan and Isaac both turned to see a shiny Porsche. Isaac rolled his eyes knowing it was Jackson, and probably Danny, not that Danny would make too much of a difference in the situation Jackson would form. Rowan noted the boy’s cocky stride as he approached. It wasn’t until he was in a closer proximity did she recognize him. “You know there’s a party tonight…” he smirked still walking forward, “I could probably show you a better time than Lahey over there.”

“Don’t think so, Jacky ” She smirked knowing the nickname irked him so.

“Rowan?” Jackson stuttered. “W-when did you get back? I thought—“ Rowan almost had to laugh at his sudden change in façade.

“You know Vivian. Always moving here to there, I decided to stay somewhere in the middle. Somewhere, close to home.” Jackson hesitated with a closer glance at the girl. “What the hell is with your eyes? You weren’t this much of a freak last time I saw you,” he was regaining his footing. The words he said hit hard. Jackson narrowed his eyes while Rowan just raised her brow. She smirked cracking the knuckles on her right hand causing him to wince at the sound before eagerly heading back to his car. “Later, Jacky.” Jackson only spared a glare as he hopped into his porche, Danny in the passenger seat garbed with shock.

“Should I even ask?” Isaac too was in a state of shock?” looking to the girl for answers.

“Our families were close, but we never were. Well, we were, until he found out that he was adopted. Then I had to kick his ass a few times.” She shrugged. They both got into the black Prius, both noticing the mere distance that was now separating them. “Um, so where are we going?” She spoke while trying to adjust the radio to something that wouldn’t protrude from the background.

“Well, no offense, but my house isn’t an option. My dad would…” he paused for the briefest of seconds, “kill me.” He quickly added trying to skip a beat of the cliché phrase.

“Well my place is still filled with boxes… is there a diner or coffee shop we could go to?” she chewed on her lip, still the slightest bit frazzled from her encounter with Jackson. He’d become so shallow, so arrogant compared to the innocent young boy she’d grown up with. Their mothers were very close, almost sister like. She remembered when they told Jackson about him being adopted; it affected everyone. Rowan’s mother hugged her for hours that night, sobbing into her braided hair. Rowan quickly averted her attention back to Isaac as he spoke.

“There’s a small diner in the middle of town, if that’s okay with you?” she nodded in response before starting her car. As she went to throw her car into reverse she felt a warm pressure on her hand. Looking down to it she noticed a hand over top of hers before meeting Isaacs’s warm blue stare. “I really like your eyes, you know.” He reached his hand up ever so gently cupping her chin with his fingers as she tried lowering her eyes. He moved from one eye to the other, capturing the thrill of the contrasting irises. “They’re beautiful.” He spoke only above a whisper.

“Betty-Jo’s!” Rowan laughed as they pulled into the diner’s parking lot. “How could I have forgotten about this place?” Her grandfather loved this place when she was younger. She stopped coming after he died when she was 8.

“Well now it’s Margie-Anne’s, her daughter, but it’s still pretty much the same… just really pink,” he scrunched his nose holding the door open for her. She smiled up to him as she passed giving a quiet ‘thanks’.

“Just sit yourselves down sweets! I’ll be with ya in a min!” A short frizzy redhead yelled from across the diner as she was placing pancakes on a table. Rowan couldn’t help but grin at the same accent her grandfather had, he’d moved here in his early twenties from Georgia, but never grew out of his accent.

They took a seat at the long empty bar, both situating themselves on the dark pink, cushioned stools. They took a minute looking over the menus until Isaac decided on chocolate milkshake and Rowan settled for a strawberry milkshake.

They spent a couple hours reviewing chemistry homework as she coached him in formulas and equations.

“So the chemical change of a candle burning would be considered as…”

“Combustion?” Isaac answered wearily. He hated chemistry more than anything, but it suddenly was becoming bearable with her speaking it.

“That’s right! You’re ten for ten so far! One more,” she continued. “In the process of mixing baking soda and vinegar, what should the end result be?” although they were simpler questions compared to the equations they’d just finished, she figured if he could get the lab questions then he was set for the midterm exam.

“Carbon…mono- dioxide,” he answered unsure. Rowan gave him a look to go on. “Gas?” she smiled, soon turning into small laughs.

“I think you’ve had enough for today,” she grinned for what seemed like the first time in forever. Isaac let out a huge sigh of relief his head dramatically colliding with the open book in front of him. She looked at the clock seeing it was nearing 6:30. There was still so much unpacking she needed to take care of, but she didn’t want this moment to slip away.

“It’s 6:10?” Isaac sounded slightly frantic. “I’m really sorry,” he pleaded, “I’ve really got to get home. I can’t miss dinner, Dad would--” he was cut off.

“Kill you?” Rowan gave a sad smile. “It’s alright.” She smiled reaching for her wallet in her bag. Once again a hand stopped her.

“I’ve got it,” Those eyelashes got her every time. “Thank you,” she blushed. Isaac just grinned in return as he placed a twenty on the counter and they headed back to the car. The car ride was mainly silent, both not knowing what to say.

“You can just stop in the street up there,” Isaac pointed. She caught a glimpse of a modern house protuberant among the rest of the houses. It even stood out in her memory. “You live next to Jackson?”

“Well, across… but yeah.” He shrugged as the car came to a stop and she dimmed the headlights. “I really appreciate you tutoring me,” he spoke. Rowan fumbled with the last button on her cardigan.

“I just hope it helps,” she offered sincerely. Chemistry was a tough subject for most. “And thank you for--” He placed a hand on her knee to stop her leg from bouncing. His extra senses had picked up on her nerves since they’d left the diner.

“Don’t worry about it,” he barley breathed. He could feel her heart beating through his fingertips that were still resting on her knee as he watched her pupils enlarge in the dark. On the other hand he could hear his father’s heavy footsteps in their house causing him to move his hand. Rowan released the breath she’d been holding ever so easily as Isaac removed his hand, grabbing his books. “Are you busy tomorrow?” He questioned eagerly? His gaze once again persistent. Rowan just shook her head waiting for him to continue. “Well—there’s a lacrosse game tomorrow night…” he trailed off not knowing how to ask, but he wanted to see her again despite Scott’s warnings.

“And?” Rowan slyly prodded. Isaac smirked getting her hint.

“I was wondering,” he elongated the syllables before his head snapped toward his house. The porch light flickered on and he could hear his father approaching the blinds. “I’m sorry, I’ve really got to go,” he rushed his words, the previous request the furthest thing from his mind.

“Don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she offered a smile. She saw his eyes flicker down to her lips, and at the sight hers mimicked his actions. She saw his tongue barely graze against the inside of his lower lip causing her to bite hers.

“Tomorrow,” he gave one last breath taking smile before disappearing across the street, taking the overwrought atmosphere with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
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mixed thoughts on this as a whole.