Status: entry for mibba's first annual big bang.



When I bring up going to the police later that evening, after we've cleaned up everything - Tae still isn't home - Azalea shoots me a look and tells me to stop being ridiculous because it's really not a big deal. Because apparently Phillip breaking into her apartment and trashing the place really isn't that bad, or something.

"It's fine."

It wasn't fine. It was so far from fine.

But I didn't know what I could do - it wasn't like I could go to the police for her. Could I ask her to move in? She'd say no, probably. And Taemin's her room mate, and Jonghyun is mine.

I spent all of my Saturday - she wouldn't let me take the day off, and Taemin was staying with her anyway - a sullen, annoyed mess. Work seemed to creep by, and all I could do was check my phone every few minutes to see if she had sent me anything or called.

She hadn't.

After I'm finally done, I go over to Azalea's place - I just want to make sure she's alright even though we both know that she's not, not really - only to find her sitting in her room, under a bunch of blankets as she watches Romeo + Juliet.

"It's my favorite, you know." She glanced at me, smiling a little.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright, I guess." Azalea bites her lip. "Taemin's trying to get the supervisor to come change our locks." She opens the blankets and nods her head at me. "Come on."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay with me? Even for a few days? I really don't mind."

"No, no - it's okay, Kibum, really. I'm fine." She smiled. "I can replace the furniture and the frames and everything - and I mean, at least I wasn't actually home." She shrugs and shakes her head. "And besides, who's going to record all of Tae's Hannibal episodes for him?"

It was only going to get worse from there, I could feel it in my bones.