Status: Trying things out

Phone Calls from Out of Town

Call From: Sophie

Friday: November 25th at 12:23 p.m.

"Hey babes, sorry it's been awhile since I called. I've just been so swamped with work! It's funny that you mention Trent because he's actually working with me. We've been partnered up to work on this project for this new thing. I can't really say much about it though, you know how my work is.

Anyway, I understand about the whole birthday thing. I'll just go hangout with the girls anyway, so it's all good.

I'm glad to hear the shows are getting so crazy, those are always the best ones to attend! Okay, well my lunch break is almost up, so I'll call you later. Say hi to the guys for me. Love ya bunches!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmmmmm, what do you all think of everything so far? Any predictions?

Shout outs to the wonderful: kastonem and Clara. for your comments. (also thanks to whoever recommended, I can't keep who I thanked straight so if you did in the last chapter, thank you!)

Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think!

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