Status: new-new-new

Was It Ever Enough?

It tried endlessly to destroy her, but it couldn't because she was already in a hundred pieces, destroyed by herself; because someone like her would rather destroy herself than let it win.

Lorelei Mae
  1. These four words don't come easy, I don't love you.
  2. What have you done..
  3. Without you there is no me.
  4. It's all broken now.
  5. I do the best with what I have.
    I had some technical issues when I updated last one, so please make sure you did read Chapter 4 before reading this one! Thanks and enjoy.
  6. You gotta try to find a way to be alive.
  7. Your blood it mixed with all the chemicals in your head.
    Please, read the autor's note.
  8. And now I see you as I should've from the start.
    Please, read also the autor's note.
  9. We're searching for our saving grace.
    Make sure you did read Chapter 8! And read the AN, please.
  10. The right way.
    Epilogue. Enjoy! And please, read AN.