Status: This is the first chapter. I have more, but you shall not read them yet. It's pretty rough and informal, so deal. But yeah.

Not Another Vampire Story

Lunch With a Vampire

I encountered no more Twi-hards until lunch. Which is pretty good, considering lunch is after 3rd hour. That leaves quite a large slot of time in which people could do crazy things. Anyways, I was sitting at my usual table, with my usual group and my usual piece of pizza with a little stack of picked-off pepperoni (I'm vegetarian).

Isabella appeared next to me, plopping down a tray of my exact lunch, down to the stack of discarded pepperoni.

"Hey Bella," she said.

"Someone's sitting there," I replied.

"I know, me!" the girl giggled and fliped her hair.

Did she just giggle? My table lapsed into silence, no one wanting to give Isabella the idea that we were actually accepting her.

"Don't you like pepperoni?" I asked, a little miffed that she copied me.

"Nah, it's gross."

Alright then.

Anna reached over and grabbed both of our piles.

"What?" she asked when I shot her a look.

"Ooooh, gossip time!" Isabella leaned into the table, eyes shining with excitement. I crinkled my nose. "Okay, so you know that girl Natalia?" she said the name like one would say "earwigs in my watermelon". "So I heard that she thinks you're a vampire. Like, she truely believes it. How crazy is that?!" she sat back, pleased with herself for catching my interest.

"She does?" Cool. Maybe she'll stay away.

"Cross my heart!"

I sat back, content. Why this pleased me, I wasn;t quite sure. Perhaps it was because I was leaving an impression?

The rest of lunch flew by without incident. I saw one girl wearing plastic fangs on my way to Pre-Calc, but that only made me laugh.

......oh, Twilight fans.