Status: This is the first chapter. I have more, but you shall not read them yet. It's pretty rough and informal, so deal. But yeah.

Not Another Vampire Story

Life is... normal.

Life settled into a semi-normal pattern. I sat at lunch, my un-pepperonied pizza mimiced onto Isabella's tray, who chatted non-stop to my left while Anna cast me amused looks from the right. Cullen and I got "A"'s on all of our labs. Natalia continued to shy from my mere presence. Life was certainly more interesting than it had been, although I was still unsure if that was a good thing.

I was in Physics when it happened. Cullen was absent today, so I was pouting to Anna. The teacher clapped his hands, the signal for all to drop their conversations and face the front. My friend scurried back to her seat, leaving me all by my lonesome.

"We have a new student today, class," he said. "He should be showing up any moment now. I want you all to make him feel welcome, alright?"

We all nodded, not really paying attention.

"I sure hope he's not another creeper," a voice behind me muttered.

Just then, the door opened and someone stepped in the room. There was a collective intake of breath.

"There is no way he is a creeper," the same voice said.

"No way," I breathed.

He was tall, dark, and gorgeous.

"You can go sit by Bella for today," the teacher sighed, pointing to me. "We're going to need more desks in this class."

The boy began to make his way towards my seat, when Isabella leaped from her desk, shoving her seat partner off her chair. She smoothed her braid before speaking.

"Mr. Evans, Cullen sits there. No one is sitting by me."

"What is wrong with you?!" the girl on the floor shrieked. She pulled herself up with a disbelieving look.

Isabella frowned.

"Ms. Swan, I'm afraid that someone is sitting by you. Mr. Bender will have to sit by Bella for today. Charlotte, are you okay?"

Charlotte pouted in her seat, casting glares at Isabella, who seemed completely oblivious.

"Isabella, I'd prefer that you not push people in my class."

The girl still payed no mind.

Mr. Evans sighed, and began his lesson for the day. The new boy dropped his binder on our desk and smiled.

"I'm Hayden. Nice to meet you."

I blinked, a little surprised at his impedimenta charisma.


"Bella, I know."

I blinked again.

"The teacher said your name?" he reassured me, laughing a little.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I turned to the whiteboard, where Mr. Evans was writing out the equation for the magnitude of electron charges. This boy puzzled me.

Turns out, just when things get normal, everything has to go and turn itself upside down.