Status: *HEADS UP* My computer is shot and the new one will arrive Monday. Will type and post Chapter 10 next weekend!

Lone Wolf


As Stiles began to lower the running blade to Derek's arm, the door swung open and Scott ran into the room. He dug into his pocket, instantly pulling the large bullet from it's hiding place, his pocket. Before it could clear the top seam, it slipped from his hand and made it's decent to the floor. It rolled across the floor, until it came to a stop at the bottom of a nearby drain. Keegan let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut. Derek groaned loudly, as he clutched at the exam table, his eyes glowing bright blue, before he collapsed on the floor. Stiles crouched down next to him and slapped him in the face a few times, attempting to wake him.

Glancing between the three boys, Keegan found herself staring at Scott, willing him, as he sat on his knees reaching for the bullet. She found her breathing becoming ragged and labored: seconds away from an anxiety attack. Just moments later, Scott let out an excited cry, as he lifted the bullet from the drain, showing it to Keegan. They managed to bring Derek back to consciousness, and helped him stand. Derek ripped the bullet apart with his teeth, dumping the contents onto the table, pulling a lighter from his pocket, wafting the smoke up to his nose. His eyes flashed blue again. The poison that blackened his veins began retreating to the now healing wound. Scott and Stiles stepped aside as Keegan neared Derek.

“What you did was foolish, Derek. You shouldn't have tried to follow the Alpha alone.” Keegan whispered to him, “Next time ask someone for help.” Derek dropped his gaze, surprising her, and let out a low whine, “I didn't have much choice. Scott isn't ready and you... you don't know how to handle an Alpha.”

Keegan nodded and gently kissed his cheek, before he flung his leather jacket across his shoulders, and onto his body. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, “I best get going. Tell the guys I said thank you for their help.” Both Scott and Stiles watched as Derek nodded to them before he pushed open the swinging door and exited out the back. The three of them stood there awkwardly watching each other, when Keegan offered to clean up the mess they had created, but Scott shook his head and pushed her away, causing Keegan to throw her arms around Scott and gave him a hug, “Thank you.”

Scott laughed, “It's nothing. I didn't need a one-armed Derek being angry, just like I don't need a two-armed Derek angry with me. But I am sorry I took so long.” Scott moved away from the girl as Stiles approached her.

“Hey, thank you.”

Stiles raised an eyebrow at her, “For?”

Keegan shook her head and smiled, “For keeping your cool and handling that like a professional. I know he isn't your favorite person but it means a lot to me.”

Stiles shrugged, “It's not a big deal, though I thought I was going to lose it, but anything for you.” He leaned down and kissed her temple. Keegan smiled and kissed his cheek in return. Scott returned and wrapped his arm around their shoulders, “Come on, let's go home.” Exciting the animal clinic, Keegan stood quietly next to Stiles as they watched Scott lock up the clinic. He rejoined them and Stiles offered Scott a ride, which he politely declined before wishing them a goodnight and hopped on his bike, pedaling into the darkness. Keegan shook her head; that boy needed a car.

x x x x

Stiles pulled the Jeep onto their road and as he clicked his turn signal for Kennedy's driveway, she stopped him, “I don't want to go home. Not yet at least.” Stiles looked over at her house, back to her, took his foot off the brake, letting the Jeep cruise to his driveway, “I'm hungry..” He grabbed her hand and lead her through the house and into the kitchen when he picked up the house phone and dialed Pepe's Pizza. As he ordered, Keegan noticed a large file box sitting on the dining room table. She quirked her eyebrows and found herself sitting in front of the box.

Sheriff Stilinski was a hard worker. The files in front of her were graphic and empty. The only thing worth reading was the coroners report of the man who died in the bus attack. A post it note attached to the file in chicken scratch was 'Mountain Lion?'

Keegan shook her head, 'If only he really knew.'

As she flipped through the files, she felt Stiles come up behind her. An exhausted sigh escaped his lips, “If he only knew what happened in this town, then all he would have to worry about would be covering it up.” Stiles moved to take the files away from her when she saw the half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels sitting next to the box. He quickly grabbed that too and brought it into the kitchen. When he returned, a sheepish expression adorned his face. Keegan stood from the chair, and wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his hair, “It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Your father works very hard and I'm sure that this mountain lion theory is very taxing. Even my Dad has a few drinks every now and then. Don't worry.”

Stiles frowned and rested his head on her shoulder. Keegan hugged him tighter and kissed the side of his head. The doorbell rang and Stiles reluctantly pulled away from her. He paid the delivery guy and lead them upstairs to his room. Keegan plopped herself on the floor in front of the television. They ate their pizza in silence, putting Keegan on edge. She slid the box to the side and moved closer to Stiles, “Are you okay?” Stiles merely shrugged and Keegan sighed, before moving closer, resting her head on his shoulder. He half-smiled and placed his head on top of hers, kissing her hair. Keegan placed her hand on his cheek and stroked his face with her thumb. He sat up straight and she leaned in, kissing him. Abruptly, Stiles kissed her with force, knocking her backwards.

Keegan found Stiles' determination enticing and soon her hands found themselves on his hips. Her legs found themselves tangled with his, and Stiles hands became tangled through her hair, leaving it a mess. Stiles bashfully broke away from her and apologized. Keegan caught her breath and wished she had pulled Stiles back in. Keegan began fixing her hair as Stiles began straightening up his room. She watched him place the dirty plates and nearly empty pizza box on the desk. He turned back to Keegan and held out his hand, pulling her from the floor and guiding her to the bed. Reaching across her, he turned on the television and crawled around her, laying down, gently pulling her into a lying position and covered them with his blanket. As he placed his arm around her, intertwining his fingers with hers, the garage door opened, signalling the Sheriff's arrival.

A few minutes later, footsteps sounded in the hall and a knock sounded on the door.

“Come in!”

Mr. Stilinski popped his head in the room and stopped abruptly, “Oh, hello Keegan,” She waved and smiled before turning back to the television, “I didn't know if you would be home tonight.” Stiles nodded, “Nah, we came here and had some pizza.” Mr. Stilinski stood in the doorway, and the silence contributed to the awkwardness, “You two aren't... you know, naked... are you?”

Though she couldn't see him, Keegan knew Stiles was giving his father his trademark look, before he audibly groaned. Keegan smiled, aware her cheeks were red, and shook her head, “No, we're fully clothed, sir.” The Sheriff nodded, “Okay, good. Alright, well I will leave you two alone. Just let me know if you stay over Keegan, okay?” And with that, he left. Stiles harrumphed causing Keegan to laugh, “What's wrong with you?”

“Are you really going to say that wasn't embarrassing?” Stiles asked, raising his voice. Keegan turned to face him, frowning, “Oh please. Yeah, it was embarrassing, more for him than us. I doubt he wants to think about his child being naked with a girl. Let it go. He's supposed to be that way.” Stiles sighed and leaned forward to kiss her. Keegan smiled as he pulled away and rested her head on his arm.

“Listen, it's getting late. I should go home.” She sat up from the bed and Stiles made to grab for her arms, attempting to pull her back. “I have to go home Stilinski.” Stiles followed suit and groaned as he sat up and stood from the bed. Keegan collected her belongings and started downstairs, Stiles close behind her.

“Let me walk you home, there are strange creatures lurking in Beacon Hills.” Stiles stated, holding up his hands in a creepy fashion. Mr. Stilinksi stood in the doorway behind them and bid Keegan a goodnight as Stiles ushered her outside. They walked side-by-side to Keegan's front porch, where they stood arms length apart, awkwardly staring at each other. Stiles took a step towards her and Keegan met him in the middle. He pulled her into his chest and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Lightly, he kissed her forehead, “Alright, enough stalling. You should get to bed. I'll see you in the morning, okay? Goodnight!”

Keegan leaned forward and kissed Stiles lips, earning a smile from the boy and another kiss in return. “I'll go inside once I see you safely inside, or at least near your porch.”

Stiles laughed, “Just get inside Keegan,” She frowned at the boy and he kissed her, “Please.” Gently, he pushed her towards the door and waved as he jumped off her porch and walked back to his house. She dropped her bag just inside the door and ambled upstairs. After changing, she settled down on her window seat and picked up her book from the bookcase. She flipped to where her bookmark sat and began reading.

She was oblivious to the light tapping that came from her window. It grew louder until it was loud enough to pull her from her other world. She returned the bookmark to it's page and slowly put her book down. She moved to the window and let out a scream when Derek moved into full view. He frowned at her and motioned for her to open the window. He climbed into the room and stared at her.

“Derek, what's wrong?” She heard him sigh.

“I came by to apologize. I should have asked you for help with the Alpha and especially about my arm, instead of asking someone to cut it off.”

Keegan shrugged and looked at her hands, “I don't expect you to tell me everything Derek, and honestly, I don't think I could have helped you any better than what we did today. If it wasn't for Scott and Stiles, you would probably be dead. I was absolutely no help today, those two did all the work. Maybe you should put a little more faith in them.”

Derek hung his head, “I understand and I am sorry,” Suddenly, Keegan gave him a crushing hug, “I miss you Keeg.” She felt her chest tighten and she exhaled deeply.

“I miss you too Derek.”

They sat there quietly for a few minutes until Derek cleared his throat, “I should get going. It's late and you have school in the morning.” He leaned across the seat and kissed her temple, gently pulling her into him as well. He released her and she watched him stand from the seat and just as quietly climbed out the window. Keegan stretched and made her way over to her bed, pulling the covers up under her chin.

x x x x

When Keegan arrived at school the next morning, she was immediately called to Scott's rescue. Allison stood at his locker, books held firmly to her chest; an angry look on her face, “I thought you said you didn't know Derek, so why would you lie to me?” Scott's eyes went wide and his mouth fell open.

“Actually, he was helping me. I've been friends with Derek since I was a child. I couldn't life him into the Jeep alone... therefore the boys helped.” Keegan stated, watching Allison with a smile on her face.

Allison's features softened, “Oh, I had no idea you were in the Jeep,” she turned back to Scott an apologetic look on her face, “I'm sorry.” Scott smiled at her and finished with his locker before the three of them started down the hall. As they walked, they heard the unmistakable sound of Stiles running to catch up with them. He looked over at Keegan and apologized, “I overslept. Forgive me?” She nodded and fell into step with him, a blush on her cheeks.

“So, what's the plans for this weekend?” Allison asked, looking from Keegan to Stiles, then to Scott. They shrugged causing her to laugh, “Well, I have the perfect idea...”


"Lets go camping.”