Dark, Light and Love

I was sent in the dark, I was being thrown out by my own family.
I was now alone at a time when I needed someone the most.
They took me with them to California from New York.
There I thought I would find peace
A new start, someone that cared
There, I would find light
Never thought this

Her world was like a normal teenager... the boyfriend, the crazy friends, the big sister. What if you found out the guy that you were falling for was CHEATING on you? Then you come come to tell your mom all about it and not long after your mom is attacked and killed right in front of you and you are told that he was going to come after you next. Your world would be destroyed right then and there, so trying when your dad and sister come home and turn their backs on you and want nothing to do with you any more. This is what Rowan's life was made in a blink of an eye. She was no longer something in the people that she thought loved her. Her family was no longer there anymore in her mind. She became something that they had to bring along... a rock in their shoe, a Cinderella. She had nothing, but a necklace to remind her of her mom she just lost. They wouldn't let her have anything of hers when they moved. So she lost a mom, a family and her home all in a months time.
How would you take all that? Where would you think to have to trun? No where. However when they get to California she meets some very intrestiong people.
What happens when they meet? Find out in
Dark, Light and Love

This is a published book and the copy rights belong to me! And if you have to steal ideas to make your own creations then don't write!
  1. Chapter 1
    The Beginning Before The Beginning
  2. Chapter 2
    The Scary But Beautiful Man
  3. Chapter 3
    The Sneaky Necklace
  4. Chapter 4
    Empty Heart, New Beginning
  5. Chapter 5
    New Friend, Old Fear
  6. Chapter 6
    Home, Palace, Same Thing Right?
  7. Chapter 7
    New Feeling, Good Feeling
  8. Chapter 8
    A Crush, A Friend, A Light
  9. Chapter 9
    She Thinks Her Cold Heart Will Win
  10. Chapter 10
    Seeing Her With Him