Status: First ever literary work. Hope you guys like it. Kind words are always appreciated.

The Devil's Angel

Unknown Rivals

“Hey Damon,” Tyler called out and waved at him. Damon looked at him, narrowed his eyes and made an annoyed face. He knew he shouldn't have returned to Mystic grills, the first thing in the morning. He kept walking as Tyler approached him, “You’re back.”

Damon looked around him and turned back to him, “Nope, it's the ghost. Wait for Silas to bring the body,” he sneered and went towards his favorite spot. He seated himself on the bar stool when Matt greeted him, “Where were you?” he asked, annoyed knowing everyone was worried about him especially Mia.

“Why is everyone trying to be BBC?” he retorted as he took his favorite drink in his hands. “Whatever,” Matt spatted. “Watch yourself, buddy. Don’t want this to be your last day,” he widened his eyes, his smirk returning as he rested his arms on the counter.

“I’ll take a coffee,” a man who just sat beside Damon ordered in a friendly voice. Damon looked at the brown haired main in contempt. “Haven’t seen you here before. You new?” Damon asked with leveled voice, trying to be polite but failing.

Enrique eyed him and a smirk appeared on his lips, “You’re not very observant then,” Enrique replied and Matt snorted at his guts to confront Damon like that. Damon shook his head and raised his glass to as in a toast and clicked his tongue, his smirk still in place.

Damon cleared his throat, “So, what brings you to Mystic Falls?” he asked with a smile. “A girl,” he replied casually. Damon flashed his eye brows and nodded in understanding, “It’s always the love of a woman.” Enrique nodded, “But mine’s special,” he said with a smile.

“Yours and mine both, my friend,” Damon chuckled, “It’s always the same.” They both exchanged a look before taking a sip of their drinks. Enrique shook his head and snorted, “But I messed it up. Big time.” Damon looked at him, “The story of my life,” he replied, seriousness making its way into his voice.

“I hope I make it right,” Enrique said dejectedly, like nothing else mattered except straightening it out with her. Damon looked away in discomfort, his thoughts kept running back to Mia. He realized he understood what the guy felt, how he felt because he too, wanted to fix things with her.

“It will be fine if (a) you deserve it, (b) she loves you enough,” Stefan replied from behind. Enrique looked at him in confusion as Damon rolled his eyes. “God! Brother, really?” he scoffed. “Good to see you too, Damon,” Stefan acknowledged him with a nod.

“I’m so glad to see you’re back,” Elena said, looking at Damon with a small smile, “We missed you,” her eyes were tight and held unspoken sadness. Once upon a time, it would have made Damon happy but now, he just shrugged it off.

Enrique pointed to Elena as he kept his eyes on Damon, “Your girl?” he asked. “Nope. Nothing like her,” he replied with a face that clearly showed he was offended by the question. “She’s Stefan’s.” he completed.

Stefan extended his hand towards Enrique, “I’m Stefan, Damon’s brother and this is my girlfriend, Elena,” he introduced politely, in a pure saint Stefan way. Enrique smiled, “Pleasure, I’m Enrique. I just came here,”

Damon’s whole body tensed at the moment. Enrique, this damned guy was Enrique. The one who came for his girl, the girl who was special. The same girl Damon had returned for, his girl, his angel. He was here for Mia…and then it hit him like a ton of bricks. She called him.

Damon fumed up as he clenched his fists tighter and took a deep breath to calm himself. While he has been on some research mission, no matter how unsuccessful, she was having fun with her lover fiancée and that pissed him off.

He stood up abruptly, “I’m leaving,” he said in an irate tone. Enrique stood up too, “I gotta go too,” he said, “I want to be there when she wakes up,” he said urgently as he picked his car keys from the counter and placed some money on it.

Stefan checked his watch and made a face. Enrique smiled knowingly, “Yeah, she sleeps in, not a morning person,” he replied, “Plus, it was a long night,” he muttered under his breath. “It was nice to meet you all. I guess I’ll see you around,” he said as he left in hurry.

Damon however, was glued to his spot. His eyes wide and jaws clenched. He so wanted to go after Enrique and kill him. How dare he touched Mia and what the hell did a long night meant? His insides were twisting with an abnormal rage, he could hear his own heart beating, running like a wild horse.

Elena took his clenched hand in her own, “Are you ok?” she asked concerned. Damon returned back to reality and took a breath, “Yeah. I’m peachy,” he replied, his tone ice cold. “What’s wrong, Damon?” she asked again, patiently but with an undertone of urgency. “I’m alive,” he retorted, “that’s what’s wrong, Elena,” he said through clenched teeth.

“I…” she started, confused of what happened in matter of seconds. “Please, don’t talk. I’m going home,” he announced. Elena didn't know what happened to him but she knew what would help, “Should I call Mia?” she asked Stefan. “He’s pissed. It’s a bad idea. He would probably lash out on her,” he sighed.

“Yes,” Elena took a dramatic pause and waited for Stefan to look at her, “She’ll take care of him. She’s the only one who can. I’ll let her know he’s angry,” she smiled at him. “He was fine before. I wonder what tipped him off.” Stefan asked.

“His name, actually. The moment he said Enrique, Damon was back to his old self again,” Elena replied, almost in a whisper as if wondering the same thing. Stefan nodded at her with a smile as he took her hand and led her out while Elena called Mia.
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Thanks so much.