Our Own Little Piece of Forever

Texas Roadhouse

Vitani’s POV

It is so hot here! Geeze, how do these people stand it? I could hardly make it through the night because I was just so damn hot. I go out on to the patio leaning over the railing, im on the 10th floor and am terrified of heights… Good choice! I back away from the railing and go to sit on the chair sitting there. I breathe in the moist air, I mean I guess it’s better than smog. I get a wonderful clear view of the ocean from here. I can count 2 cruise ships and another large ship in the distance.

I was actually enjoying the sun when my phone rang and scared the shit out of me.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hi, is this Vitani?” The voice asks, mispronouncing my name.

“Yes, it is.”

“Hi, Vitani, I’m calling about you application for Red Robin, you seem very qualified but we aren’t hiring at the moment. But we will keep you in mind.” The voice says cheerfully.

“Oh, ok thank you.” I say then hang up. Well this sucks. Denny’s and Olive Garden already both turned me down saying the same thing. All that is left is Texas Roadhouse, I have an interview there at 3.

I start to organize my apartment for a while, making it look a bit more homey. Before I know it, it’s already 2:30. Time to go and try for the job.

After getting lost about 20 times, I finally find it. It really does look like a roadhouse that’s for sure. I go in, it must be before they open because no one it there. I mean no one! I’m kind of afraid I came at the wrong time as I stand outside the door but then it opens and a man walks out.

“Are you Vitani?” He asks with a smile.

“Yes, I am!” I say trying to be cheerful.

“Hi! I’m Jeff, one of the managers here.” He extends his hand and I shake it. “Why don’t we go inside?” I nod and follow him. We walk past the kitchen and see a few people in there, they must be preparing for opening. There was one really tall guy and 2 short guys.

We sit down at a booth, he has his clipboard all ready to go and everything. “So why do you want to work here?” He looks at me

“Honestly, I just moved here from England and I don’t really know the restaurants in America, but this one looks very interesting.” I answer, hoping it’s the right one.

“Really? You are from England? One of our cooks is from England too! Well, looking at you application, you seem very qualified, and you seem like a nice girl… I think we could use you as a waitress.” He says and my face lights up.

“Thank you so much, Jeff.” I say.

“Yeah, sure! Would you be able to come in on Wednesday for orientation?”

“Sure!” I say.

“Ok, good!” He stands up, “Thank you for coming in, we will keep in touch!” I shake his hand again before walking back to the front. I look into the kitchen again, the tall guy is facing towards me this time and he is gorgeous. It kind of shocked me at how amazing he looked. Tall, short hair, wearing a baseball cap, he had tattoos down his arms and a lip piercing. I walked by quickly then with my head down, because that’s what I do when I get nervous. I walk out the door and I know that I’m blushing because my face feels all hot. I mentally slap myself why are you blushing? That’s so dumb, you don’t even know his name! You can’t like him if you haven’t even talked to him yet. I mind blabber to myself as I walk to my car. I’m digging around in my purse for my keys when I turn around to see the guy from the kitchen dangling my keys in front of me.

“Uh, you forgot your keys.” He says quickly. He doesn’t sound American for sure, he almost sounds British like me, but I can’t be sure, Jeff did say one of the cooks was from England.

“Oh, um, thanks.” I manage to stutter out. I grab the keys and he immediately turns and walks back inside. I can tell I’m blushing again. Ugg what is wrong with me?

I drive home thinking about this guy and how I’m actually going to be working with him! The thought excites me but I keep cool, I don’t even know him, he could be a creep or an asshole, we will just have to wait and see.

Jake’s POV

Great, that girl that I ran into just walked in for an interview. I really hope she does not remember me. I try my best just to focus on working. There was still a half hour until we open and I have finished all my prep. This is going to be a long fucking day.

The girl finished her interview, it sounds like she got the job. She walks past me looking at me, kind of staring at me then suddenly she looks down and walks out really fast. I don’t get why people are always afraid of me! Do I look scary? Jeff was calling after her but I don’t think she heard.

The phone rings in the back, Jeff looks at it then at me. “Jake, could you please take Vitani’s keys out to her? She left them on the table.” I nod and grab the keys.

I walk outside and dangle the keys behind her, waiting for her to turn around. When she does I manage to awkwardly say, “Uh, You forgot your keys.” Wow I sound like an idiot.

She kind of stutters and I see a blush in her cheeks. “Oh, um, thanks.” I turn away quickly after she grabs the keys, I want to make friends or be nice to people but I just don’t even know how. I walk back inside mentally slapping myself. Now I have a long day of work to look forward to. Great.