Art Teacher

ARRRRGH! The romance got tested fer the scurvey th

Bill and Gerard stayed out late that night. After getting hot and sweaty traveling from tent to tent at over fifty art exhibits, the two got exhausted at around nine o’clock.

The two decided to trip to a cheap greasy diner and eat dinner with one another, talking about everything and anything at once. Bill found that he enjoyed Gerard’s presence more than he thought he would.

“…so Mikey takes the heater into the shower. The SHOWER. I nearly shit my pants,” Gerard giggled as he downed part of his strawberry milkshake.

“So this tops the fork in the toaster incident?”

“Yeah, we just had to replace the toaster. But Mikey? I can’t replace him.” Gerard sighed and ran a finger over the condensation on the side of his glass. He trailed a bead of water over the cold glass, and Bill followed it with his eyes.

“I’d die if something happened to my Tomi,” he sighed. “He is, quite literally, my other half. I don’t think I could live without him.”

“You really love him. I wish I shared that kind of bond with my brother.

Not that kind of bond thought Bill, before shaking his head. He had long since pushed those thoughts to the back of his head. Of course, being Tom’s twin, nothing was secret. Nothing.


“But I love Mikey. He’s the best little brother I could ask for. Sometimes, though… even as close as we are now, though we don’t have that twin thing, I can tell him anything. Sometimes, though… There’s just some stuff that I need to feel from somebody other than my brother. Though he understands this, I just get this feeling it bothers him that he can’t do everything for me. He’s seen me in my worst state, so he feels bad when I’m unhappy.” Gerard sighed and sipped some more on his milkshake.

“I know what you mean,” sighed Bill, agreeing with Gerard. “Tom and I are alike in all aspects of our personalities. He’s just like me, so I know when he gets jealous. He’d never admit to it, but I can feel it. I need somebody to do things with…”

And he wants to do them to me, Bill added in his head.

Not quite understanding the underlying meaning behind the teen’s words, he told himself not to dwell on it.

After a few minutes of silence, both boys turned their attention to one of the televisions in the corner of the room. A sex columnist was giving a report on some talkshow, giving a speech about gay anal sex. An old couple gazed, open mouthed and angry at the television. Bill’s face began to turn pink. It took a waitress at the restaurant a few minutes to realize the awkward silence of the restaurant before she turned it off. Though, those few minutes had already caused enough damage.

“..And the prostate is a bundle of nerves that when thrust against during sex can cause immense pleasure and increase the feeling of the orgasm..” Gerard repeated in a falsetto nasal voice. Bill’s face transformed from pink to crimson and the elder began to laugh maniacally.

“It’s not funny, Gerard!” Bill huffed, crossing his arms and sinking back in the seat to hide his face.

“…And it’s best if the Penis—”

“Alright, guys, I understand this is funny but there’s kids around. I don’t want to throw you out of my restaurant.” The waitress who had turned off the television was now at their table sending them a death glare.

“Yes ma’am,” Gerard told the woman. She nodded and walked away, her dark hair bouncing out of her hairnet and plastering to the leathery, sweaty skin on her cheek. Gerard shrugged her off and returned his attention to the cold drink in front of him. He flicked his tongue over the tip, smearing some of the pink cream onto his lips, before taking the whole straw into his mouth and sucking hard to where he hollowed his cheeks.

Bill smirked, watching his lips as he sucked the sweet treat from the straw. His mind kept reverting to thoughts of those lips somewhere else. He shuddered in his seat.

Gerard watched Bill watch him drink his milkshake. Bill failed to realize that he was blatantly staring. Gerard smirked.

Bill’s eyes suddenly snapped to the old, retro clock on the wall, his eyes widening. He jumped in his seat.

“Oh… oh shit…” He muttered, standing up and grabbing his shoulder bag, rummaging around for his wallet.

“I’ve got it, don’t worry about it.” Gerard stood and slapped a few bills on the table. “What’s up, doll?”

“It’s nearly ten, Gee, I should probably be heading home.”

Smiling at the nickname, Gerard nodded and grabbed Bill’s hand in his own, leading him out of the diner to his car.

The drive back was spent in a comfortable silence, with soft breathing coming from Bill, who’d fallen asleep in his seat. Gerard’s heart swelled. This afternoon had been the most special thing to him. He’d never have thought it possible to feel so much for one person so soon. He was not a person to trust easily, yet this boy had already captured his heart.

When Gerard neared closer and closer to Magdeburg, he reached over and woke the sleeping boy.

“How do I get to your house?” asked Gerard. Bill sat up in his seat, wiping a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth. He pointed the direction for the teacher to drive him home and grinned to himself now that his teacher knew where to find him.

All too soon, Gerard pulled into the driveway of Bill’s small, humble home.

“Thank you for tonight,” smiled Bill, taking one of his teacher’s hands into his own and smiling.

“Thank you, Bill, for coming with me,” Smiled Gerard. Bill placed the smallest of kisses to Gerard’s cheek, barely grazing the edge of his lips. Both faces flushed pink after Bill drew back. “I should probably head back soon anyway or Frank is gonna be fuckin’ pissed. He goes into bitchy wife mode when I’m gone for too long.”

Bill laughed and squeezed Gerard’s hand before climbing out of the car. “Goodnight.”

The teen made his way to the front door, grinning like a little boy in a candy store. He couldn’t wait to see Tom and tell him all about his night. He grimaced when he realized he’d forgotten to text him and tell him where he was.

“He’s probably in here, worried sick about me,” frowned Bill. He didn’t mean to neglect his brother. He pushed open the door, expecting to see his twin waiting on the couch like he always does when Bill doesn’t come home on time.

But he wasn’t.

Where the fuck is he?


Tom was met by a man shorter than he by a few feet, covered in tattoos. The only thing he was wearing, Tom noticed, was a tight pair of black shorts. His eyes drifted to the man’s head, adorned with short, spiky black hair and bangs. It reminded him of Bill.
He studied the man’s face, strong with beautiful green eyes rimmed with black eyeliner. Further down to his tight lips, he noticed something shiny: a lip ring.

“Can I help you?”

Tom fiddled with the hem of his shirt and sucked in his lip ring unconsciously. Things had suddenly turned awkward.

“Um… I’m looking for, erm, Mr. Gerard Way…” Started Tom, softly.

“Oh, hi! He’s out with a student now, but I guess you could come in and hang for a while if you want. I need to finish my routine and then I’ve got some veggie burgers on the grill for later. You can chill and wait for him to come back if you’d like. He shouldn’t be long.”

Tom nodded and walked inside the apartment. Despite the trashy building, the inside was rather nice. It was comforting, with everything soft and close together. He squeezed past the little man and sat himself on a small couch, relaxing backwards.

He was about to question why all of the furniture was bunched up in one side of the apartment living room when there was still plenty of space when his breath hitched in his throat and something caught his eye.

Something shiny.

Like a pole kind of shiny.

“I’m Frank,” came the man’s deep voice from behind Tom. He startled and turned his head. “Frank Iero. Roommate and nanny of Gerard Way.”

He extended a hand, adorned with chipped black nail polish on each finger. Tom noticed a set of tattoos across his knuckles that read Halloween. He was beginning to feel strangely guilty inside for feeling a small attraction for the man before him. He shook the thoughts away and grabbed his hand, shaking it wearily.

“I’m Tom Kaulitz. Bill Kaulitz, the student your roommate is probably with right now, is my twin brother.”

“OH!” clapped Frank, happily. Tom furrowed his brow. What was so funny? “I’ve heard lots about your brother. It’s awesome to finally put a face with a name… heh…”

Tom smirked, relaxing further back into the couch. He watched as Frank, clutching a bag of skittles in one hand, popped one into his mouth and tossed him the bag.

“I’ll be done in just a minute.” He told Tom, sauntering over to where the pole was situated and grabbed it, lifting the lower half of his body up onto the pole above his head. He reached over to punch a button on the stereo on the floor next to the pole.

Tom smirked as a heavy beat pumped out of the speakers, and Frank began gyrating his hips upside down.

Tom’s pants suddenly got tighter.

After five minutes of watching Frank flop in unimaginable ways over the pole, Tom’s mind was totally asphyxiated on the being before him. He gripped the pole as he slid to the floor into the perfect splits and stood up.

“All done now,” smiled Frank who grinned and toyed with his lip ring.

“That was amazing,” Tom breathed, watching the older sway his hips and walk into the mini kitchen that linked to the living room.

“I put on my best show,” Frank winked. Tom shuddered.

Frank walked into the room with a plate of garlic-smelling burgers and handed one to Tom. “Cheers,” he smirked and handed Tom a burger.

Tom choked and fell backwards onto the couch.

Frank, panicking, crawled on top of the dreadlocked teen and pressed his hands against his stomach.

“I’m going to push on your diaphragm and I want you to breathe, okay?”

Tom couldn’t nod. All he could do was swell.

Frank pressed hard on his stomach and Tom wheezed. It hurt, but the forced air opened his throat enough to breathe.

“I’m gonna grab you a pill and you’re gonna need to swallow it before I have to drive you to the ER.” Frank said, standing up and rushing into a door in the short, mini hallway. Seconds later he returned with a small glass of water and a pill in one hand.

Tom reached out and grabbed both, shoving the pill down his throat and swallowing the water as fast as he could.

Immediate relief couldn’t be expected, however. Tom fell back onto the couch and Frank grabbed his feet, bringing them up so that he was lying horizontal on the couch. The shorter man climbed on top of Tom, sitting on his stomach. He leaned forward and his lips connected with Tom’s briefly, making his world spin, before he pulled away.

“That didn’t really do anything,” Tom breathed, now that some of the swelling had gone down.

“I know… you just looked like you needed it.”

The edge of Tom’s mouth curled up into a little smirk. He toyed with his lip ring for a minute and blushed. Frank did the same thing.

“So you like boys?”

“Y-yeah, kinda…” Tom looked away, and began fidgeting with the hem of his shirt beneath Frank, who still had not moved from his sitting place on top of Tom.

“Me too,” grinned Frank. He hopped off of Tom and flitted to the television set. “I’ve got a shitload of candy. I’m not gonna try poisoning you again. Gerard would be so pissed at me if I killed you.”

Tom snorted and sat up, still wheezing slightly but Frank’s kiss had distracted him from the pain for just a few minutes.

“Gee tells me you play guitar,” bubbled Frank, who plopped down on the couch with another bag of skittles in hand. He extended them to Tom, who gladly took the bag and popped one into his mouth. He really was hungry. He’d waited to eat supper with Bill, so he hadn’t eaten anything earlier. His face brightened at the question.

“Yeah, I play.”

Frank once again bounced off the couch and disappeared, this time returning with a long, black, rectangular box. He set it on the floor in front of the couch and popped open two snaps on the side and lifted the top, revealing a shiny white Gibson Les Paul, the name “Pansy” in shiny letters on the front.

Frank attached a cord from the guitar to one of the amps Tom did not notice on the back wall. After fiddling with the overdrive and balance knobs, Frank jacked up the volume. He then handed Pansy to Tom.

“Me too.” Frank smiled. “Play me something.”

Tom’s hand found its way working over the fret board. He was halfway making things up; most of the music written was about or for his brother, and he didn’t feel like sharing that with Frank at this moment in time.

“I’m nothing without my brother’s voice,” Tom sighed, pulling the guitar from around his neck and handing it to Frank. He held up his hands. “Wait.”

Tom strapped the guitar back around his neck and Frank left once again. He returned with another Les Paul, this one with the name “Bella.”

“I figure we can jam together to pass the time,” grinned Frank, who this time kneeled in front of Tom. “Play this chord.”

Frank instructed, pointing to the eleventh fret to where his fingers were positioned. Tom mimicked the chord and it echoed through the living room.

“Now play it like this.”


Once Gerard dropped off Bill, he felt like his feet could not touch the ground. The ride back home felt as if he was floating. Very rarely did Gerard get to indulge in spending a night with a friend, much lest a friend of interest. Sure, he would occasionally go out shopping with Frank, but tonight felt more like a date than anything.

He, for the first time in a long time, felt like his heart was filled to the brim. He swelled with pride at the thought that Bill, this beautiful teenager, an almost untouchable creature, had allowed him into his life, and he felt so proud. Already, he could feel himself loosening up. Just the sight of the boy could calm his nerves on a bad day.

He couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment to tell Frank about his night.

Pulling into the apartment parking lot, he climbed the stairs gleefully and practically skipped home.

When he opened the door, however, he didn’t expect what he saw.


Their bodies were drenched in sweat as they writhed together, a steady rhythm at the tips of their fingers as they worked their magic.

Frank bit his lip as he pounded harder and harder, watching Tom do the same. He closed his eyes and threw back his head in ecstasy. His fingers explored and pushed and pulled until he was out of breath. Tom opened his eyes and watched Frank, who was feeding off of his energy.

Finally, the last note rang out through the apartment as the two collapsed side by side on the floor.

“That. Was. AWESOME.” Breathed Tom, pulling off the guitar and setting it on the ground beside him.

“Damn straight,” said Frank, shaking his head and lying back onto the floor.

“Hi guys!”

Both heads snapped as the black-haired man entered the room, a dreamy look plastered on his face.

“Hey Gee, how was the outing?” asked Frank, jumping up to assist his friend. The two walked back and sat on the couch in front of Tom.

“Oh Frank I think I’m in l—oh, hello Tom!” Gerard finally spotted him sitting on the floor.

“Yo,” the teen waved and smiled. Things had just turned awkward. He had completely forgotten why he was here.

“I just got finished with an afternoon with your brother,” Gerard smiled, and then his face contorted. “He wanted to rush home to see you and tell you all about it.”

Tom immediately felt guilty. He should have known better.

“Oh…” he didn’t have a good explanation as to why he was here, either. “I got worried about him earlier, so I looked you up…”

Gerard chuckled. “That’s okay, I’ve done the same thing for my brother before. Do you need a ride back? I’ll be happy to drive you home, too.”

Tom felt too exhausted to take the few blocks back to his house. This would give him an opportunity to get to know this creep, anyway.


Tom bid goodbye to Frank and left with Gerard out the door, all the while wondering how he could explain to his brother where he was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter description has nothing to do with the story, loves.