Status: Updates will be slow and irregular sorry!

Before the Valkyrie Call

Prologue- The Death of Balder

Odin had slowly been coming undone. Frigg was the most concerned; she was the one noticing most. She expressed her concerns repeatedly to Thor but he dismissed her offhand, telling her there was no way his father would be losing himself. Loki knew she was right, this was the main reason he refused what was asked of him.
Balder had been on Midgard for a few days, wanting to see how the mortals had developed. Odin had allowed it merely because all the gods and goddesses- himself included- wanted to see what had become of the mortal realm below. He was passing by a parking lot when he saw a man pull a gun on a family. The man shot the husband, and turned to shoot the wife and child, but Balder selflessly caught the criminal’s attention and gave the pair a chance to run to safety. But the cost was great and Balder’s life was taken. Odin became outraged that the human’s had become so selfish and corrupted, and his hatred began to consume him. Soon he was obsessed with revenge. So long after the mortals stopped acknowledging the gods, Odin’s mind was failing him, he lost touch with everything and Balder’s death was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
He sent for Loki, the trickster god of mischief and lies,
“Loki, I want you to go to Midgard and take the life of the one who killed my beloved son.” He commanded. Loki was taken aback. The last time Odin had asked for distress to be caused in Midgard was when Loki had told him of Freyja’s deal with the dwarfs Alfrigg, Dvalin, Berling and Grerr and forced him to retrieve the necklace of the Brisings from her neck. He demanded that Freyja cause havoc on Midgard in order to have it back.
“Surely you demand in jest.” Odin’s eye narrowed, “Odin, you cannot think I would do such a thing. You know as well as I- better than I even, that it is better not to get involved with the mortals any longer. Balder was a fool to intervene. Besides, the humans are taking action themselves against him. The most I’ll do is curse him, I’ll not be sent to kill a mere mortal for such a base reason, Odin.” Odin struck the ground of Valaskjalf, startling Loki.
“You will regret the words you have allowed to leave your mouth,” Loki shrank back as Odin rose from Hlidskjalf. “You- who seems so knowledgeable of the ways of Midgard.” That was the last time Loki was in Asgard.
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Hello! I'm terribly slow at writing these days. I blame my shitty art course. I'm having my creativity wings clipped and it's affecting my ability to write *sobs*. Ah, but anyway I'm currently working on the first chapter actually! :D Hopefully it'll be up soon.
Things you may not know/understand:
-Balder's death is an actual part of the mythology and one of the main things leading up to Ragnarok- the end/when the Gods fight the Giants.
-Midgard is where mortals/humans dwell
-Freyja's deal with the dwarfs to get the necklace of the Brisings is that she'd spend a night/have sex with each of them. Odin doesn't like this obviously. Apparently Freyja's that attractive.
-Valaskjalf is one of Odin's halls.
-He strikes the ground of Valaskjalf with Gungnir- the spear made by a dwarf for Odin.
-Hlidskjalf is his chair from which he can see over all the nine realms.