Wicked Games

The Beauty Of Family.

Waking up this morning was a bitter sweet thing for me, it was the last day that I was going to be in the house I grew up in, the last day I was going to be able to hang out with my best friends. It was also the last day that I would get to be with my boyfriend. My father’s death was hard on us all but the hardest on my mother. It’s been three months since his passing and my mother hasn’t been acting right since.
Everything in my room was packed, but the blue walls were comforting to me, they’ve been this same color for years. My mom sighed from the doorway. “Sweetie, living with your grandma isn’t going to be that bad.”
“Yes it is, I don’t even know her.” In my entire life I had never seen my grandmother she would seen me a gift on my birthday and Christmas but other than that I knew nothing of the women, before we knew about the car accident my grandma had called our house over ten times.
“I promise you’ll be okay, you have to trust me. “ I sighed I’ve been trying to get her to let me stay with my best friend Kate but with school ending last week there was no fighting it. She wasn’t having it. “Look honey, I understand that you don’t want to do this, you leaving everything you’ve ever known behind but you’ll make new friends and everything will be okay.”
“What about Brendon?” Brendon has been my boyfriend for three years. We started dating our freshman year and it’s been off and on every since, Though I knew that my mom really didn’t like him said that he wasn’t going to be a strong enough man to be with me, which I never understood.
“You guys need a break from each other, it will prove to you what I’ve been saying all along.” I shook my head walking over to the window. Looking out over the front yard I watch the truck pull away with the rest of our things in it. I couldn’t believe that this was really happening.
“Go say goodbye to your friends we are leaving in an hour.”
Without another word to her I turned and walked out of the room I wanted to cry just thinking about leaving. I knew where they would be, the park waiting for me. I was right the park was just a few blocks away from my house, they all sat on the swings. Kate flirting with Brendon like always, flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder. They hadn’t seen me yet.
“I’m like totally broken about Lily moving. How are you guys going to do the long distance thing?”
Brendon shrugged his shoulders, he looked very upset. “We are going to do it just like we do it here, I’m going to try and vist every chance I get.” Brendon turned around a small smile on his face. He patted his lap for me to sat down. Rapping his arms around my waist he pulled me into a long kiss.
“What about me? you’re not going to find a best friend as cool as me.” Kate made everything about herself. I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t worry I’m not shopping for a new best friend or a new boyfriend.” Brendon smiled.
“How weird is it going to be living with your grandma?”
I sighed. “I don’t even want to talk about it. I hate this I don’t want to leave you guys behind. I love you guys.”
“We love you to babe, it will be okay. You’ll be eighteen in ten months and then you can come back and we’ll get an apartment together.” I didn’t miss the jealous look that flashed in Kate’s eye. Something told me I was going to need to watch her but that was going to be hard being a four hour flight away.
“Sounds perfect baby, I’m going to miss you so much. I can’t believe that she’s doing this to me.” Brendon kissed my head sighing. “She thinks this is the right thing she’s confused without you father, I watched her break down with you baby it’s all going to work out like it meant, what do you always tell me?”
I rolled my eyes. “Everything happens for a reason but you don’t think that I hurt? You don’t think I miss him to but taking me away from you guys is not the right thing its just making me hurt worse, I can’t stand this I hate that she’s doing this.”
“I know baby, I know you have your phone, text me every day and call me every night just like we planned.”
We’ve talked about this for weeks now but now that its time for me to leave I don’t want to lose him he’s been the only guy I’ve ever loved he was my first kiss, my first boyfriend and the only guy I’ve ever been with. We were going to go to college together and get married how is that going to happen now if we are apart? How is he going to love me if I’m not around.
“Stop thinking about it, it’s not helping you any. Everything’s going to be okay. I’ll keep Brendon in check you already know.” That saddest part is that’s something I was so afraid of. I shook my head.
“Yeah, you’ll let me know if he’s parting without me.” We all laughed, we sat and talked about the old times and how much everything was going to be different. It wasn’t until my mom’s car pulled up that the tear’s started. Brendon stood up pulling me tightly too him. “I love you baby, just stick to the plan and everything will be fine.” I nodded stepping back Kate was next.
“call me as soon as you get there, I miss you already.”
I laughed. “I know I miss you too. Don’t forget the phone works both ways.” With one last kiss to Brendon I got into my mom’s car. They waved until I couldn’t see them anymore and then it hit me. everything in my life was about to change..

My grandma’s house was very large. It was a three story white house, the back yard went on for miles back into wood’s, it was nothing like what I was expecting, my mom and dad worked hard for what he had they struggled to keep us going. It was strange to see that my mother’s family had money.
“There are a lot of things you’re going to learn about your father and I once we walk in there, things you’re going to learn about yourself. Your father and I have tried so hard to keep you out of this but in the end we both knew that wasn’t going to happen, and I’m so sorry for that.” My mom didn’t give me a chance to respond to her, she opened her door getting out quickly.
“Don’t worry about are bags Greg will get them once we’re inside.” I stood outside the car completely confused. “Come on your grandma don’t like to be kept waiting.”
I followed my mom up the long path leading to the door. “Can you please tell me what you meant back there mom because I don’t think I can take much more after this.” She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes.
“I know honey me either.” Once one the porch the door opened. a man stood in an all black suit.
“Ah miss Grander, I’ve been expecting you.” He ushered for us to come inside. I was completely taking away with the house it was even more richy on the inside we walked into a large opened room with two stair cases leading upstairs, the walls where a dark shad of red. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Ah this must be your daughter seventeen now isn’t she?” My mom gave the man a sharp look but quickly recovered her face.
“Yes this is Elisabeth.” She put her arm around my shoulder.
“It’s lily.” My mom sighed “If you don’t mind Greg we are really tired from the trip is my mother here?”
“She had to… step out for a moment but she will be back in the morning, she put you in the green room on the second floor, and lily was it? Well you’re in the yellow room on the third floor I’ll bring you bags up, there are towels in your bathrooms. I’ve you need anything else push the button.” With that he disappeared into another room. I raised my eyebrow staring at my mom.
“Come on I’ll take you to your room.” She lead me up the stairs down a long hallway. “If you walk down that hallway and take a left it will lead you to my room. Yours is just up these stairs.”
“Why does she need this many rooms?”
My mom laughed pulling me up the stairs. “Don’t ever let her hear you say that.”
“Mom what’s going on?”
“It’s not the right time. We’ll talk once you’ve slept some.” Once at the top of the stairs she pointed me to a door at the end of the hall.
“Now if you need anything you can come get me. don’t worry everything is good here your safe. So please don’t worry.” She kissed my forehead and disappeared down the stairs.
Something really strange was up with her and I didn’t understand what was going on here. Walking into the room I noticed the balcony right away. It looked out over the back yard. I walked out looking out into the night sky it had gotten dark fast making the back yard look a little more scarier than it did whe we first got here. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my jacket and dialed Brendon’s number. It only rang twice and I heard his voice on the other end. “Hey baby how was the drive? I miss you so much.” I smile the fears I had about kate meant were nothing he wouldn’t do that to me.
“I miss you already. God it’s so weird being here. Nothing is what I thought it was going to be.”
“Why, what’s wrong.?”
“I don’t know something is just off here, I’ve had a weird feeling the moment I walked into this house which is more like a freaking hotel, a rich hotel. My mom has not said a thing about my father which is something that really worries me. She brought me straight upstairs to my room and left me, I just don’t understand any of this. And the way she was talking to me I don’t know I’m so tired I cant even think right now.”
“alright baby well I’m going to let you go then get some sleep and don’t stress yourself out call me if you need me day or night I’m here okay?”
“Okay I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I hung up the phone with a sigh. He was right I just need to sleep everything will be normal tomorrow. I hope.
I woke the next morning to a knock on the door, the sky was still dark my phone said it was only six thirty. “Miss Elisabeth breakfast is at seven thirty, your grandmother is expecting you to be formal in the bath room there is a dress for you.. Your mother will be here to get you from you room.”
“Uhh okay.” I was still half asleep and completely confused as to what was going on. I sat up rubbing my eyes, I felt like I hadn’t gotten any sleep. Why did I need to be dressed up for a breakfast? Who had formal breakfast’s. my mom had a lot of explaining to do to me.
I threw the blanks from my body and walked across the cold wooden floor to the bathroom. Which was almost the same size as the bedroom, it had a stand up shower, a huge bath tub a large mirror in front of the two sinks. The dress hung from on the door it was a light blue sun dress it looked like It was made of silk I stared at it for a moment wondering how they knew what size to get, I pulled my bag into the bathroom getting out my bathroom things.
The shower was amazing, I took my time in there letting the water beat on my body, but I knew I had to get out so I flipped the water off and got out. My hair hadn’t been cut since my fourteenth birthday, so it fell to my lower back almost past my butt, I pulled it back leaving my bangs down. My hair was the same as my fathers, dark brown the only thing I got from him was his hair color and his sky blue eyes. I slide the dress on and stared at myself in the mirror, I looked like a rich prep girl. I looked the opposite of what I was.
I wear my makeup to match my dress lining my eyes with eyeliner. It wasn’t long after I finished that my mom entered my room closing the door behind her. Her blond hair was curled, she also had on a dress it was red looked almost like mine but hers came to the floor. “I brought you shoes.” She held up a pear of blue high hills that matched the dress perfectly.
“You know I don’t wear them things.”
My mom laughed, a laughed I hadn’t heard in a long time. “Well sweetie you’re a women now, and in your grandma’s eyes we wear them.”
I rolled my eyes. “I take it you do everything she tells you too.”
A look came into my mother’s eyes, it was sad something she was hiding from me. “Yeah, that’s what I have to do. There’s no questions about it and so do you. My family and your father’s family are very different than your normal families things in this town.. well there weird if you want me to be honest there are things you are going to find out today. Things you’re going to hate me and your father for.”
I pulled my mom into a hug. “I could never hate you mom but you’ve got to tell me what’s going on your not making any since. I don’t understand what your trying to tell me.” my mom held me tightly for a moment but pulled away.
“There is no time, we can’t be late.” I slipped on the shoes she handed to me and followed her out of the door. I was so lost in my head I didn’t’ even notice how we to the dining room. The table was long a white table cloth over it. There were twelve plates sat up and all chairs were full expect for two, mine and my mother’s. I stared at the floor as I walked, each pear of eyes stared at me.
“Oh my how much you look like your mother. Its so nice to finally meet you.” After taking my seat next to my mother. The women at the opposite end of the table spoke, she was very skinny with dark hair. I was confused she didn’t look older then forty.
“Yes mother she does, but she has her father’s beautiful eyes.” My grandma blew of my mother looking only at me.
“Your seventeen now?”
“Yes I am.” I didn’t understand the look in her eyes when she asked me that, something about it felt very off.
“has your mother told you about your blood line?”
My mother spoke again this time very low. “She knows nothing of the plans that have been arranged, she knows nothing of the power.”
My grandma gasp her fits hitting the table. “You kept her blind from us? blind from her family, you knew this day would come it’s been written.”
“The day we took of, I thought that I had ended this, I thought I could hide her away and this day wouldn’t have to come.” The whole table was silent everyone even myself stared at the empty plates in front of us.
“Well I think its time we let her in on her destiny, don’t you.”
I turned my head to look at my mother who stared right back at me. “Yes, it’s time.”
“I think its best I tell her seeing as you’ve wasted seventeen years.. our family is one of seven, this town belongs to those seven family’s you see my dear you’ve got the blood of one of the most powerful witches running threw your body. I must say are family is very high up in this little town. One the day of your birth your fate was chosen for you what I’m trying to say is that you’ve been marked for death by one of our own, the only way out of this is a wedding, one that wont just save you my dear its going to save all of us.”
“What the..” I couldn’t even finish my sentence I just stared at her.
“Vampires have been known to cause human lots of trouble’s but as a witch they’ve become one of our closest allies. It was written that the great, great, great granddaughter of Mayla would have the power to safe us, but it wasn’t the only thing written. You’ve got a long road ahead of you.”
“Wait did you say that I’m going to marry a vampire you must be out of your mind.” I stared at my mom everything starting to make since, she knew it was going to come to this that’s why she pushed Brendon away from me.
“That’s the least of your worries child, you’ve got very dangerous witches out here, hunting you as we speak to kill you and their not alone. “ my grandma walked around the table “The wedding wouldn’t be for a while so don’t even think about it, we need to get you trained teach you to fight for yourself. This is the beginning, we have a very rough road ahead of you and you have to be ready for this fight because I promise you in the end it’s going to be a fight.” She placed her hand on my shoulder behind me. “You have so much power in side of you and you don’t even know it.”
I just sat there I had so much running threw my mind I didn’t even know where to start. This had to be a dream because none of this was real. I couldn’t take this. I felt her hand move and heard her walk back to her seat. “I’m starved how about you guys, shall we have our food now?” there was mumbles of yes ma’am from everyone at the table minus myself. I watched as plates of pancakes and bacon with toast was sat in-front of everyone who didn’t move to touch their food once the last plate was placed on the table everyone began to eat, some conversions sparked up among the those around me. I stared down at my food unable to even think about taking a bight. It wasn’t even eight yet and I was in a panic. I just wanted to go home.
“Eat child.”
“No I don’t think I will I’m not that hungry anymore.” My mother elbowed me in the side. I sighed picking up my fork. Moving the food around on my plate.
“Once you’ve finished your breakfast, we’ll be giving you a tour of the, I guess we will call them witchy rooms.” She laughed, everyone around her laughing along. I just stared at her.
“Mom can I go make a call please?” my mom shook her head saying nothing else. I stood up.
“And where are you going?”
I glanced at my grandma. “I’m going to the bathroom, is that a problem?”
My grandma’s eyed me. “No, but maybe next time you’ll ask before you get up from my table.”
I just gave her a nodded and continued my walked out of the room once the door’s had closed I took off I had no idea where I was running to all I knew is that I wanted to get away from everyone and everything that was going on.
I ran out the first doors I seen and kept running threw the long back yard, I slowed myself once I had gotten to the woods. I walked down the path, not looking back once. Everything looked so alive in the woods, I couldn’t hear the birds in the trees as I past them. The path went up a hill leading to a fence. I pushed the gate open leading me into a very large garden there was a set of swings, and a bench beside a lake.
I walked over and sat on the bench staring out into the water. I knew that I had found my new getaway place. I don’t know how long I had sat there but the sun was shining bright on the water. I pulled out my phone and seen that I had five missed calls from Brendon. I couldn’t tell him any of this he would think I had gone crazy.
“Hey baby I’ve been calling you all morning, we’re all going to the beach. I wish you was here.” How much I missed our trips to the beach just me and my friends. How much I would love to go back to that now.
“I know I wish I could be there, you don’t even understand.”
“Is everything better for you today? What have you been doing?”
I sighed. “Family breakfast with my Grandma and her… friends. now I’m just exploring the land.”
“That’s good babe but I’m going to have to let you go me and kate just got here and everyone’s waiting on us. call me later?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Love you bye.” Before I could say anything the line ended. I just stared at my phone completely confused.
“I’ve never seen you around here before.” I jerked my head up jumping. A boy stood in front of me. He had sandy blond hair, he was tall, his body muscular. He stared at me with his bright, bright green eyes that stood out from his pale skin.
“That’s because I’ve not been around.”
He laughed I just stared at him. “You must be the missing girl everyone’s inside throwing a fit about then I see?” I just sighed ignoring his question. “You not one for talking to strangers now are you? Was it you friend their on the phone that has you upset?”
“It was my boyfriend and I don’t think it’s any of your business.”
He smiled shacking his head. “I see, well I guess I’ll let you get back to hiding.”
“Thanks.” I turned my head to look back at him but he was already gone. I stared at the spot where he just stood confused. I didn’t see him at the table this morning or anywhere last night. It wasn’t long after him leaving did a group of people find me. “You’re a very hard girl to find. We must get you back to the house it isn’t safe for you out here.”
I sat a moment longer looking around at the beautiful seen around me, with a sigh I stood up. the man waited for me as the others started back for the house.
“Did that guy rat me out?”
He looked at me confused.”What guy?” he looked around confused.
“The guy that was talking to me a few minutes ago. I’m sure he couldn’t wait to let you know where I was at.
“Ma’am I have no idea who your talking about this was the last place on the grounds before we went into town looking for you but that just proves my point you can’t do this, what part of things wanting you dead don’t you understand?”
I walked beside him quietly we had reach the end of the woods and I could see that house. “All of it I don’t understand all of this. Just two days ago I was a normal girl, normal live, friends and now here I am, I’ve lost everything and found out that I’m not normal at all, how would you take it?”
“I would want to be alone too, but I would also value my life a little more.”
“I can’t believe you would do that to me, your grandmother is extremely upset and I was so worried.” My mother stood on the stairs leading up to the house, I rolled my eyes walking past her. “Don’t walk away from me, I’m not done.”
I stopped mind step turning to look at her. “No, I’m done mom I’m done with all of this and I’m done with you right now. I’m going to find my room and I’m going to stay there all I ask is that I’m left alone I cant take this right now, I can’t take anymore today.” My mom didn’t say another word she let me walk away from her. it wasn’t hard finding my room again, it was just a lot of stairs. Once inside I locked the door behind me and threw myself on the bed. I let myself fall asleep going to a world that was much safer than my real life.
My dreams took me back home, took me to Brendon and the way my life was. My father was there but I had the feeling he was trying to tell me something but I couldn’t hear him. I could only hear Brendon and my friends when I woke up I was sweating. It was dark outside with no one to be seen in the yard. I step out on the balcony, I had never seen the stars so bright before in my life, the moon was almost full, shining brightly down at me.
One moment I was alone and the next someone was standing beside me. I jumped away from him completely in shock. “How in the hell did you get in here?”
He smirked. “I have my tricks, how are you doing this evening?”
I just stared at him, parted of me wanted to run in the house screaming on the top of my lungs but the other part was curious about him. “Same as the last time you just popped up on me, by the way who are you?”
“I am Lance, and you like to go by Lily right?”
“Uhh yeah I do how do you know that? I’ve never seen you inside the house before.”
He smiled something in his eyes told me he had a lot of secrets. “Yes, and I don’t think that you will. Not anytime soon anyways. Your Grandma, as much as she needs me she not to happy with me right now.”
“Why is that?”
“Because she’s taken something of mine and I’m going to get it back.”
“What do you mean? What did she take from you?” He stared at me something in his eyes I couldn’t read.
“Soon, you’ll find out very soon.”
“Why don’t you just tell me now?” he opened his mouth as if to say something but the knock on the door stopped him. I glanced at the door only for a moment and he was gone. I stared down at the yard. I was on the third floor there was no way for him to jump and there was no other way for him to get out of the room besides the door.
“I’ve brought you dinner. I’ll leave it here by the door for you.” I listened for my moms footsteps to leave but he didn’t return. I start out into the dark night with fear. What had I gotten myself into coming here?