Status: We'll see where this one leads

A Lifelong Promise


Paul's eyes popped open in pure adoration when he finally laid his eyes on Clare. He didn't see her when he got home from his seemingly never-ending road trip because they had mutually agreed during the week to save it for the minute they were exchanging their vows. Clare had managed to arrange what she needed to in order for them to sign the papers the day of their wedding, and Paul had no qualms with throwing extra money at whatever problem came up along the way.

Clare's eyes were welling with tears as she looked back at him with a pristine smile in her beautifully simple white dress walking down the aisle of the old, historically breathtaking church they'd chosen to have their private ceremony. It was only the two of them and the minister for the wedding - it was exactly what they hoped they could have. They had discussed briefly during the week telling other people, letting a few family members or friends in on the secret, but ultimately that flirtation didn't get much further; they didn't want to share anymore. This was about the two of them and the only thing they wanted to lay their eyes on was each other.

Clare finally reached him at the end of the aisle and stood in front of him confident and excited. She held her small bouquet of white roses in one hand and dropped the other for Paul to hold. He looked in her eyes and got choked up as he began to make his vows to her. "Clare," he breathed her name out so delicately. "I never thought this would be where I'd end up. I never thought that after the first night I laid my eyes on you that you would be the girl I'd been waiting my whole life for. I've grown to know you from a friendship and loving perspective and fallen in love with you in every way a person can love someone else. This is why I won't make any vows to you - ever - that I can't keep. I know what kind of commitment it takes and I know it won't be easy every day of every year we're on this earth together. But what I can tell you is that you really are my best friend and with that comes the promise of always being honest with you. Always being there for you, taking care of you, and staying true to you. This promise I'm making is a lifelong promise to you that I won't ever betray your trust; that for the rest of my life I belong to you."

Clare could barely hold back audible sobs, but managed to keep herself somewhat composed as she lightly dabbed at the tears falling from her eyes. "Paul I don't have the words to so eloquently express the sentiments I want to say to you. Standing here and committing the rest of my life to you means everything to me. You're such a beautiful person inside and out and the way we get each other just makes sense. You've been there for me and shown the purest example of unconditional love, supported me brought me back to life; you showed me what it really meant to live for the first time in, maybe ever. I wouldn't change a second of my life if it meant I'd be here with you right now. Everything I am, everything I have and everything I ever will have is yours. I love you with all my heart, more than you'll ever know, and I promise you that whatever we face in life, we'll face it together."

The second they'd slid the bands on their fingers the pastor gave the word for Paul to kiss his new bride, which he quickly did without reservation. They lingered together, smiling, laughing, crying in between chaste kisses. The overwhelming feeling of relief and joy consumed them, after everything they'd been through on the long and bumpy road, to finally be standing at the end of the aisle starting a new life together was a victory in more ways than one. It was appropriate to them that no one else was there because in that moment, they wouldn't have even noticed - no one else mattered.


"I hope you like it," Paul said nervously as he opened the door to the room they'd be staying in. "I didn't get the chance to plan a proper honeymoon yet considering how quick we got married. A bed and breakfast was the best I could do. I mean, I have a game tomorrow night but I had to do something spectacular for you on our first night as man and wife."

Clare leaned into him and reached up for a kiss. "This is perfect. I know you and I know you probably spent more than you needed to." He went to protest but she cut him off with a laugh. "And I know you can afford it but I would have loved it no matter what."

Paul smiled against her lips before kissing her once more. "I know, but this is the best I could do until we get to really take a honeymoon this summer. It kind of sucks that I have to go right back to work tomorrow. I mean I'll be home til next week but I just don't want you to feel slighted."

"I don't care about all that," she said with her arm wrapped around his neck and her lips still brushing against his. "Thank you for changing my last name," she whispered.

Paul smiled into her, enjoying their honeymoon phase to its fullest. "That's right, you're Mrs. Martin now." He nuzzled his nose into hers and bent down, scooping her up into his arms bridal style as he carried her into their room and to the bed. He crawled next to her and kissed her softly for a good few minutes before she pulled away. "Hold on," she said breathing heavily.

"What - why?" he panted not wanting to stop.

Clare sat up and flashed a seductive grin. "I need to get changed. I have a little surprise for you too."

Paul practically licked his lips in anticipation as he watched Clare grab her bag and saunter on over into the bathroom. Marrying her was the best choice he'd ever made, and he still couldn't believe the events that had unfolded leading up to this moment. He never in a million years would have imagined that Clare would be the woman he'd marry - he wasn't even sure he wanted to ever get married...until she happened. He understood the ramifications of his actions with her, he knew people had certain prejudices of him, her and their relationship. But he also knew no one knew the truth except for them. She was an absolute treasure and James was an idiot to let her much as he thanked him for it.

When she strutted out in a sexy, do-me-now little number Paul was at full attention. He climbed off the bed and met her before she could get to him. He looked her up and down before aggressively grabbing her and pulling her to him, lifting her legs up and wrapping them around his waist as he dug his fingers into her ass.


"Hey man," Crosby yelled out as Paul walked into the locker room.

"Hey," Paul nodded back as he made his way to his locker.

"How was your night?" Sid asked not referring to anything in particular as he didn't know about the huge life-changing event that had occurred the previous day, not having an inkling of an idea that his buddy had just celebrated his wedding night.

Paul smiled to himself as he thought back to his secret. "Good. Very good," he said as he smiled wider picturing Clare's almost naked body going to town on him. "You?"

"Yeah, same." Sid walked over happily and it was at that moment that Paul realized he hadn't taken off his wedding band. He awkwardly fidgeted with his hands and did his best to cover his left one so that he wouldn't give himself away not even 24 hours laters. "What's up with you?" Sid asked as he crinkled his brow, taking note of Paul's sudden awkwardness.

"Nothing," Paul shook him off knowing he wasn't acting as cool and calm as he planned on being. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Sid laughed. "You're being weird. Anyway. Just wanted to chitchat with the playoffs around the corner, everything's alright?"

"Yeah," Paul nodded. "More than alright."

"Good, just making sure - after everything you've been through - that mentally, you're in a good place."

"Everything's fine man. I'm not the one you need to worry about," Paul nudged him and Sid knew what he meant.

"I know. I'm proud of you man. You've come out the other side a better person than I've ever known you. No offense," he teased not meaning to insult Paul in any way. It was obvious to pretty much everyone how much better he was with Clare than he ever had been without her.

"Thanks," Paul said with a grin knowing full well Sid was right. He almost told Sid his secret, but managed to bite his tongue. He wanted just a little more time with his wife without having to share it or answer any questions.

"How is he?" Sid asked quietly, slightly changing the topic.

"We just don't talk. I don't know if we really ever will again." Paul waited until Sid's focus was elsewhere before discreetly slipping his wedding ring off and hiding it in his bag.


Since they couldn't go on an actual honeymoon until the season was over, Paul did everything in his power to spoil his new bride. He brought her flowers, drew bubble baths with rose petals everywhere for the two of them to enjoy, took her out for dinner - he went out of his way to show her how happy he was to be her husband. As elaborate as he was with her, he also spent plenty of nights just lying tangled up in her. The one thing they relished in was the normalcy of their lives. She slowly but surely had finally moved all her stuff from her apartment to his and they touched based with a real estate agent to focus on buying their own house rather than stay in the apartment. The rental was nice - especially his - but it was time now that they were married and ready to start their own family for them to move on.

After about a month, with the playoffs mere weeks away at this point, Paul was finding it more and more difficult to remember to take off his wedding ring. Clare stopped taking hers off a few weeks after their wedding. She didn't sit with other wives when she went to the games and when she was there she was pretty good at keeping her left hand hidden. No one asked her questions because she didn't make a big thing of it.

"I'll see you Thursday," Paul said sweetly as he stood at the door of their apartment with his bag packed. He had her wrapped in his arms tightly pressed against his chest and was stroking her back as he leaned down and kissed her.

"Alright baby, have fun. I'll miss you." Clare hated when he left but was used to him going. She knew she had nothing to worry about when they weren't together and never felt insecure about what he was doing when he was away. It was viewed at by both of them as a business trip, something he had to do, and couldn't wait until he was home. She always went out of her way to make coming home more enjoyable for him, and this time would be no exception.

"I know. I'll miss you too. Be careful, okay?"

"I'm always careful, you know that."

"I know that," he nodded. "I gotta get out of here or I won't make it. I'll text you from the bus. I love you Clare."

"I love you," she said as she leaned up and kissed him one last time before he had to walk out the door and close it behind him.

When Paul got as settled as he would be able to get in his hotel room he was just about to pick up the phone to order room service when he heard a knock on his door. When he opened it he saw Sid, Chris, and Letang standing in front of him. "We were gonna grab a bite to eat. Wanna join?"

"Just you three?"

"I think a few more people. Including Neal."

"Oh," Paul said stopping in his tracks. "Maybe I should sit this one out."

"No, c'mon. Everything will be fine. He hasn't said a word about it in a long time. I thought you two reached an understanding of sorts," Sid insisted not wanting Paul to miss out on a meal because of this situation.

"You could say that," Paul nodded. The problem was he knew that when the other shoe dropped and everyone found out that they'd gotten married, no matter what kind of understanding they'd come to, James was going to freak the hell out. "Yeah I guess. We're not staying out late or anything right?"

"Well I'm not," Sid shook his head innocently. "I don't know what everyone else is doing but if you wanna check out when we get the check I'll head back here with you."

"Alright, yeah." Paul turned and grabbed his coat. "I'm starving."

They walked down to the lobby where the rest of the guys were waiting. Everyone was involved in a little discussion amongst themselves and Paul was so caught up in laughing with his teammates that he didn't think twice pushing the hotel door open.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he heard from behind him. "What the hell is that?"

Paul snapped his hand down and felt his stomach churn as he realized he'd forgotten to take off his wedding band. He turned around and went to slide his hand in his pocket when Tanner Glass grabbed his arm. "What is that?" he asked clearly teasing Paul but not realizing the ramifications of his actions.

Paul looked down at his hand and up at Sid - whose brow was wrinkled as he looked at him confused - before yanking his arm away and putting his hand in his pocket trying to hide to exposed evidence. "It's nothing."

"No, dude, that's a wedding ring. What the fuck?"

Paul's heart pounding against his ribcage and he couldn't help meeting Neal's gaze. Paul felt cornered as he looked to Sid again only to see Sid shaking his head in confusion. "What's going on?" he mouthed to Paul.

"Did you get married and not invite us to the wedding?" Kunitz asked him partially confused, partially kidding, and partially pissed off.

Paul looked down at the ground and slowly nodded his head. "Yeah. I got married."

"What?" he heard the rumbles coming from his teammates. They were surprised to say the least, and it didn't take long for the attention to go to Neal.

"You married her?" Paul finally heard the voice he'd been dreading as James stepped up to him. "You married Clare? Seriously?"

Paul wasn't able to say anything, he just nodded his head.


Paul swallowed before answering. "A little over a month ago."

He could see everyone's eyes pop open and Neal's jaw tighten in anger and broken-heartedness. This was not the time nor the place he imagined breaking the news to everyone. He wasn't sure how he planned on doing it, he just knew this wasn't it.

"You got married a month ago and didn't tell anyone?" Sid asked him not in anger but pure confusion - he didn't expect Paul to keep such a secret especially since he'd been on Paul's side from the beginning.

"I didn't want to deal with any of the questions, and it wasn't anyone else's business. Plus it was both of us. We wanted to keep it between the two of us and enjoy some privacy. It wasn't this big thing where we invited people - no one knows. I asked her and then it kind of snowballed from there. We decided to get married two weeks later right after we got home from being on the road and no one was there except for the pastor that married us."

"I married my wi- Clare." James quickly stumbled over his words to correct himself. "I stepped aside and was having a hard enough time with you just being together and you went and married her? Not just proposed but full on married her. How could you?"

"It was the right thing for us. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Paul genuinely meant that. He didn't want to cause anymore problems but he realized that as long as they were on the same team it was inevitable. There was no forgetting the past and Neal would never accept Paul's union with Clare - it was only a painful reminder of how badly he'd made decisions in his own life. No one said anything as they stood around awkwardly absorbing what had just happened. Finally Paul broke the silence as he began to walk away from the rest of the group. "I'm stay in. I was gonna order room service anyway. You guys have fun."

He finally released the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding when he got on the elevator. Everyone was still stunned, Paul included. When he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket he pulled it out and breathed a sigh of relief to see Clare's name flashing on the screen. "Hey baby," he said with his voice still shaky.

"Hey sweetie!" Her voice was like music to his ears. "How's your trip going? I need to talk to you about something. You got a minute?"

"Well," he swallowed and then cleared his throat. "It's...well, please don't get mad at what I'm about to tell you, okay?" he begged her dreading what he was about to say. "I guess I forgot to take my wedding band off and well, long story short everyone knows we're married and they're pretty pissed. James is furious and the rest of the guys can't believe that I didn't invite them and kept it a secret. I'm sorry - this clearly wasn't my ideal way of telling them and I just hope you aren't mad -"

"Baby I don't care," she cooed from her end of the phone as she cut him off and eased his nerves. "I don't care at all. I don't care who knows anymore. I'm your wife, I'm not ashamed of that."

Paul's lips curled up into a smile as the elevator stopped. "I love you Clare." Having her support gave him the ability to do anything and it meant the world to him.

"I love you too," she breathed out sincerely making his heart melt. "And I think I can help your night get better."

"Oh yeah? How are you going to do that? Unless you're here when I get off this elevator I don't see what you could do. It's a weird night."

"Paul I'm pregnant," her voice was filled with excitement as it echoed in his ear. His jaw dropped and his heart sped up as the beautiful news she just caught him off guard with sank in.

The elevator doors opened to his floor, but he was unable to move; paralyzed in the best way possible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update. I've had a million things going on.

Anyway, I hope you like it. There's a chapter or two left. Thanks so much for reading and for commenting and for motivating me to update when I lose track of time.