Status: Enjoy!

Supernatural Oneshots!

My Sweet, Sweet Rain.

It’s funny, rain is falling but I can’t feel it. I can see it, and smell it. But I can’t feel it. Maybe is it because I’m draining? I can feel the warm ooze seeping through my clothes and onto the pavement, but where is the rain? Where is the soft pitter patter of water on my skin that soothes me when I’m in pain?
“Dean” Ah, there he is. His voice is softer than usual, how strange. I feel a hand on my cheek, cupping it lightly and another on my waist, just next to the ooze. My eyes feel heavy, every time I blink I lose sight of the rain. But then it comes back. In and out, like the plunger on a pinball game. My eyes are open for a moment and I catch a glimpse of my rain once again. I can feel him now, pitter-pattering on my cheeks and forehead.
Then it stops. I can’t see the sky anymore. Only my rain under a shade of black, keeping me safe. His hands are searching my body for the source of my ooze. He won’t find it though. His drops aren’t looking in the right places. Silly rain. You can’t help me, not right now,
“Cas.” I sound parched as I address my rain. I could have sworn I’d had plenty to drink today. My broken voice doesn’t stop the rain from scavenging my body for the ooze. And now even my rain is beginning to fall.
I can feel the rain now. A slow, soft pitter patter on my face. The drops are warm as they touch my skin, warm like the ooze dripping from my mouth. As each droplet touches down I blink, startled by the contact.
I try smiling to get my rain to lighten. All I can do is a meager half-grin. He likes it when I smile like that, my rain. He stops and looks at my face, drops are still falling as my rain smiles back at me.
Oh, my poor rain. What he must go through when he sees me like this. My poor, poor rain. I’ll surely have to apologize for this later. For worrying my rain so. My darling rain. My sweet, playful, rain. What wrong I have done you.
My rain starts to pitter patter on my face again, kissing me gently where I’ve become broken. He brushes every scar and bruise and cut and break as though it were the face of a baby, taking care to reach every mark left on me.
Oh, my rain, what I would give to kiss you now.
What I would give to kiss you now.
I love you, my sweet, sweet, rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was my first time ever writing Destiel. I think I did pretty alright, don't you? Well if you do (or even if you don't) leave a comment letting me know what you think. It would be much appreciated!