Status: I'll try to get a chapter up every week. Feel free to yell at me if I don't :)

You're Just a Daydream Away

Chapter 2

Jack's POV

Shit,shit,shit,shit,shit I'm late for school. My mum must have slept in late and forgot to wake me up. I quickly got up and pulled on my skinny jeans and Nirvana shirt, practically running out the door. I sped to school and got into class five minutes late. "Mr. Barakat do you have a pass?" I shook my head and sat at my desk. I shuffled my hand around my backpack looking for my board and marker but quickly remembered I left it at home,on my desk. Fuck, today is just not my day. "Okay guys, we're. Just finishing up Of Mice And Men and I would like you and your partner to come up with a soundtrack for the book" I saw Alex smile out of the corner of my eye and he turned his head to me. He must have said something because he lightly smacked my arm, looking slightly irritated "Well?" I flinched and looked at him apologetically. I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Alex "I'm sorry, what did you say?" It read.

"I said do you want to come to my house after school to work on the project?" He repeated

"Oh uh yeah,okay" I showed him my paper and a smile graced his face. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? Whenever he's with his friends he’s a complete ass and picks on people. Now he looks like he's actually enjoying talking to me. "Okay, well just wait outside for me and you can follow me home" he said. I nodded, in confirmation and worked on my classwork. The bell rang a half an hour later and I headed off to music. We had a free day today so Zack and Rian sat around me while I played a random song on a guitar, hoping it sounded good. I closed my eyes and shut everything out, playing by memory. I was nice to only be focused on the way my fingers pressed down onto the strings, making my fingers calloused. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes. "What were you playing?" Rian asked. I shrugged "Just a random melody"

"Play it again. I want to write down the notes" I imitated what I had previously played pretty well and they wrote everything down. "It sounds good Jay" Zack smiled.

"Thanks Zack" I mumbled.

~~~~~~ time lapse ~~~~~~~~~

Ugh I have to go over Alex's house today. I slaked my locker shut and started walking to the front of the school. Someone grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and turned me around. I came face to face with Vinny, Matt, Oli,... and Alex. "We were talking to you faggot" Matt spat. My eyes flickered between Alex and Flyzik, silently pleading Alex to stop them or something."Guys I really don't think-" I saw Alex start. "Shut the fuck up Alex" Oli cut him off "Don't waste your breath on this freak of nature. He's not worth the effort" He looked at me with sorry eyes and hung his head low. Flyzik pulled a fist back and connected it with my gut, knocking the air out of my lungs. I clutched my stomach and coughed violently. They shoved me to the ground and started kicking my sides. One of them got to the ground and started punching my face. Sooner or later they got bored with me and walked away, Alex still not saying a word. I groaned in pain and ran a hand through my hair. Pushing myself off the ground, I wiped the blood off of my mouth. I staggered to the bench outside and plopped myself down. I pulled out a pair of headphones and placed them in my ears. I usually carry these so when I'm waiting for someone or just sitting,thinking, so its not so awkward and it's an excuse to ignore people. I lied my head back on the bench and waited for Alex. I saw the walk towards me and sit next to me, noticeably close may I add."Hi" I waved slightly back to him. "Are you okay?" I shrugged and nodded a little, playing with my fingers in my lap. Of course I'm not fine you fucking dumbass. Your so called friends just beat the shit out of me. "What are you listening to?" He asked. I felt my cheeks heat up and I pulled out some paper. "My favorite song" I lied. He took the pen and scribbled on the page "Can I listen to it?" I could tell that by now I had a full on blush "It's embarrassing, maybe another day?" I wrote. He smiled at me "I would really like that.Well we better get going, yeah?"

"Do you mind if we stop by my house so I can get my board and marker?" I scribbled down. "Yeah that's fine, lead the way" we got in our respective cars and went to my house. When we got there I jumped out and ran inside and quickly grabbed my stuff. We then left my house and headed for his. We pulled up to an average looking house that actually wasn't very far from mine.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked as we walked inside. "No it's alright. Thank you though" he grinned in response

"Let's go up to my room" he led me upstairs, to the last door in the hallway. His room was awesome. He had posters covering every inch of his walls, portraying bands and movies he liked. There was a stereo in the corner of the room with speakers hung up around his room. There were stacks of cds, movies, and video games piled high beside the stereo. Last but not least his sea-foam green guitar sat on its stand in the corner, in all its glory. My smile grew wider and I showed him my board "I really fucking love your room"

"Han thanks" he laughed, rubbing his neck nervously. "So um, project time!" He mock cheered. I laughed and plopped myself onto the floor. "Do you mind if I put on some music?" He asked. I shook my head and pulled my notes out. It ended up bring that Alex would pick out songs he liked and I would read the lyrics to see if they worked with the book. Just about an hour later of 'hard' working Alex fell onto his back. "JAAAAACK I'M BOOOOORED" He groaned. I laughed a bit at him "Ugh I know" I wrote.

"Cartoons!" He asked, bouncing in his place. "Sure! Can we watch Tom And Jerry... please?" I showed him. He nodded and jumped up "Yeah, I love that show! Let's go!" Yay now I'll have entertainment! He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room. I curled up into the corner or his couch and he sat beside me. I glanced over at him and smiled. I'm not going to lie, he kind of looked adorable right now. He was sitting Indian style beside me with a big, childish grin on his face, holding a pillow to his chest. What I wouldn't give to be that pillow right now. Wait, what? Fucking stop it Jack, he's just a man whore. I'm 90% positive that he lives on one night stands and is in no way looking for a relationship anytime soon. I could feel my cheeks burn and at that moment Alex decided to look over at me for some reason."What?" He asked looking puzzled "Nothing" I wrote, blushing deeper. He slowly nodded and eyed me suspiciously but turned back to the T.V. anyway. I tapped his shoulder "Actually Alex, I think I should get going" I showed him. He pouted slightly at me "So soon?"

"Yeah, my mom will be worried" I smiled sadly."Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked.
"Of course" I waved goodbye and grabbed my things, walking out the door. Easy to say today was weird.
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yay two chapters in one day! i figured i already had it written so may as well put it up right? well i hope you guys like it please tell me what you think and im open to suggestions :) dont be a silent reader!!!