Status: I'll try to get a chapter up every week. Feel free to yell at me if I don't :)

You're Just a Daydream Away

Chapter 3

Alex's POV
I closed the door behind Jack and rested my head against the door. What the fuck are you doing Alex? Barakat was in your house. Why are you being nice to the kid all of a sudden? He’s just your average run of the mill mute kid. I can’t even imagine what my friends would do if they found out that I willingly hung out with him. And what was that thing about his music? I’m pretty sure there isn’t any music I could ridicule him for. I mean, it saved my life numerous times, so why should there be a reason for me to put down something that could’ve saved his as well. I ran a shaky hand through my hair and waltzed back to my room. Ugh I need a drink or something. i picked up my phone and texted Flyzik.
Hey, you wanna go out for a drink tonight?
Yeah, sure. Meet me at the bar in ten minutes
I threw my phone on my bed and went to the bathroom to straighten my hair. I changed into a tight grey V-neck and threw a leather jacket over it. I drove over to the bar, showed my fave I.D. and walked in to see Matt with the rest of the guys with him. “Hey guys!” they shouted hellos to me/ some already half drunk, and passed me a beer. Numerous drinks later, with me being shitfaced, some really slutty girl came over to me and pulled me out onto the dance floor, she began to grind against me with the music with me mirroring her movements. Not long after she dragged me outside and held me to the wall. she pushed her lips against mine, infiltrating my mouth. i seductively smirked at her and led her to my car.
Who am I to refuse a casual fuck?
I woke up groaning in pain. My head was throbbing. Fucking hangovers. I stood up slowly and stretched, letting the blanket fall off of me. I realized that I didn’t even have clothes on. Fuck, what happened last night? I remember Barakat leaving leaving and i got drunk off my ass, that’s about it. I started to talk over to my dresser but quickly noticed a body in my bed. Oh god I didn’t kill someone, did I? I sighed in relief when i noticed it moving. the sheets slipped down to reveal a bleach blond bimbo, who looked a lot like my ex,... and her boobs. I walked over and pulled the sheets up to her chin. I am so not in the mood for all that right now. I got ready and left my own house before she woke up. I still have school today, so yay for excuses! The sun hit my eyes and I groaned, holding my already throbbing head. I slugged into my seat and dropped my head onto my arms. “Alexander,no sunglasses in class” I grunted and took them off to see a substitute teacher standing in front of me “and keep your head up” I sighed and picked up my least she lets us listen to music. She handed out a packet of work to the class “You may work with the people sitting around you” Jack turned to me expectantly but his smile faltered. “Alex, are you alright?” he wrote.
“Fuck off bitch” I sneered. He recoiled at my tone and a hurt expression crossed his face. He turned back to do his work on his own. Eh i guess i kinda feel a bit guilty but whatever he’s going to have to deal with it. I took `out my headphones and played Jacks Mannequin until the end of class. The bell rang and we all filed out of the class room, well that is all of us but Jack, his eyes were closed and he just sat there. I rolled my eyes and went over, tapping his shoulder. “Come on dumbass the periods over” He looked up at me and blushed when he noticed that everyone was gone. he nodded to me and hurried out the door. He bumped into Vinny, Flyzik, Matt, and Danny only to be slammed into the lockers and have his things scattered all along the hallway.. He struggled to shove everything into binders and pick it all up as Danny kicked something further down the hall. I sighed, shaking my head I picked the stuff at my feet and handed it to him. That boy will never learn, will he?
I was greeted at home by my parents yelling at eachother in the kitchen. I walked in and they momentarily stopped their arguing. “Hi honey.” my mum greeted and hugged my hello. My dad just nodded at me and as soon as I walked out they were arguing again, only in a hushed tone now. I sighed and shrugged my bag off, deciding to go for a walk. I strolled with my head ducked down the street to the huge park called ‘wonderland’ by my house. I made my way over to the swings and sat down.. I mindlessly swung for a while until I saw a boy who looked around my age walk by with a guitar case. He sat down and the base of a tree and pulled out a beautiful black acoustic guitar. He strummed across the strings a couple of times and started to play a tune I didn’t recognize. Oh my god he’s so good. Some lyrics popped into my head and I started to attach them to his song. I got up and hesitantly walked over to him and sat down beside him. The boy was Jack. He noticed I was there and stopped playing, placing the guitar on his lap. “No, no, no, don;t stop playing. You’re really really amazing” I breathed. He blushed and wrote ‘Thank you’ in the dirt in front of us.”No problem” I smiled. “Is this your song?” He nodded and smiled bashfully “Could you try playing that again? I want to try adding something” he nodded once again and turned himself towards me and played again, but looking at me instead of the strings. I started to sing the lyrics i had in my head along with him.
“Manage me, I'm a mess
Turn a page, I'm a book
Half unread
I wanna be laughed at
Laughed with, just because
I wanna feel weightless
And that should be enough
But I'm stuck in this fucking rut
Waiting on a second hand pick me up
And I'm over, getting older”
“Alex thats really amazing, how long have you been writing songs?” he asked me. I felt butterflies invade my stomach and I suddenly felt warm inside and I inwardly scolded myself. Alex... what? so many people have told you that your lyrics are awesome. How come all of a sudden Jack’s opinion means so much? Back to the conversation..... where was I again? oh yeah, how long has it been? I’ve always just written whenever something popped into my head or I felt down or something. “Uh I think since freshman year mostly” I told him.
“Well It’s paid off. Have you ever thought about being in a band?”“Yeah I have actually. None of my friends really want to play in a band and don’t play any instruments... what about you? You’d do really well and don’t your friends play instruments?”
“I would absolutely love to be in a band but it would be... complicated to say the least and yeah Zack plays the bass and Rian plays the drums.” Complications? what could be so complicated about getting some guys together and playing music? I shrugged it off and stood, helping jack up as well. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” I smiled. He returned the smile “I’d like that” he wrote, leaning down to reach the mud. I pulled him into a quick, loose hug and waved good bye. I think I’m starting to like Barakat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I usually take forever to write a new chapter... on my other story it will be like two weeks later and im like hey look i finally finished one chapter! if that ever happens feel free to slap me in the face.... the comments help with that too :D OOOOH SUPERMAN IS OUT THIS WEEKEND too bad i hate him....... still im excited :P sorry for any errors i was too lazy to go over it
​ ok anywho comment and let me know what you think! im open to suggestions!
okay so GOSH DARNIT GUYS DONT BE A GHOST READER!! it makes me all happy inside when you comment <3 good night my lovelies