Status: I'll try to get a chapter up every week. Feel free to yell at me if I don't :)

You're Just a Daydream Away

Chapter 4

I scuffed my side of the conversation out of the dirt and shoved my hands into my pockets. I smiled to myself and started my trek back home. Despite what people think Alex can be a really sweet guy.He’s an amazing songwriter too. I’m sure his voice is absolutely perfect. I really wish I could hear it... the walk home seemed shorter than usual and there was a strange car in the driveway that strangely resembled a hearse. “Mum! I’m home!” I called out.
“Oh Jack sweety, look who came by to see us!” I followed her voice into the living room to see her holding hands with a man sitting next to her. “He’s come to live with us!” she exclaimed happily. My small smile dropped as he turned to me with a sly smirk spread across his face. “Jack, my boy, you’ve grown up...well” he said ,looking me up and down. I shivered and felt my body tense as I realized who this man was. My brain seemed to clear itself of everything but the memories from when I was younger with my dad. He would constantly harass me as a child. constantly. He would come home stoned or shit faced. More often than not he would barge into my room, regardless of what I was doing. He would invade my personal life by going through my computer, he would constantly scream at me for things I didn’t do, and abuse me. I remember days when I would be lying in my room in pure agony from all of the pain he inflicted on me. of course us two were the only ones that knew. I wasn’t prepared to let my mother lose the love of her life because I was selfish. He never actually hurt her anyways. So I made sure to always cover up bruises and cuts with borrowed concealer and if she asked about any of them I just said I fell or something. To this day she still thinks I was the clumsiest child on earth. When I ten he got up and left in the middle of the night. He got fed up and skipped town with no note telling where. I gritted my teeth together and grabbed my board off the table. I pushed the marker down on to the board, perhaps a bit too hard, only the sound of squeaks from the felt tip scraping across the surface “Hello Father” it read. I glared at him “Why are you using that? Speak to me when I talk to you, don’t use that shitty board”
“You can’t tell me what to do you fucking asshole” I threw the board at him and ran up to my room, locking the door behind me. I sat against the door and put my head in my hands. What is she thinking taking him back like that? We had spent seven years wishing that he’d drop the line and she’d carry the thought along with him in her mind. (A/N ahaha see what i did there?) I suppose it makes sense that she welcomed him with open arms, she just missed him too much. Although I know that he probably came back for money, sex, and a punching bag. I bet you he ran out of drug and alcohol money and he missed it so much he came to take our money. After all his bottle’s his mistress. I could feel the door behind me begin to vibrate behind me from him pounding on it to get it open. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and curled up into a ball. He must’ve managed to pick the lock because soon enough the door was being shoved open, pushing me out of the way with it. My dad came in looking furious and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt “Don’t you dare disrespect your family, or more importantly me, ever again” He snarled, bringing his face so close to mine that i could feel specks of spit hit my face. Is this what you call a family? He threw me against the wall and hovered over me menacingly. He sent a punch to my cheekbone and a kick to the side for good measure. I wheezed in pain and looked up through watery eyes “You fucking worthless piece of shit” He walked out, slamming my door shut. A single tear fell down my cheek as i subconsciously packed a duffle bag with enough clothes for two nights. I slowly walked down stairs “Jack, what happened to you!?” my mum shrieked. my cheek was probably already bruising. I dismissed the question “I’m going to go stay at a friends house for a couple of nights” I whispered to her. she looked at me concerningly but nodded nonetheless. I mindlessly walked through the streets, allowing my feet to decide where to go. I stopped at the door of a large house. How did I get here? It’s Alex’s house... I’ve only been here once.... huh oh well. I was just about ready to knock on the door when it suddenly opened, not even allowing me to connect my knuckles to the door. An older woman who strongly resembled Alex. “Oh, Alex didn’t mention he was having a friend over today. I was just heading out so you boys will have the house to yourself” she smiled to me she turned to yell into the house, probably that I mysteriously showed up and stepped aside to let me inside and left the house. Alex came down the steps in a pair of large sweatpants and a Jimmy Eat World shirt. “What? I didn-” he cut himself off when I came into his line of vision. “Jack? what are you doing here?” he asked, eyeing my duffle bag. “I need a place to stay for a night or two if you don’t mind. I somehow subconsciously ended up here.” I wrote to him.
“Oh yeah sure, that’s cool” I offered him a grateful smile.
“You can take my bed and I’ll use the air mattress in my room” I nodded and slowly followed him as he beckoned me into his write. I cautiously sat on the edge of his bed, slightly wincing from the lingering pain in my side. “You alright there?” He asked me with a worried look. He walked up to me and rubbed his thumb over the bruise on my cheek. “when did you get this? I don’t seem to remember it” Concern was quite clear in his eyes and I slightly blushed at the attention. I shook my head and pulled back from him to respond. “It’s nothing.... I just fell” he raised an eyebrow at my and sat beside me. “Jack that doesn’t just happen... well at least not on your cheek”
“Well apparently it happens to me” I tried to give him a reassuring smile to brush it off. He gave me a skeptical look but let it pass nonetheless. “Did you happen to bring your guitar?” he asked, looking hopeful.
“Yeah, somehow that ended up in there” I wrote, drawing an arrow to point at my duffle bag. “Yes!!” he jumped up a bit and rushed over to my bag. He reached in only to pull out my black guitar with pink duct tape covering the back. He looked back at me. I only shrugged in response, feeling a smile spread across my face. He flipped it over to see the front and i saw his shoulders shake-probably from laughter. “Boner?” he laughed. I could feel my cheeks heat up immensely and I nodded a bit. “Dude that’s awesome” He passed my guitar to me and went to the corner to pick up his own. “Come play something with me!” he bounced back down onto his bag. Dear lord I don’t ever think I’ve noticed how absolutely fucking adorable this boy is. He honestly looks like a child in a candy shop just from holding this instrument. “Do you know Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith?” Oh thank god it’s something I already knew. I nodded in response, seeing as my board was discarded on the floor. He bobbed his head along with the music, motioning me to join in. I tried my best to be on the right part of the song and watched Alex’s fingers while trying to play the correct part. He stopped and looked at me with a questioning look “You’re a bit off... Would it be better if you started?” I nodded gratefully and began the song. About halfway through he stopped yet again, looking at me strangely. “You alright there Jacko?” I smiled a bit at the nickname but gave him a curious look all the same. “You were completely off, still good of course, but what’s the matter? You were absolutely amazing at the park, and now...” he trailed off, not so sure how to complete his sentence. I knew i’d have to tell him sooner or later but truthfully i was hoping for the latter. I sighed and looked down to the floor. I set my guitar down and opted to sit on the floor, indian style, as opposed to next to him. Although, much to my dismay, he placed himself right beside me, staring at me intently. I shrunk into myself under his gaze and began to write “You know I’m not actually mute right? Well, somewhat, but not entirely by choice”
“What? Jack, what are you saying?”
“Haven’t you ever noticed that I always have to look at someones face when they’re speaking or I dont know whats going on?”
“Oh, uh no... I guess I haven’t” he shifted uncomfortably, seeming to distance himself from me. I smiled sadly at him “when I was younger, around ten I think, I was in a car accident with my grandfather” I could feel the emotions well up and tears come to my eyes yet again. “We were just driving around no problem when a drunk driver decided to be Mr. Reckless and smash into my side of the car. The impact of the car had caused me to hit my head too hard against the dashboard. It caused me to have a bit of brain damage and the doctors couldn’t do anything to fix it” a stray tear rolled down my cheek and he reached up to wipe it off my face. I’ve been doing way too much crying lately god dammit. “I’’m confused. What happened?” he questioned. I shook my head slightly and laughed a bit at his ignorance. “Alex, I’m deaf” I stated bluntly. He just blinked at me, slightly stunned. “So you do that whole talking with your hands thing?” I nodded in response. “Show me” he said, astonished. I signed silly little things like song lyrics and Cat In The Hat excerpts. He looked bewildered that i could do it so quickly and with such ease. “Jack” he breathed “Thank you so much for telling me. it means alot that you actually trust me” a smile grew on my face. “It wouldn’t matter if you were deaf, mute, blind, etc. you’re still an amazing person. Nothing is going to change that.” I can’t keep my emotions in any longer. This boy is just too amazing, it’s incredible how sweet and caring he is when his friends are such dicks. Honestly this boy is perfect. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his in a chaste kiss. I closed my eyes but was interrupted by Alex roughly pushing me back. my hand flew up to my mouth as my head vigorously shook as if to say I didn’t mean to. “Jack. I’m sorry I,,, I just don’t feel that way.... could you give me a moment to collect my thoughts?” I nodded and signed
“I’ll be in the hall” even though I knew he wouldn’t understand, and pointed to the door. I sat opposite of his door and banged my head against the wall behind me. You’re such a fucking dumbass. What made you think he would want to kiss you? Or let alone that he’s gay!? Everyone knows how straight as uncooked spaghetti he is. FUCK
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Oh my barakat guys im so sorry for the ridiculous wait. One month huh? I'm such a lazy dumbass.Ive just been reading star trek and les miserables fanfiction nonstop and its getting ridiculous. well on the brightside its a longer chapter.....(i think) i should probably get a beta shouldn't i? hmm i dont know. ERMAHGERD SO IM GOING TO A FREE PANIC AT THE DISCO CONCERT...LIKE WHAT? im soooo excited it hurts

ok guys tell me what you think, im open to suggestions as always. DONT BE A SILENT READER its so much fun to read your comments even if someone decides to leave a bad one :D ok well have a nice day my dearies