Mister Nobody


Do you remember, how we used to run through the dewy weed with our bear feet in grandma's garden? How we teased the cat? How we climbed onto the old ash-tree? How we climbed up the apple tree and shook it so hard, because we wanted apples to fall off? How we played hide-and-seek in thick raspberry-canes? How we found a bird's nest in black currant bush? How we picked gooseberries? How we ate so much red currants, that we even promised to each other that we would never ever eat them again? How you wanted me to call you Mister Nobody? How we were brave enough to go fourteen kilometers to the village on our foot and died in grandma's garden as soon as we reached it? How we stargazed? How we forgot everything in this entire world and fell asleep on the roof? How in the early morning the road was drowning in the fog, I was waiting for you on the one side and you wanted to come to me, but the car hit you, when there were only a couple of meters left? How I stumbled next to you? How you said "I love you"? How you closed your eyes and stopped breathing? How I lost you?