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Severed the Feeling

Severed the feeling

Oliver Sykes had never been one to have someone by his side for too long; just like many other, he got easily bored and in his case more than easily. He was never interested in anyone really, maybe for a while until all the excitement disappeared. Time to time he got worried that he might be somehow broken or that what he did had became some sort of habit for him.

Oliver was amazed how long he had been without anyone for a while; he must have broken his personal best and it was starting to eat him in some odd mental way, though he didn't care much. He hated to get people close to him just so they could hurt him or other way around.

Even when Oliver found the warm summer rain calming, he hated it; especially when he was forced to join his baby brothers, Thomas's birthday party with a house full of quests Oliver didn't know, apart from four lads, that were actually closer to Oliver than they were to Thomas. All the people packed into the small flat made Oliver anxious; he just wanted to escape out, still being there for his brother, but the rain was destroying his perfect escape plan.

Oliver had been greeted by his brother at the same second he had stepped into the flat and luckily Thomas knew his brother well enough to leave him alone, not to bother him nor push his human interaction limit unlike Oliver's mates, they purposely tried to push the limit, just to see if the old Oliver they once knew, was still alive under the moody teenage girl, they had gotten to replace Oliver.

Oliver wondered around the crowded space, trying to waste time so he could soon leave, without pissing anyone off or getting too drunk to drive; just like his many previous attempts to stay fully sober in a party, he failed. Oliver would call himself a professional drunk due the fact he could drink twice as much as his brother and still be just you can't drive tipsy, when the younger Sykes was too drunk to tell a difference between lad and a lass.

When Thomas started to cry and go on about how much he loved his older brother, Oliver decided to flee and head home, leaving his brother on his couch to be looked after by people Oliver didn't actually know or trust, but it was enough for him that Thomas trusted into his friends.

Rain had luckily stopped, but it had left many deep ponds, Oliver somehow managed to step into on his journey back to his own, warm bed, not far from where he already had gotten after leaving his brothers place. The heavily tattooed man had an extensive vocabulary when it came to cursing after his wet shoes; so extensive that it started to amuse the man himself.

It didn't take long for Oliver to drip on his on feet and land on his stomach into a shallow pond that got most of his clothes wet. The man hissed from pain and let few of his colorful curses to escape his lips as he tried to get up without hurting himself more than he already had.

'Are you okay?' Oliver heard someone ask from him with a somewhat concerned tone. He tried his best to reassure that he was fine even when every inch of his body was aching. When he lifted his stare from the ground where he was still laying, his eyes fixated on a petite woman on her knees, in front of him. For a small moment, Oliver stared at the stranger, her big brown eyes and pixie face, taking in the beauty of the creature.

'Let me help you up.' She offered, not giving Oliver any time to response when she was already up from the ground and her tattooed arm around his aching torso. Panic filled her eyes every time the stranger she was helping, groaned from pain.

'Do you live far?' She asked, straightening Oliver's clothes. He shook his head. Just in few seconds Oliver managed to forget all the pain he was in, while he stared at her, trying her best to make sure the strange man she had seen on the ground was okay, even if he could have been rapist or a murderer for Christ's sake.

'You really shouldn't be out this late nor try to help a complete strangers.' Oliver sighed, placing his scratched hands on the shoulders of the woman, making her stop moving and trying to make sure that the man was alright.

'I'm perfectly capable to be out this late mister and I certainly couldn't just leave you laying there.' She crossed her arms, licking her ripe lips and turned her face away from Oliver's, who started to chuckle at the strange, beautiful woman.

For the first time Oliver felt his luxurious house empty, when he walked in alone, when normally he enjoyed being the only person there; sometimes even his miniature doberman pinscher, Oscar was too much for him even if Oliver loves the mutt to death.
Oliver never heard the name of the young woman he met, but then again she seemed too sweet and delicate to be ruined by Oliver Sykes.