Little Sister


Jen walked up to her apartment after Tyler dropped her off. He'd be back in a few hours to pick her up for the gala. Their date consisted of telling each other about their lives over some of the best sandwiches they had ever had. Jen found out that Tyler had two younger sisters, which they both found comical since Jen had two older brothers. They discovered their similarities: their love of hockey, basketball, Friends reruns, the fall, and their fear of clowns. Jen would consider them friends after their day of bonding. Jen's phone buzzed, informing her of the text she had.

Tyler: what colour r u wearing?

Jen placed her phone down to go through her closet. She decided she deserved a new dress. She dialed the number of her personal stylist. "Laura, I have a gala tonight for my brother's team and I was wondering if you have anything elegant ready for me?"

"Oh Jennifer, I just got the perfect dress for you." Laura said, emphasizing 'perfect.'

"Can you get someone to bring it to my apartment as soon as possible?" Jen requested.

"Already on the way Doll." Laura giggled. "Talk to you later."

Jen hung up her phone and walked into her bathroom. She turned her curler on, beginning to prep her hair. She applied her make up before letting her hair out. She quickly brushed it before a knock on her door echoed through the house. Jen ran to the door opening it. A smiling man handed her a dress bag. "Thank you."

"Anytime." The guy nodded before he walked away.

Jen closed the door, running to her room. She laid the dress bag on her bed and unzipped it. She nearly drooled over the dress inside the bag. Jen quickly replied to Tyler's text before tossing her phone onto her bed.

Jen: Red.

Tyler read Jen's messaging, nodding before he locked his phone and slid it into his pocket. "I'm going red." He told the man making his suit.

"Do you want black on red or do you have a different preference?" He asked Tyler.
"Whatever you think would look best." Tyler said, smiling at the guy.

A while later, Tyler's suit was finished and it was rounding the time he told Jen he would pick her up. He thanked the man who had helped him as he walked out of the store, to his car. He drove quickly to Jen's house, texting her when he pulled up.

i]Tyler: u ready?
Jen: Almost! Come up if you want
Tyler: will do

Tyler made his way up to Jen's apartment. He knocked and heard a faint "come in" so he did exactly that. "Jen, where are you?"

"One second!" She cried.

Tyler smirked, glancing at the family photos and pictures of Jen and Dougie as kids. "Don't you know punctu,"

His jaw dropped when he turned to see Jen. She smiled, innocently. "Is this okay?" She asked.

"Jen, you look," Tyler was at a loss for words.

"Good? Bad?" She asked, getting anxious.

"Absolutely stunning." He spat out, finally.

Jen's cheeks went red. "Thank you Ty, you do too." She smiled.

"It's not gonna be hard to keep the plan going tonight." He confessed.

"Why not?" Jen asked, walking over to him.

"Because I'm not gonna be able to keep my hands off you." He finished.

Jen laughed before she walked past him. "Let's go Romeo." She called, opening her door. Tyler followed her like a lost puppy. "Tyler,"

"Yes babe." He replied, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind as they walked to the car.

"What's this thing for?" She asked.
Tyler let go of Jen's waist, opening the car door. "I don't know, some charity event." He admitted, helping Jen get into her seat.
She waited for him to climb in before continuing. "And you're not aware of which charity it is?"

Tyler shrugged. "All I'm focus on tonight is you baby." He sang, smirking at Jen.

She shook her before rolling her eyes. "You're ridiculous."

"And you're beautiful." Tyler grinned.

"Tyler." Jen whined, pouting at him.

"Hey, normally my choice of words would be a bit more degrading so don't complain." He argued. Jen threw her hands up in defense. "Now sit there and look pretty so people looking at us envy me."

She shook her head, looking out the window. Tyler pulled up to a giant venue. He handed the valet his key as he walked over to the passenger's side. He helped Jen out and the camera's began to go. Tyler grabbed Jen's hand as they arrived to the red carpet. "You never told me it was a red carpet event." She whispered, smiling still.

Tyler slid his arm around Jen's waist. "What does it matter? You still look great." He replied, pressing his lips to the side of her head.

The media started to go insane. "Tyler, isn't this Dougie Hamilton's sister?" One man asked.

"Her name is Jen Hamilton, not Dougie's sister but yes." Tyler answered.

Jen smirked at him before a microphone was shoved in her face. "Does Dougie know about this?" A lady question.

"I don't think it matters. Dougie has his life and I have mine." Jen responded, a smile on her face.

"No further questions, thanks." Tyler said, giving Jen a gentle push with his hand. The two made their way inside, finding their table where some of Ty's teammates.

"Atta boy!" Brad called, standing up to greet them. "I knew you'd get with her." Tyler laughed, shaking Brad's hand. "You look hot Jennie." He complimented, hugging her.

"You're not too bad yourself!" She spoke. "I didn't know you could clean up so well Marshy."

"Don't flatter me." He laughed, sitting back down.

Tyler pulled out a chair for Jen. She sat down and he sat in the seat beside her. "Do I get to be protective?" Tyler whispered.

"Why would you need to be?" Jen asked.

"The guys eyeing you." He hissed.
She laughed a bit. "You seem genuinely jealous." She teased.

Tyler smirked. "You're my date," He emphasized 'my.' "I'm not okay with sharing my things." His voiced quieted down before he pressed a kiss behind her ear.

She shook her head, socializing with the team members and dates. "Woah, are you two getting along?" Dougie's voice questioned.

He pulled out the chair beside Jen for Annabelle. "I love your dress." She grinned.

Jen nodded, taking a sip from the water glass in front of her. "I'm here with Tyler, Doug." She explained, looking past Anna to her brother.

"Thought you didn't like him?" He asked.

Jen shook her head. "After I found out my brother and best friend were dating, I went and talked to him and I had a change of heart." She spat.

"And thank god she did." Tyler interrupted, kissing the side of Jen's head.

She giggled, turning towards him. She rested a hand on his shoulder, leaning over. "Dougie looks like he's gonna explode." She whispered.

"So the plan's working?" Tyler smirked while she nodded. He kissed Jen's forehead then turned back to Brad.

As the night went on, Tyler and Jen made fun of everyone around. Whenever they saw someone approaching them, Tyler would pull her into him or she'd hold onto him. Dougie was furious about the two. Anna tried to get him to dance or to talk to people and he would refuse. He just sat in his chair, glaring at Tyler. "Doug, you can't tell me she doesn't look happy." Annabelle sighed, sitting on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "She does and that's what's bothering me." He admitted.

"What do you mean?" Anna asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

Dougie's head rested on top of Annabelle's. "Out of all people to make Jen happy, why Tyler? He's just going to hurt her. He's a pig who just gets with girls and then he's done with them."

Brad froze, hearing Dougie bashing Tyler. "Dougie," He called, sitting in a chair beside him. "Tyler's not gonna hurt Jennie. I know him and if she didn't have some significance to him, he wouldn't be treating her the way he is." Brad grabbed his shoulder. "Ease up man. She's okay with you and Bella over here,"

"Annabelle." She corrected, glaring.

Brad shrugged. "Whatever." He looked back to Doug. "She's okay with you two so be okay with her and Ty."

Dougie nodded. Brad squeezed his shoulder before walking over to a group of the guys. "What do you think Brad just said to Dougie?" Jen asked Tyler.

Ty took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around Jen's shoulders and pulling her into him. "Probably something along the lines of 'Segs is banging your sister whether you like it or not Rook.'"

Jen laughed, wrapping her arms around his torso. "Do you think we look cute?" She questioned, looking up at him.

He scoffed. "Oh, no doubt." He confirmed. "We're a beautiful couple."

Jen nodded. "You're right. We probably put everyone else to shame." She stated.

"You're the prettiest girl in the room and I'm Tyler fucking Seguin. You're darn fucking right we put everyone to shame." He added.

"Alright, settle down super star." Jen mocked, pulling away from him. She pulled out her phone, seeing it was only a little after nine. She groaned. "How much longer do we have to stay?"

Tyler looked at his watch. "We can leave now if you want babe?" He offered. "We could get some beer and watch whatever games are on tonight." He shrugged.

"I could kiss you." Jen cooed. Tyler laughed. "Let's go drink beer and watch hockey!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand and dragging him behind her.
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Jen's outfit -